Chapter 22

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" Good morning, Mr Finn," Aston greeted the middle age man who was sitting in the corner of the underground office.
" What do you three want?" Mr Finn spoke grumpily as he lift his head to see Aston, Liam and Oliver.
" Someone isn't a morning person," Oliver whispered making Mr Finn growl.
" Everyone here can hear you when you whisper. We are werewolves," Mr Finn muttered as he glared at Oliver.
" I am...," Mr Finn interrupts Oliver by saying.
" Tell me, why are you three here?"
" We need access to Alpha who earns the pack they rule," Aston's answer made a few people stop their work and turn their heads towards them.
" Looks like, Apple didn't fall far from the tree," Mr Finn chuckled as he handed a card to Aston who was frowning.
" You should read about 'the supposed to be the First Female Alpha' and 'King Victor, the first King to win the title'," Mr Finn muttered.
" Did King Victor fight for the Title? Liam asked Oliver who shrugged his shoulder.
"You children, are being overly sheltered by your parents which will make you look like a fool," Mr Finn commented before continuing his work.
Then the boys walk to the door and Aston inserts the card making the door to open. The room is filled with shelves that had books, bones, CDs and computers.
" I am going to read about King Victor," Oliver muttered before standing in front of the selves and reading the book's title.
" I want to read about the supposed to be the First Female Alpha," Aston said.
" That's your aunt," Oliver spoke making Aston frown.
" I know that and I wanted to know the story of why didn't she become one... How did Dad become the Alpha? " Aston muttered.
" Did you guys forget why we are even here?" Liam asked.
" Hey, getting to know the story behind King Victor can help us. How did he fight with his Father who ruled for five centuries?" Oliver waves his hands in the air dramatically as he spoke.
"Reading the supposed to be First Female Alpha will help us to know about our parents' past," Aston points out making Liam to nodded his head.
" Great, you guys find those and I will find... something that is useful," Liam muttered and went to use the computer.
" The Great Fall of Wizard Alpha Nick," Oliver muttered as he took out a book from the shelf.
" You don't need to read that," Aston spoke as he exchange a glance with Liam.
" Why don't I? This man and his pack are dead because of Mom. She lied about being abused thinking it won't have consequences... Dad killed the entire pack without clarifying it," Oliver shouted in bitterness and started to read the book. While Aston and Liam continue with their search.
" How can we be sure this information is authentic?" Aston questions breaking the silence.
" The people responsible for these works for the council and vowed to deliver the truth to the world," Liam answered without breaking his focus.
" What if they are fooled by the Alpha?" Aston's question broke Liam's concentration this time.
" Well... there will be people who will come forward with the truth," Liam responds.
" If one tells the lie, it is a lie but if everyone says it, then it's the truth," Oliver spoke as he closed the book.
" Just like it happened to us... We were told by our parents and almost everyone in the packhouse that Mom was abused and Dad killed the pack. But the truth was Mom lied and to make the lie into the truth... everyone in our life said the same lie so that becomes the truth for us," Oliver explained and took a deep breath so he won't cry.
" Late Alpha Nick was a kind and generous Alpha who would help his enemies in times of need. Because of this, his sister was able to be with her mate who was the biggest enemy of the Late Alpha Nick. Let me read this out for you two...' Late Alpha Salmon Fishman and Late Luna Bella Fishman were the first ones to know about the mass murder of the pack. They went to the former council and fought for justice which the former council denied. Before they were killed, they informed the Royal Palace which made the Royal Gamma Charles investigate the matter. The former council was dissolved for their neglect and injustice. King Victor announced the public death of Gamma Aiden but Female Gamma Susan pleaded and present the oldest law that save her mate's life. Raising the last descendants of Alpha Nick's bloodline, Oliver Fishman as their child'... I wasn't a substitute but a punishment for them," Aston and Liam were speechless from hearing Oliver.
" They love you, Oliver," Liam spoke in the hope to make Oliver feel better.
" They never made you feel like an adopted but they treated you like their own," Aston muttered.
" You are not getting the point... this is so messed up," Oliver groaned as he rubs his face.
" What do you mean by we are not getting the point?" Liam asked.
" Late Alpha Nick and Late Luna Bella had Royal bloodline... being their descendant means I am Royal Blood. But I am kept hidden from the world. Why?" Oliver explained his doubt.
" A royal shouldn't be kept hidden until there is a valid reason and been approved by the King," Aston muttered.
" Now how will we get answers for this?" Liam growls in frustration.
" I can help," The boys were startled by the sudden voice. And turn to see Aubrey standing inside the room.
" Since how long were you here?" Aston asked as he notice the door was closed.
" When you three are busy to notice my arrival," Aubrey answered and turn her head towards Oliver.
" Let's get the timeline straight, your parents were eighteen when Dark Knight Pack was killed. They were nineteen when the investigation happen and that took two years so they were twenty-one. Then the Blood moon happened just a few days before the King decide on the punishment. The attack on Blood moon did influence the King to gentle with his verdict. You were kept hidden during this time after you were born... No one knew about your existence except for the Royals, Oliver," Aubrey said making the boys more confused than they were.
