Chapter 57

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The sounds of howling and whines woke Chloe up who realise a blanket is only covering her.

" What the?" Chloe muttered in sleepiness and remember last night.

As she was dancing, Oliver came behind her and she made him dance. As they were dancing they were getting closer than Oliver whispered in her ears,
" I can't control myself, "

" Then don't," Chloe said turning to face and kiss making Oliver to growl lowly before pulling away from the kiss.

He pulls Chloe from the dance floor to their room where they mated for the first time. Thinking about the mating process, Chloe flush in embarrassment and as a second thought came up.

Chloe paled as if a bucket of ice water was poured on her. Making her scared that she immediately went to the bathroom for a bath.

As she walked outside the room to find high school students still in the house but crying.

" What happened?" She asked first person she found.

" There had been bomb blast at pup hospital and middle school. Only ten survived from it," Chloe covered her mouth in shocked and went to Anna's room to inform her.

" Anna," Chloe called her name as she entered the room.

" She is getting ready," Sophia informed her gesturing to the closed door of walk in closet.

" Do you know how did all happen?" Chloe asked to which Sophia shake her head.

" Last night, Oliver arrested three boys who were involved in the last bombing," Chloe informed and asked,

" Did you know?"

" Liam doesn't share much to me since I haven't got my wolf yet," Sophia complain as Anna open the door after changing her pajama into casual t-shirt and jeans.

" Let's do to the pack house," Anna announced walking out of the room being followed by Sophia and Chloe.

As they sat in Sophia's car, Sophia started the engine.  When ten wolves appeared attacking the car scaring the three girls into screaming.

" They are not pack members," Chloe shouted in fear.

Their screamed cause pack members inside the house to come outside. The members who shifted they immediately went to defend their members while other members hided inside.

Anna, Sophia and Chloe looked outside of the car which was surrounded by wolves fighting. The ten wolves were quick in killing the young werewolves making the girls cry harder.

" They are killing them," Sophia spoke up and her window was smack by a bloody paws causing her to scream louder.

She pulls out her phone and calls Liam's numbers while sobbing witness the murder of her members.

" Hello," Liam answered and before Sophia could say.

Her door was pulled out by Samuel who quickly pulled Sophia's hair dragging her out. Sophia couldn't help but scream which was joined by Anna and Chloe.

Hearing Sophia and Anna's scream, Liam yells from the call,

" Sophia, what's the matter?"

As Samuel was being drag, Anna and Chloe ran out of the car. Together, they pulled Samuel's hand away from Sophia. They were able to separate Sophia from Samuel.

Samuel laugh wickedly looking at Anna, he barked,
" Your time will come, Anna,"

Anna and Chloe was sudden pulled into ground as they looked down. They realise their feet are caught in quicksand and were sinking quickly.

Samuel hold Sophia's arm harshly and pulls her away from her friends.

" Sophia," Anna and Chloe scream out of their lungs as the quicksand thicken making them stuck from waist down in sand.

Sophia was pulling away and attacking on Samuel who was unaffected. He throws Sophia into his white mini van.

Then blows whistle which made ten wolves stop fighting and four ran inside the van scaring Sophia to be still.

Samuel went to the driving seat and drove away while other wolves ran behind them.

As the van was going, Anna and Chloe tries to dig themselves out with their hands crying for Sophia.

" Sophia called Liam... He is coming here," Anna cried as she digs.

Chloe couldn't help but cry hard as she use her bleeding palms while looking at the shred dead bodies.

" They killed them all," Chloe wails and was joined by a barking from far.

Making the girls look at the innumerable wolves running to them.

" They took Sophia in the van that way," Anna shouted pointing to the direction.

Liam's wolf, Tommy roared and ran followed by bunches of wolves. While Aston and Oliver's wolves went to their mate licking them first.

Then they dig the sand out along with other wolves helping them. Anna was the first one who pulled out from the sand and second later Chloe got out.

" Girls," Alpha Christopher spoke after he shifted and wore a shorts.

" Tell me what happen?" He asked.

" We were going to pack house. Once we sat inside the car... Wolves appear out of nothing and started to attack our car... Members inside fight back but they killed them all.... They were only ten...," Anna sobs in the end hard making it difficult for her to speak so Chloe continue,

" It was Samuel who took her... I'm sure it was him,"

" But I don't know how he made a quicksand
... Sinking Anna and me, Alpha,"

Alpha Christopher dumbfounded muttered,

" He activated his royal power,"

" What's that, Pops?" Aston asked in mindlink.

" Royals have power to control elements, Aston," Alpha Christopher answered to Aston.

Alpha Christopher looked around the dead bodies of young wolves before howling for loss. Pack members join the howling with wails.

" All the members are required to be in the pack house. This is pack lock down," Alpha Christoper ordered through the pack mind link.

He turn to look at the warrior werewolves and demands,
" Warriors, go to pack hospital and secure the hospital from any dangers,"

" Kappa, use your hunter's skill and make sure every single members are in the pack house or the hospital if they need help, am I clear,"

The wolves barked as replies and went to do their task. While Alpha Christopher looked at the girls again and order,

" Aston and Oliver, go with your mate to the pack house make sure they are in the safe room," the two wolves barks in agreement and carried their mates to the pack house.

" Alpha, " Alpha Christopher was called by head warrior that was charge in guarding the broader.

" Yes, head warrior,"

" Your son, his friends and their mate arrived. They were attacked on their way by the Unknown Alpha Alexander, " The head warrior informed.

" Take them to the pack house," Alpha Christopher instructed and informed his Beta and Gamma about their sons arrival.

As they reach the pack house, the three man immediately shifted into their human form. Alpha Christopher punched his son barking,

" It's because of your selfish action that Liam's mate is in danger,"

" What happened to Sophia?" Carol asked holding her mate.

" Samuel took her," Alpha Christopher yelled and hesitate completed his sentence,

" He will kill her,"

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