Chapter 11

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" I can't believe you are sleeping with Liam... How could you do that?" Ava questions as soon as they were outside the pack house.
" We love each other," Sophia whispered as she was still shaken by the incident.
" It won't matter when you two find your true mate... Stop sleeping with Liam," Ava shouted in disbelief after hearing Sophia's explanation.
" You can't tell me what to do, Ava... Out of all people, you don't have the right to judge Liam and my relationship," Sophia was shocked to see Ava's reaction as she always thought Ava could be joyous for Liam and her.
" I think it's better to talk about this later since you two clearly look shocked by what happened inside," Ella holds Sophia and Ava's shoulders as she looks at them in the hope they listen.
" Ella is right, this matter should be talk when you two are calm down," Grace spoke attempting to help Ella.
" No worries, I know to control myself, unlike Sophia who doesn't have an ounce of self-control," Ava snickers at the end making Ella and Grace open their mouth in shock.
" What do you mean?" Sophia questions looking hurt which affected Ava but she didn't show it.
" You know very well what I mean," Ava spoke as she saw Anna behind Sophia and indirectly Ava insulted Anna along with Sophia.
" You were in a relationship with Aston since middle school and claimed you loved him.... planned your future children's names as well but it all went the moment Sebastian claim you as his... So tell me who looks like.." Ava slapped Sophia to stop her and soon regret. But she didn't show her regret as she was taught to her to never show regrets during her Luna training.
Sophia held her cheek and stared at Ava having a stoic expression while Ella and Grace stood like a statue. After being slapped, Sophia acknowledges her surroundings seeing other teenagers snickering as they hold their phones to record or click photos.
" You are no longer my friend," Sophia announced then ran inside the pack house.
" Let's go," Ava muttered as she goes towards her car while Grace and Ella looked at each other for a moment contemplating then they both went with Ava to school.
In the meanwhile, the videos where Sophia is accused of being a gold digger by Female Beta Katie, the fight between the two mothers and Ava slapping Sophia is circulating through social media where students are sharing the posts in their stories. The students forgot about the post of Anna and Aston. They were enjoying, trolling and gossiping about the Beta family in the comment section.
Soon, Liam saw the videos and read the comments while he was at Aston's gym with Aston and Oliver discussing the plan.
" Sophia is the mystery girl," Oliver commented while he was also looking at the video.
" Aston, can you make an emergency pack meeting?" Liam asked as he keep watching the edited video where Sophia is being accused and slapped.
" Luckily, Dad gave me that right last year," Aston muttered and then went to call the Delta of the pack.
" Listen, I think Aunt Katie is regretting her wolf's action after all she likes Sophia," Oliver tries to comfort Liam but Liam shook his head and said,
" Mom has great control over Kat after all she is Beta of the pack,"
" Looks like I am getting another roommate," Aston spoke coming to sit next to Liam and Oliver.
" In seven minutes the meeting will be held outside the pack house," Liam nodded hearing Aston.
Liam went outside the gym room to call Sophia but she kept on declining the call. Which was frustrating Liam and a sudden thought of Sophia leaving him made him feel unusually hot. That he thought it was better to shower so he messaged Sophia,

Liam: Please be at the front row in the meeting. Don't give up on us. I love you.

After having a shower, Liam checks his phone to see a reply from Sophia which was none but she has seen the message. Which comfort Liam, that she will be there if not he will drag her to be present in the meeting.
" Liam, let's go everyone is waiting for us," Liam nodded and followed Aston quietly. Liam's silence was making Aston and Oliver worry which made them think of the saying, ' Silence before the storm,'.

