Chapter 33

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" What the hell? Dad wanted to kill more humans to show his worth?" Beta Sebastian whispered in shock hearing Alpha Ace.
" I have already demoted him and told the council is after him as they know about him with your name. It won't take much time when they find out about us, Sebastian," Alpha Ace muttered while he plays with his mate's ring which he stole.
" That will force him not to act recklessly," Beta Sebastian commented and then asked,
" So, how did you found about this?"
" My mate told me," Alpha Ace answered simply shocking Beta Sebastian.
" Your mate. I meant Luna, you found her. When and how?" Beta Sebastian questioned.
" She was among the six humans Uncle Samuel attacked. Uncle Samuel's bite made her and other girls become werewolves... Bring back the sunshinner werewolves," Alpha Ace shared the information and notice the other side is completely quiet.
" Sebastian, are you there?" Alpha Ace asked in eagerness.
" Yeah, I am here... I have no words to say. Like we knew she would be a sunshinner werewolf, it's just Dad being the reason was something I would never imagine," Beta Sebastian said.
" That's not the most shocking part," Alpha Ace said.
" What is it?"
" She is WolfQueen of Sunshinner," Alpha Ace announced proudly.
" Wow," Beta Sebastian exclaimed.
" That means you are the WolfKing, Ace," Beta Sebastian lowered the sound more to make sure Ava doesn't listen even though she is sleeping.
" I know and being her mate will cause her more problems," Alpha Ace growled.
" Listen, sunshinners were always more powerful than moonlighters so I don't think the council or the King will go against Luna," Beta Sebastian said in an attempt to comfort Alpha Ace.
Alpha Ace chuckled and spoke,
" The King will never go against mate. Her younger sister is mated with the Royal Beta Edward. And I think mate's cousin is losing her humanity. Yet she is being treated like a royal,"
" Where are you going with this Ace? I am not getting it," Beta Sebastian asked.
" The Dukes and Former council killed our pack because my mate will be the reason for their downfall. I tried my best to ignore or change it but now I will make it happen," Alpha Ace declared looking determined with his plan. 
" What's the plan then?" Beta Sebastian asked while he yawns.
" I will spend as much time as possible with my mate and her cousins. Then I will make a plan," Alpha Ace said.
" Okay, then I will go to sleep. Bye Ace," Beta Sebastian muttered.
" Bye, " Alpha Ace then cut the call and took a quick shower before he went to meet his mate for a morning run.
On his way, he messages Annie.

Alpha; What's the report?
Annie; The whole night everyone was celebrating. People are noticing Alpha Aston's behaviour with his mate. They are not happy and waiting to see him respect her or they will protest.
Annie; Alpha Aston still visits me and through him, I got to know prisoners will not take by the council but will be here. He is instructed no one will question the prisoners except for the council or Royal Beta and Royal Gamma.
Annie; There are rumours Alpha Aston's grandfather is back in the pack along with his friends.
Alpha; Find out more about the Old man. Keep seducing Alpha Aston.
Annie; Okay, Alpha.
Alpha; Tonight I will make an announcement so be there.
Annie; I sure will be there, Alpha.

