Chapter 86

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Luna Anna and Ava hugged their parents and Beta Liam together.

" Come back alive," Luna Anna and Ava chanted as they pulled away.

" Don't worry, we will," Epsilon Ben said confidently.

While Luna Anna, Ava and their parents talk Beta Liam walks to the imposter Sophia who just arrived from a regular check-up.

" Liam," She wails spreading her arms out to hug Beta Liam.

Beta Liam hugged her feeling less fainted sparkles. He masters hiding his emotions from Sophia thinking their relationship is tainted. Little does he know, the woman is he hugging isn't his mate and that's why he can mask his emotions.

" I should be going with you as Female Beta," The imposter Sophia mumbled with teary eyes.

" You haven't received your wolf yet," Beta Liam reasons kissing imposter Sophia's forehead while his wolf whines.

" Take your medicine in time," Beta Liam advises before walking to the jeep.

The Howler pack members stand in front of the pack house waving to the vehicles as warriors leave. Some members shifted into their wolf forms and ran to the pack borderline. They howled as a goodbye to the warriors.

Slowly, everyone went to the pack house's basement till the war was finished. As Luna Anna and Ava were walking to the basement. Epsilon Aubrey stepped in front of them and said,

" Luna and Ava, both you can't go to the basement. Come with me,"

Luna Anna and Ava looked at each other before following Epsilon Aubrey.

" Why shouldn't we go to the basement?" Luna Anna asked.

" Because you have to do your duty as Luna," Epsilon Aubrey answered walking to the Alpha Office's door.

" Aston isn't here so why are you taking us there?" Luna Anna questioned narrowing her eyes.

" Alpha gave Dad permission to work at his Office during the war," Epsilon Aubrey answered opening the door for Luna Anna and Ava then entering the Office.

" Ava, Alpha informed us that there are hundreds of traitors in our pack that you found out during your captives. Can you share everything you know so we can find them as soon as possible?" Epsilon Christoper directly explains the reason to Ava.

" I just know there are hundreds of traitors in the pack from Sebby...I mean Sebastian. He was careful with me about his pack or plan... I'm sorry I can't be much help in finding traitors," Ava mumbled while Luna Anna was speechless learning about the traitors.

" Wait...," Luna Anna spoke up as she realised a connection. Everyone looked at her and she expressed her idea,

" We should look into members who were wrong by previous high-ranked members. And who complained against them... Because Unknown has been using people through their emotions,"

" That's a good idea, Luna. But we don't have any names of members who were wronged," Epsilon Christopher mumbled hoping Luna Anna or Ava knew someone.

" Dad always keep an account of people who were against Uncle Chris's leadership... And anyone who spoke against him," Ava pointed out and explained,

" Dad explains these complaints can turn into propaganda against the pack's system,"

" Ben was always fond of making lists," Epsilon Frank commented on his son wondering where is his son right now.

Epsilon Ben looks outside the window holding his mate's hand.

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