Chapter 28

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" They were kept in a coma for almost eighteen years so it will take time for them to wake up. I thought your place will be safe for them, Aunt Aubrey," Alpha Aston said to his weeping Aunt who nodded at his words while she was looking at her parents and the former Beta and Gamma couple.
" What will happen to the hospital workers who kept them like this?" Aunt Aubrey asked while growling
" Beta Liam and Gamma Oliver are handling them. I will make sure they get punished," Alpha Aston said while handing some tissues to Aunt Aubrey.
" What's the use when the masterminds are not punished?" She asked wiping her tears. Alpha Aston knew she is talking about his parents and their friends who approved the hospital administration to keep their parents in a coma.
" Can you please tell me the whole story now? I can't take the right decision if I don't know the story," Alpha Aston muttered.
"As I said, your Dad commanded me never to tell the truth to anyone... You might have read the document 'The supposed first: Femail Alpha'... There is everything you need to know and other than that... Life wasn't easy for Chris as he was mocked since childhood for being incapable of Alpha. During that time no matter if you are the youngest or oldest if you are a male then you are the future Alpha. But Dad didn't follow the rule, he believed its the firstborn child's right to be the Alpha regardless of their gender. So the teasing made Chris to be a bitter person and when he recognised his mate... We thought Carol will bring the best out of him but she just added fuel to the fire. After all, being the Luna is the most valuable and honourable position in the pack," Aunt Aubrey shared her story with Alpha Aston.
" This doesn't sound like them. They are the nicest and kindest people I know, Aunt. But lastly, I am seeing their different side," Alpha Aston muttered and rubbed his face in tiredness.
" That's because they are restless. After the bodies were appearing, I think that put them under pressure that they can't pretend," Aunt Aubrey spoke making Alpha Aston nod.
" Can you tell me about the Late Alpha Nick of the Dark Knight Pack?" Aubrey was shocked to hear the question.
" Why do you want to know about him?" She said with a concerned tone.
" Dad think behind the dead bodies is Alexander, Late Alpha Nick's son... I don't think so, I believe we are in danger of the Unknown," Alpha Aston explained.
" Late Alpha Nick was a kind and caring guy yet he was clever and sneaky. No one in school dared to mess with him except for Late Alpha Salmon. But after Late Alpha Nick helped Late Alpha Salmon to win his mate's heart, they become friends... Everything was fine till the last year when Susan began to flirt with Late Alpha Salmon. That causes chaos, your Dad was ready to declare a fight but I stopped and warn Aiden to control his mate or he will be the one facing the consequence from Dad... This made Chris offer peace treat to both of the Late Alphas but only Late Alpha Nick accepted. After months of graduation, Dad went missing and his will stated, Chris should be the Alpha. I tried to fight but that went fruitless. I guess after a year, Royal Gamma Charles arrives to arrest Aiden and you know the story after that," Aunt Aubrey said.
" I don't know about Late Alpha Nick's son because, during that time, Alphas never reveal their children until they reach a certain age... During middle school, Late Alpha Nick was the first person to have a girlfriend because no one wanted to be in a relationship other than their mate. I think her name was Sandy or Sally... she was an introvert. I thought she dropped out a year because of the rumours but when she came back, she and Late Alpha Nick were still in love. I thought they get back together but after the trial of the murder... It was revealed they had a son in their early or mid-teenage. That was when I realise, she dropped out because she was pregnant. Being the last descent of the Late Alpha Nick who was of royal blood, a huge search team was arranged to find him and to this day, no one found him... I think he is in his mid-twenties," Aunt Aubrey explained furthered while Alpha Aston was listening attentively.
" There is a way to lure Alexander if he is the one responsible," Aunt Aubrey spoke as she walked towards her mother.
" What is it?" Alpha Aston asked.
" He and Oliver are first cousins so even if they never met, they will care for each other because of their wolf's side. They are bonded by blood and you could use that with the permission of Oliver to catch Alexander," Alpha Aston thought about the suggestion and decided to talk to Oliver.
" Thank you for the suggestion, Aunt Aubrey, " Alpha Aston spoke and walked towards his grandfather.
" Will he like me for who I am and not hate me for Dad's actions?" Alpha Aston asked holding his grandfather's hand which warmed Aunt Aubrey's heart.
" You two are bonded by blood. He will love you for who you are... You are not like your Dad or Mom," Alpha Aston smiled at Aunt Aubrey's words.
" Aunt Aubrey, where are your mate and children? I thought I would finally meet them here," Aunt Aubrey smiled bitterly and muttered.
" I don't have one... My mate died on the Red Blood Moon attack. I still blame your parents and their friends for that,"