Annie couldn't help but squeal in excitement as she never gets many opportunities to attend the announcement.
She stand up from the bed and walked to her dressing table. Choosing the darkest shades of red, she applies and smirks looking at her reflection.
Coming out of her room, she saw three warriors inquiring to other members relating to Female Gamma's kidnap. Annie didn't look at them and walked in another direction.
Having a reputation as slut makes her less suspicious yet she doesn't want to take a chance. She planned to kidnap Female Gamma Chloe as she was more gullible than Female Beta.
Seeing her target in the backyard, Annie smiles innocently and walks to him and his parents.
" Alpha," She calls out making Epsilon Chris and Epsilon Carol frown at her.
" Yes, Annie," Alpha Aston spoke with a bit of nervousness.
" Alpha, I came here to complain about the members living in the pack house. They have been treating me poorly because I sleep around and now they have started using your name, Alpha," Epsilon Chris and Epsilon Carol growl lowly in the end while Alpha Aston gulped dryly listening to Annie.
" I will look into it and make sure you don't face such troubles again," Alpha Aston mumbled.
" Or Annie, you can choose a mate to settle with rather than sleep around," Epsilon Carol muttered showing her dissatisfaction.
" No one will ever choose a rejected mate, Epsilon Carol," Annie spoke with fake sadness which gain Alpha Aston's sympathy.
" There are plenty of widows and rejected men in the pack. Take my sister for example, she found a second love in life and is happy," Epsilon Chris said after noticing his son's reaction.
" If there is nothing else to say, then you excuse us as we are having family time," Epsilon Carol spoke impatiently.
" No, there is nothing else. I will take your leave then, Alpha," Annie spoke bowing and left.
" You should stop sleeping with her. You have a mate now. Be with Anna," Epsilon Carol ordered.
" I don't want her," Alpha Aston protests.
" Because you need her, Aston. You have to accept Anna as your mate and Luna of Howler Pack," Epsilon Chris shouted at Alpha Aston while Alpha Aston control his anger and announced,
" Anna will never be the Luna of Howler Pack nor my mate,"
" With this mentality, you will lose your position in the pack," Epsilon Chris warned making Alpha Aston laugh dryly.
" For many years you were the Alpha and didn't lose the position. The possibility to lose the Alpha title is low for me then,"  Alpha Aston mocks making his Dad growl and his Mom to interrupt.
" Aston, your Dad was a great Alpha. He took his title seriously and never risk the pack once in his rule,"
" What about the Blood Moon night then?" Alpha Aston questions making his parents pale and his Mom eyes filled with tears.
" That was a civil attack, Aston. There were rumours I was going to banish one-third of the pack so people attacked us that night. But they all got killed for their treason. What else do you want to know?" Epsilon Chris spoke.
" I heard the reason for the attack was your negligence towards the pack. You were partying non-stop," Alpha Aston said.
"I was indeed either hosting or going to parties and that's because our pack never improved the social circle. My father never believed social circle benefited the pack. In the end, he was wrong and you know it. It's just people assume I was incapable since I was born and thought they can overthrow me. They were wrong," Epsilon Chris shared his experience which conflicted with his sister's story.
" When they can't overthrow you then why do you think I will lose my title?" Alpha Aston question.
" They tried Aston and it ended with blood. We don't want history to repeat itself," Epsilon Carol said holding her son's hand and showing her fear which moved Alpha Aston.
" To overthrow me there should be another Alpha Blood in our pack. Oliver can't be an option since he will go to Royal Palace or you two have another child that is hiding," Epsilon Chris and Epsilon Carol snorted at their son's last statement.
" We will never do that," Epsilon Chris grumble.
" That was a joke, Dad," Alpha Aston explains.
" Don't forget about Aubrey. She can become an Alpha if the pack overthrow you," Epsilon Carol said making Alpha Aston question back.
" She didn't do much when Dad become the Alpha. So how come she will become one now?"
" That's because she gave her word to me that she will not fight against me. But she did swear, if she gets the chance in the future against my children then she will fight for the title. It was her dream to become an Alpha and she was trained for it once she learn to walk. To this day she still thinks it's her right," Epsilon Chris explains making Alpha Aston think if his Aunt Aubrey is his ally or enemy.

Aubrey drinks her black coffee in the kitchen. The silence helps her think properly but the sudden noise of the door opening and the sound of her child calling out for her broke her focus.
" I am here," She shouted from the kitchen.
" I don't think I should fight for the title," Noah declared soon as he entered the kitchen.
" Why would you think that?" Aubrey asked a bit scared that her father heard.
" Last night he fought for the pack like a true Alpha and I don't think I can do that," Noah responded looking disturbed.
" He isn't like his Dad. Mom, tell me for once you thought Aston will be like his Dad or is incapable of being an Alpha?" Aubrey was quiet at her son's question as she was impressed by Aston. And knows Aston is capable to be the Alpha the pack deserves.
" It isn't about capability but the right," Noah and Aubrey look back at the kitchen entrance to see Epsilon Christopher.
"It was your mother's right to be an Alpha. But Chris stole it and gave it to his son. You have to fight for what's your right, Noah," Epsilon Christopher talked looking at his grandson.
" Frankly, I am impressed by Aston and glad he isn't like Chris... Both of you are my grandson and I don't see you two differently. But one shouldn't keep a stolen thing from another. That's wrong," Noah nodded at Epsilon Christopher's words while Aubrey was happy seeing them together as it was her wish since the birth of Noah.
" What if I won't be a better Alpha than Aston?" Noah questioned as soon as he thought about it.
" He hasn't been Alpha for a month and you are sure he is better. How come?" Epsilon Christopher asked.
" He defeated Unknown," Noah pointed out.
"Alpha has to protect the pack from rogues and other packs. Winning once doesn't define anything but winning repetitively does," Epsilon Christopher answered back to Noah.
" Unknown is different, Dad. They kill entire packs so they can traffic she-wolves. They never lose and never got caught. Last night, Aston defeated them for the first time," Aubrey spoke as she pours coffee for her Dad and handed him the mug.
" Was the Alpha kill or submitted?" Epsilon Christopher asked being interested to know about the Unknown. As he was in a coma when Unknown become prominent.
" No," Aubrey answered.
" They celebrate the whole night without killing or submitting the Alpha," Epsilon Christopher snorted in disbelief.
" Noah, this is the fact that every Alpha from my time followed. Never celebrate victory before killing or making enemy Alpha submit. Because no Alpha or leader will accept the loss unless they surrender or get killed," Epsilon Christopher advises and question his daughter,
" Was the Alpha fighting with Aston last night?"
" No Dad. The attacker was either a vampire or werewolf with no title," Aubrey answered realising a point.
" And what does that tell you both?" Epsilon Christopher questions looking expecting.
" They meant loose," Noah spoke in an astonishing tone.
Before they could talk more, the sudden burst erupted which was followed by more loud explosions along with howling of pain, help and loss.

So what will happen now?

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