" Why did you call for the emergence pack meeting?" Alpha Chris asked as soon as the boys came out of the pack house.
" I asked for it," Liam answered while he was looking for Sophia which took him a few seconds as Sophia was wearing a hoodie covering her head in an attempt to hide in the crowd.
" Liam...," Liam ignored Beta Ben's calling and went to stand in front of the crowd.
" I am the future Beta of this pack and I would like to introduce my mate which, to be honest, I don't care if she will be my true mate or chosen. Because I love her and I will spend my whole life with her... Sophia, come here," Liam shouted as loud as he could so everyone could hear him.
Taking small steps Sophia came in front of Liam who was affectionately looking at her and said,
" I am sorry for not being there for you when Mom and Ava hurt but I promise in my life I will protect you always... Sophia Davis, will you be at my stand and claim me as your mate?" Liam went to his knees and hold his hand out waiting for Sophia's answer which he knew was a yes.
" I am sorry, Liam...," Sophia holds her cries to continue speaking while Liam was shocked.
"You should choose your true mate... she will help you in many ways that I can't do...," Sophia was interrupted by Liam who roared,
" NO!" Which scared Sophia so that she was about to take a few steps back but Liam hold her tightly enough she can't move and also his hold won't hurt her.
" You are ours as much as we are yours," Liam's voice was almost animalistic which proved his wolf was speaking.
Liam released Sophia from his hold and kneel down while he was screaming in pain.
" Sophia," Sophia turned to Alpha Chris who advise her,
" He is shifting and since his wolf claimed you so you could calm him down so he can't hurt anyone, Okay," Sophia bravely nodded at Alpha Chris and waited for Liam to shift completely.
Liam's wolf fur was completely brown and immediately notice Sophia standing in front of him. The wolf started to wage his tail as he walked toward Sophia who was also walking towards him. Slowly, Sophia raised her hand to which the wolf bend his head allowing her to pet him.
" He still had time to shift," Beta Ben whispered to prevent Liam's wolf to acknowledge his presence which could cause him to be feral.
" The thought of losing Sophia triggered his wolf to rise and turns out she is his mate," Alpha Chris clarifies looking at Beta Ben with a smile.
" No one in our pack has shifted early," Alpha Chris commented to which Beta Ben smiled in pride.
"Ben, she is his mate and what if she separates him from us?" Katie mind-linked Beta Ben as she stood like a statue seeing Sophia trying to calm Liam's wolf down.
" Stop thinking rubbish and better think of an apology for your action," Beta Ben spoke in anger to show his disappointment which made Katie flinch.
" Please, give the control to Liam," Sophia requests the wolf who whines in return to protest.
" I will spend more time with you afterwards," Sophia's bribe worked as the shifting started to happen. This time the shifting was a little quicker than before.
" You are stuck with me for life," Liam muttered before pulling Sophia for a kiss.
" Liam," Beta Ben comes with Liam's football shorts which Liam immediately wears it. Beta Ben pulls Liam for a tight hug and whispered,
" You made me so much proud today. Standing up for your love without considering consequences... You are just like Jake," Liam purrs in happiness and quickly said,
" That was Tommy," Liam felt embarrassed as he felt the purring like a kitten is humiliating.
" There is no need to be embarrassed. It's normal to purr even though I feel it's quite feminine," Beta Ben chuckled.
" Congratulations," Anna shouted as she hugged Liam and hugged Sophia while she squealed.
" Welcome to the family,"
Liam saw Katie and Ava coming to him which made to remember the video where they had humiliated and hurt Sophia. This caused Liam to growl but Sophia holds his shoulder which calmed him down.
" Sophia, take Liam to his room. His early shift caused his wolf to be feral and your presence can calm him," Luna Carol spoke as she came in between Katie and Liam. Sophia took Liam's hand leading him inside the pack house.
" Give him time and space, Katie," Luna Carol comforted Katie who whines in sadness.
" Well, I would like to announce tomorrow night there is a party to celebrate Liam's shift and finding his mate," Alpha Chris spoke making people cheer.
People leave to continue the work they left to attend meetings. As people were leaving Oliver and Aston were standing in the same place, making no sounds or even moving. They slowly turned to look at each other and muttered in the union,
" Wow,"
" This one was a hell of a meeting," Oliver commented.
" I thought Liam could publicly apologise and order everyone not to spread the matter anymore... He actually proposed to Sophia and then shifted," Aston was looking stunned and recalling the scene helped him to realise it happened.
" I am confused about one thing... Liam always told that he and the mystery girl...Sophia was serious about why did she reject him and I felt she was forcing herself when she was rejecting him," Oliver express his doubts.
" I also thought the same when she was rejecting him... I think it's the way Aunt Katie and Ava reacted that made her," Aston shrugged his shoulders.
" Let's go, we have to go to school," Oliver said to which, Aston muttered.
" I have to do quick work... You go, I will meet you in our first class,"
Aston went inside the pack house kitchen where Ava was eating chocolate.
" Hey, is everything okay?" Aston questions as he walks toward Ava.
" Yeah, why are you asking that?" Ava spoke cheerfully.
" Stop pretending to be happy, Ava. I know when you are faking it and when you are happy... Tell me, what's the matter because I will be there for you," Aston spoke as he maintains eye contact with Ava which made her nervous.
" If I knew, I could have told you. A lot has happened Aston...Starting from those threats to us not being mates even though I love you, Aston... Always have," Ava took a deep breath so she won't cry,
" Sebastian is a great man... I am getting to know him and the dynamic we are in is different. I was trying to get over you by focusing on Sebastian and avoiding you... Until the picture of Anna and yours got leaked... How could you do that to me?" Ava couldn't help but cry in the end.
" The anger I felt for you and Anna... I vented on Sophia and I imagine her as Anna when Mom reveal she is sleeping with Liam... Both of them broke the girl code and they hurt me," Ava kept on sharing her emotions while Aston hugged her.
The scene was being recorded on the hidden camera where the spy was watching.
" Today is the best day of my life," The spy laughed wickedly. Then send a video of Sophia being humiliated, Ava slapping Sophia, Liam's announcement along with his shifting to Alpha Ace. While the spy sends the recording of the conversation between Aston and Ava to Beta Sebastian.
" Beta Sebastion will hate you, Ava," The spy commented as Ava was about to kiss Aston.

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