" How did Mom find out about me?" Oliver asked.
" I don't know that but the King almost attacked Susan for declaring to adopt you... I know for a fact that you are still being kept hidden for a reason because of a prediction seen by a Royal seer," Aubrey muttered.
" I thought you were forbidden to share information with us," Liam folded his arms.
" I am still following Alpha Chris's order," Aubrey said and walk towards the selves.
She took out five books and gave them to Oliver as he was near her.
" Don't think much about your bloodline or why you are kept hidden. You will get your answer at the right time. Read these books as they will help you to overthrow your fathers," Aubrey said and looked to Aston.
" I am helping you because I have seen you grow and become a mature and better person than Chris is," Aubrey then left the room leaving the boys to read the books.
" The Alpha mastered herbology so he was able to make a potion that awaken his wolf before his appointed time," Liam read out loud making him and others smirk.
" Is there anything about the potion or how to make one?" Aston asked to which Liam shake his head 'no'
" This Alpha made sure to give his cruel Alpha wolfbane in small quantities every day so when he challenged him. He had the upper hand," Oliver spoke and looked in disbelief which mirror Aston's expression.
" I am not going to do that" Aston announced making Oliver breathe in relief.
" King Victor was mated with a woman who belong to the most hated duke family line. He was ordered to either reject her or be banished by the royal court. No doubt, he challenges to win the Title," Aston said.
" Now he set a standard to be a perfect mate. Sophia will use this to her advantage," Liam commented as he reads another book.
" Thank moon goddess, I don't have a mate yet," Oliver muttered making Aston and Liam to chuckled.
" This Kashmir Alpha made deals with the snake shifters to help him overthrow his Uncle. But in the next few years, the same snakes killed him for his dishonesty and treason," Liam reads out loud making Oliver and Aston attentive.
" The Alpha killed the Snake den to prove he didn't made deal with the snakes," Liam said.
" Why is this relevant to our situation?" Liam questions.
" Give it to me," Aston took the book and read from the beginning while Liam and Oliver read other books.
" Do you know our pack's allies and rivals?" Aston question Liam and Oliver while looking in deep thought.
" Yeah, we went to the ally's parties and saw our parents being hostile to the enemies," Oliver said.
" What is the matter?" Liam asked.
" I will tell once I confirm my doubts," Aston muttered while he took the last book and read the title of the book.
" This is the second part of the Kashmir Alpha," Aston said and read the book.
" The Kashmir Alpha was a jerk. He made deals to overthrow his Uncle for his greed. He tortures his allies for his pleasure and he made contact with the former council which got Serpent Queen's attention. That is what got him killed," Aston summarised the book he read.
" The former council sounds shady," Oliver commented.
" Dad praises the former council," Aston spoke as he frown.
" Let's search for something on the former council," Liam said making Aston and Oliver agree.
" So where will we find it? This room is filled with Alphas' information," Oliver points out.
" My Aunt will help us," Aston answered with an obvious tone and left the room while Liam and Oliver followed him.
Aston walked into Aubrey's room without knocking on the door. Aubrey growled at the boys for their disrespect.
But the boys ignored the growl and stood in front of Aubrey.
" What do you know about the former council?" Aston question.
" Why am I being questioned like a criminal?" Aubrey questioned back as she stand up from her seat.
" I didn't...," Aubrey interrupted Aston by saying,
" Always acting as an authority while questioning doesn't give you the upper hand,"
" Now sit," Aubrey orders the boys making to sit immediately.
" The former council used to be fair or that's what they showed... After the mass murder of the Dark Knight Pack, the former council was dissolved. Later King announced that the former council never acted fair and justice. The former council made deals with people who provide them with benefits regardless of the consequence," Aubrey answered Aston's previous question.
" Did Dad made deal with them?" Aston asked looking nervous.
" There are rumours but it's not wise to act on them," Aubrey said.
The sound of knocking made Aston stop the question he was about to ask.
" Come in," Aubrey ordered.
A woman in her mid-twenty stepped inside the room and bowed to the boys before she looked at Aubrey.
" Here are the prints, Maam," The woman spoke politely.
" Thank you, Trixie. You can leave," Aubrey spoke with a kind smile.
After Trixie left the room, Aubrey handed the papers to Aston and spoke,
" The books I gave you three to read, not only help in your current situation but the future if you are successful in overthrowing Chris. Yet, those books didn't have some information but these papers have it. Now leave,"
Then Aubrey continues to work ignoring the boys' presence. After exchanging glances with each other, the boys left the room with the papers.
" So what's written in the papers?" Oliver asked after he climb out of the underground Office.
Instead of answering, Aston handed him the paper to read. Oliver and Liam read the paper together which made them smile and Liam howled.

Do you think Aston will overthrow Alpha Chris?
What will happen now it's revealed Oliver has royal blood?

Do you think Aston will overthrow Alpha Chris? What will happen now it's revealed Oliver has royal blood?

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