Chapter 44

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Flipping through the pages of the notebook, Alpha Noah found that belonged to Ex-Alpha Chris.

It was an Alpha notebook that was kept in a hidden cabinet that only Alphas know and promise not to tell anyone even their mates until the next Alpha is appointed.

Alpha Noah started to read Ex-Alpha Chris's notebooks first to get a better understanding. Because of irregular updates, Alpha Noah didn't find anything other than the mention of the Late Alpha Nick's son, Alexander.

Then reading Ex-Alpha Aston's notebook which is written every day. This helped Alpha Noah to know about the connection between Alexander and the Unknown.

Without wasting any time, Alpha Noah emailed the Royal Gamma Charles. Asking for photographs of Late high-ranked members of the Dark Knight Pack. And labelling the email as urgent.

Then his phone rang, answering the call quickly in the hope Anna is found.

" Did you find her?" Alpha Noah asked desperately.

" No yet. I ran those couples' faces on the werewolves database. Turns out they are cold-blood murderers and have a huge sum of bounty on them because they are connected to Unknown," Gamma Khai answer.

" Did you track them down?" Alpha Noah question.

" The witch is working on it. She just needs a few minutes, " Gamma Khai explained.

" I will be sending Beta Liam and a specialised warriors team to rescue Anna. Since you still have time for shifting," Alpha Noah ordered.

" Okay, Alpha," Gamma Khai then cut the call.

Alpha Noah called Beta Liam into the office immediately. Beta Liam was in his Beta Office so he quickly reach the Alpha Office.

" Yes, Alpha," Beta Liam entered surpassing his anger seeing his friend's title taken away.

" Anna was last seen by a couple who have a connection with the Unknown. Gamma Khai will send you a location. I want you to go there with a Specialised team to rescue Anna," Alpha Noah explained the mission.

" Those couples have a huge bounty on them. That makes them high-profile criminals in the eye of the councils. I want them alive but if the situation demands then kill them,"

" Understood, Alpha," Beta Liam muttered in stoic expression yet the two can each other emotions of protectiveness and fear for Anna's safety.

" And Beta, you will be punished for forcing her to run away and if something happens to her," Alpha Noah threatens Beta Liam which he accepts any punishment will be given as he blames himself as well.

Then both of them received a message from Gamma Khai who have send the location along with the couple's photo.

" Bye, Alpha," Beta Liam bowed before leaving the Office and messaging Oliver as he leaves for the mission.

Liam; I'm going to rescue Anna from the Unknown members. We will meet later in the night.

Oliver; Okay and best of luck.

Sitting in the jeep along with the Specialised team, Beta Liam lets his window down. The wind blowing on his face didn't help him to calm down instead his wolf, Tommy growled non-stop in impatient to rescue Anna.

Their jeep and vans were seen by the spies outside Holwer Pack's territory and notified the couple after getting confirmation from Annie.

As per the code, Karen and Jake immediately started to destroy every piece of evidence that connects them to Unknown.

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