Chapter 18

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Parking the car in the pack house garage, Liam and Oliver looked at each other with determination. Then they went inside the pack house and saw an omega moping the floor.
" Excuse me, do you know where my parents, the Beta Couple are?" Liam asked smiling at the omega who bush at the sight of Liam and Oliver.
" They went out... and Female Beta Katie told head omega they will come back after three hours... That's all I know," Omega answered in a low sound.
" Thank you," Liam muttered and went with Oliver upstairs. They looked at each other with a smirk on their faces.
" Looks like it's our lucky day," Oliver spoke making Liam chuckle and say,
" Hell yeah, it is,"
Both of them were making sure that no one was around as they walked into Beta's office.
" Let's hope, we find something useful this time," Liam said as he and Oliver went on towards the desk.
Liam covered the computer's camera making sure he won't show up. Liam knew Beta Ben's password through Ava and was able to open the computer.
" Liam, check these out... Looks like someone is stealing money from our pack," Oliver gave the documents to Liam and went on to check others.
" Here are the suspects and their background... It seems Uncle Ben is handling this matter pretty well," Oliver showed the documents to Liam.
" These are the same people who trolled Anna and Aston," Liam points out and tells Oliver,
" We have to break into your Dad's office to check their whole life information on his computer,"
" Don't worry about that. I can use my laptop to gather that information," Oliver mutter smugly making Liam chuckle.
" Did you find something?" Oliver asked Liam after he was finished reading the documents.
" From Dad's email, I found out he is looking for someone named Alexander... His messages with Uncle Chris and your Dad... They are eager to kill him for our sake," Liam answers as Oliver peeks to look at the computer screen.
" If it's for our sake then ask your sisters if they know something," Liam nodded at Oliver and messaged his sibling's group.

Liam; Emergency matter. Does any of you know someone named, Alexander?
Liam; Do not tell Mom and Dad about this.
Ava; I heard that name.
Ava; When Dad met Sebby.
Ava; Sebby argued it's not safe for me to live in the pack if Dad doesn't know who is threatening the pack. Dad told it was Alexander.
Liam; Thanks.
Liam showed the message to Oliver who commented,
" Well, now we know what they meant to kill Alexander for our sake,"
" Yeah, but it still leaves the question of why is Alexander threatening our pack. Is his motive behind this, revenge? If so then what did our parents do to him?" Liam growls in confusion.
" Let's read other emails to find out," Oliver said in an obvious tone making Liam glare at him for a few seconds.
" Looks like no one knows what Alexander looks like," Liam muttered as he leans to read more.
" Won't he be around our partners' age If he wants revenge? " Oliver mumbles and pats Liam's shoulders.
" Wait... read that," Oliver also leans towards the computer screen to read one message that his Dad has sent.
" Alexander is the son of late Alpha Nick... Who used to be the Alpha of the Dark Knight Pack... Where Mom used to be tortured," Oliver and Liam looked at each other as they got answers to their questions.
" So Alexander must be his son... He is taking revenge for his useless pack," Oliver chuckled humourlessly as he spoke.
" I will freaking kill him," He announced and saw Liam taking pictures of the messages and then sending them to the group so Aston could see.
" Do you know where Aston is?" Liam asked as Aston haven't seen his messages. Then Liam went on to check if the messages were delivered to Aston but they didn't.
" He told me, he is taking Ava to the human territory," Oliver answered.
" Oh," Liam muttered and then message Ava.

Liam; Is Aston with you?
Ava; I was supposed to go with him to human territory but that didn't happen.
Ava; I am with Sebby