" Wasn't that civil pack attack? A few pack members attacked to cover their treason," Aunt Aubrey shook her head.
" Those pack members rebel against your Dad because of his neglect and poor management. In the beginning, Chris used to host parties or attend parties along with his friends and mates. No one took care of the pack or protect it causing members to feel unsafe and their necessaries not being fulfilled. Do you know what did your parents and their friend lose that night?" Aunt Aubrey's question made Alpha Aston think and answer.
" That was the night, Liam's parents died and Uncle Aiden's daughter died. I found that through the death certificate otherwise, I didn't know Uncle Aiden and Aunt Susan had a daughter,"
" That night Carol, Katie and Susan were raped... Your older sister and Susan's daughter were also raped and murdered. The rebels didn't kill your Mom or her friends because the rebels wanted them to live with the guilt of not saving their child. Ben saw his brother and his mate who was also Ben's first love being killed. That night changed the entire pack, they wanted to denounce your Dad's position. The older generations of Epsilon wanted me to become the Alpha, but your Dad killed one of the Epsilon. That announced all of the Epsilons are omegas of the pack. He enforces many changes that made future generations will think he was a great Alpha," Alpha Aston was shocked to know the truth and was speechless.
Without saying a word, Alpha Aston left and immediately shifted when he was outside the house. He ran for hours while remembering the conversation. Out of exhaustion, he lay down breathing hard with his tongue out.
" You look tired," Anna's voice made Alpha Aston's wolf, Victor attentive.
The wolf walked towards Anna while swinging his tail in happiness.
" You are swinging your tail. You are happy to see me, Victor," Anna pats the wolf who started to purr.
Before Anna could say anything else, the wolf shifted. The sudden shift shocked Anna briefly, she quickly turned to give Alpha Aston privacy.
" I am leaving," She muttered but Alpha Aston hold her wrist and pulled her towards him.
" What are you doing?" Anna asked and notice the wolf's eyes meaning Victor is in control.
" Mate," Victor barked as he leaned to smell Anna.
" What?" Anna whispered in shock.
" I am your mate," Anna pushed Victor a bit so she can look at his face.
" Yes, " Victor purrs.
Anna was mouth-opened and was too shocked to say anything. When she composes herself to speak, she saw a sudden shake of the head and Aston's jade eyes.
" Why didn't you announce me as your mate in front of the pack? Is it because you still want Ava?" Anna questions Alpha Aston.
" I am your mate, Aston," Anna shouted when she didn't get her answer.
" It's Alpha Aston for you, Anna. You are not the one I want. Have you seen yourself, Anna? You are impatient, aggressive and unpredictable... You are not capable to be the Luna of this Pack," Alpha Aston said as he went behind a tree to find some clothes.
" And what about you? You are a short-tempered, greedy and narcissistic person. Those aren't the quality of the Alpha either, " Anna yelled and went toward Alpha Aston then made him face her.
" Tell me the truth, why you don't want me to become your mate and the Luna of the pack?" Anna asked.
" I love Ava and always will, Anna," Alpha Aston answered truthfully.
Without saying a word, Anna ran away towards the pack house. Anna went inside her room and started to find her phone.
She paces around the room in desperation as she holds her phone to her ear.
" Pickup, pick up," Anna chanted until the call was answered from the other side.
" Anna, is everything okay?" Sebastian asked.
" I will help you to keep Alpha Aston away from Ava and you will help me to win Alpha Aston. Deal?" Anna asked.
" Why would you want to win Alpha Aston?" Sebastian asked in confusion.
" He is my mate, will you help me?" Anna asked with a heavy voice.
" Of course, don't worry Anna. We will make him beg," Sebastian spoke as he smirked and looked at Alpha Ace who was listening to the conversation.
" Thank you and sorry to wake you up," Anna said.
" It's okay, sleep well. We will talk at school about this. Bye, Anna, " Beta Sebastian muttered controlling his laughter.
" Bye," Then Anna cut the call.
" We will make him beg for his mate's life but the vampire will drink all her blood on the night of Coronation," Alpha Ace said while holding his glass up to cheers.
" Dad should have been here when we are near to completing our mission," Beta Sebastian mumbled as he drinks from his glass.
" He wanted to prove himself even when I told him it was not necessary. I don't know what he is going to do," Alpha Ace spoke.
" He is doing this out of guilt. He still blames himself for Leo's death," Beta Sebastian said.
" So, do you think the Holwer Pack will be able to save themselves from wizards, vampires and werewolves at the same time?" Beta Sebastian jokingly.
" No way," Alpha Ace answer with a wicked laugh.

Will Alpha Ace succeed or Alpha Aston will be able to protect his pack? Did you expect Anna to fight for her mate?

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Will Alpha Ace succeed or Alpha Aston will be able to protect his pack?
Did you expect Anna to fight for her mate?

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