" We are here," Sebastian announced making Ava look out the car window.
Sebastian didn't let Ava go outside the school until he was informed Aston left with Anna. Then he was able to take Ava to the human territory where they stop in front of the old building.
Before Ava could question, she felt a cloth covering her eyes and heard Sebastian whispering,
" Can't let the surprise be ruined,"
Ava smiled brightly as she loves surprises. Sebastian's wolf Sean purrs feeling Ava's emotions of happiness and excitement. Sebastian holds Ava's shoulders and carefully leads her into the building.
" Open the door, Ava," Sebastian orders making Ava find the doorknob.
As soon as Ava entered inside, Sebastian untied the blindfold. The moment Ava open her eyes, she was speechless. She saw the whole place is decorated with dark red balloons and in the middle, there is a small beanbag.
" Why is there only one beanbag?" Ava questions looking at Sebastian.
" Because there is one person as an audience," Sebastian spoke as he made Ava sit on the beanbag.
" Wait here, I will be back," Sebastian jogged into one of the doors making Ava giggle. Then Ava notices the smell, the hall is filled with the smell of rainfall. Ava closes her eyes trying to remember the work that describes the smell that comes after the rainfall.
" Petrichor," Ava whispered as she remembered the word.
" That's right," Sebastian said as he comes out of the room. Brings a medium size box and stands in front of Ava.
" Here you go, love," Sebastian keen down as he gives the box making Ava giggle and clap before she takes the box.
Out of excitement, Ava tore the wrapping nasty manner making Sebastian laugh at Ava's childish behaviour. Ava opens the box to see a photo frame of herself and Sebastian. They are in Sebastian's office where she is sitting on his table and her legs are wrapped around him as they are kissing.
" You took our pictures without telling me... I could have dressed properly," Ava spoke as she looks mesmerized by the photo.
" Candid photos are the best ones. It not only captures the moment but the feelings of the people," Sebastian said looking at Ava in affection.
Then Ava saw there are a bunch of envelopes, expensive perfumes and a moonstone ring. She carefully takes the ring in her hand and claims,
" It's beautiful, Sebby,"
" It is an enchanted ring... I am wearing this matching ring. It will convey our emotions to each other," Sebastian shows his ring and then puts Ava's ring on her lady's finger.
" Oh moon goddess," Ava uttered shocked as she heard. She was touched by Sebastian's surprise and this was something she never thought of before.
" Here take this to wipe your tears," Ava gave Sebastian a deadpan look and muttered.
" I will not cry,"
" Take it," Sebastian spoke in authority tone making Ava obey him. As Ava takes the handkerchief, another cloth appears from Sebastian's sleeves. Ava squealed in enthusiasm to see the magic trick. Ever since Ava was a child, she was fond of magic. She could force her parents to take her to the magician to see the tricks.
Ava started to pull the clothes quickly making Sebastian comment,
" Someone is impatient,"
" I love magic," Ava responded to justify her actions.
" I know," He responded smiling widely making Ava question.
" How did you know?"
" Magician never reveals its secret," As Sebastian said, Ava pulled out the last cloth which was a pouch. Ava eyed Sebastian in anticipation while he encourage her to open it.
When Ava open the pouch, many firefly-like erupted and at the same time, all the balloons burst. This made Ava jump in shock and she looks around her eyes widen. She saw rose petals bursting from the balloons making her shower in rose petals. Instead, of falling on the floor, the petals and the firefly-like started to fly surrounded them.
Ava open her mouth to ask questions but closed it as she saw Sebastian chanting so lowly that she couldn't hear. That was when she realise Sebastian is a wizard. The realisation made her stand and gave her attention to the surrounding. She started to see the firefly-like is transforming into fairy lights. The roses slowly disappeared and showed a projected screen hanging on the wall, a small mattress in front of the screen.
" I hope you like comedy movies," Ava turn around as Sebastian spoke. Then immediately jumped on him for a kiss.
" I am glad, you trick me into coming with you," Ava moans between the kiss.
" What?" Sebastian felt a sudden coldness throughout his body as he assumed Ava fell into his trick.
" Alice told me, Anna is planning to pretend like me. Which confused me at first and thought it was better to see what Anna going to do than to ask questions. So when I went out and didn't see Aston then you offer to drop me. Then I figure out, you might have tricked him by taking help from Anna," Ava explained in an obvious tone as it was easy to figure out.
" You are not upset about it," Sebastian spoke as a question made Ava shake her head.
" A surprise like this... I would never be angry with you," Ava said as she looked around.
" You didn't tell me you are a wizard," Ava's tone held accusation but her aura was cheerful making Sebastian relax.
" I thought it's better to reveal through a gesture than telling you," Sebastian spoke and take Ava to settle on the mattress. Then he was busy turning on the movie on the screen while Ava wondering about Anna and Aston's situation.
Unknown to her, those two were shouting at each other in the middle of the road.
" What the hell were you thinking when you thought of separating Ava and Sebastian?" Anna shouted at Aston who was walking back and front in frustration.
As Aston planned, his bike broke in the middle of the road and he acted worried. But the moment he looked at Anna's face, he recognised her immediately. This was a shock to both of them as he had never been recognised apart from the beta twins until they started to wear different aesthetic clothes.
" Ava is mine," Aston shouted back.
" Aston, this isn't like you... You used to value the mate bond since you were a kid," Anna spoke more in disbelief than anger.
" Because I thought Ava was my mate. I will not give up on her that easily," Aston glared at Anna in the challenge as he announced.
" I will not let you separate them and make fun of mate bond," Anna declared making Aston chuckle darkly.
" I would like to see you try... Ava and I are meant to be," Aston's voice was low and rustic due to the previous shouting.
" No, you are not," Anna's comments made Aston reduce the distance between them so that his lips almost touch her. This action causes both of them to feel the warmth spread through their bodies compelling them not to move away.
" I dare you to say it again looking straight into my eyes," Aston's eyes hold a fire that matched Anna's blue eyes.
" I won't let you ruin my sister's relationship with her mate," Anna's lips touched Aston's lip as she spoke.
The sound of loud horning broke the spell that was compelling Aston and Anna as they turn around to see Alpha Chris's car coming towards them.
" I told Alice to tell them to follow your bike's location," Anna whispered to Aston as she notice his questioning look.
When the car stopped in front of them, they went in to sit. Alpha Chris and Beta Ben looked behind as Anna and Aston sat, their faces were stoic and their eyes looked drilling into Aston and Anna waiting for the teenagers to explain the situation.
Neither two of them said a word as the tension in the car increased. That Alpha Chris and Beta Ben looked at each other and then gave their attention to the road. The whole way, no one spoke a word. Aston and Anna knew their closeness at the moment caused their fathers to be in this mood. But they didn't know why they were that close and somehow they liked it.

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