Chapter 32

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On the night of the Coronation, the pack house is filled with members' eager noises. Either they are getting ready or helping in the preparation or getting ready for the attack.
With the people crowding the hall, Gamma Oliver walks inside following his mate's scent which was overwhelmed with others' scent.
" Excuse me, did you see Female Gamma?" Gamma Oliver asked a member who shake her head in answer.
" Did anyone see my mate?" Gamma Oliver barks at the members present in the hall. Receiving the same answer as before.
" Dude, are you okay?" Beta Liam came as he heard the bark and asked Gamma Oliver.
" I can't find Chloe, she was supposed to be in the room in five minutes but she didn't come," Gamma Oliver muttered making Beta Liam chuckle.
" I never thought you could be this much horny," Beta Liam joked.
" It's not about that. She always follows my order and Chap is getting anxious," Gamma Oliver said while looking around for Chloe.
" The wolf getting anxious for the mate has to be taken seriously," Beta Liam said in a serious tone.
" Why don't you call her?" Beta Liam suggested but Gamma Oliver clarifies,
" I did but it looks like it's switched off,"
" Is everything okay here?" Epsilon Chris asked looking at the boys.
" Did you see my mate?" Gamma Oliver questions back instead.
" No, but you can ask one of the bodyguards that have been hired to spy on everyone," Epsilon Chris mumbled showing his disappointment.
" How did you find out about the bodyguard?" Beta Liam asks in shock to which Epsilon Chris gave a deadpan look and said,
" I have been the Alpha for years. I know all the members of my pack,"
" We didn't hire them to spy but to protect you," Beta Liam corrects Epsilon Chris's assumption
" Protect from whom?" He asked.
" I mind-linked the bodyguards, they lost her in this hall and trying to find her," Gamma Oliver growls causing almost everyone to shiver in fear.
" Everyone stand still and no one will be leaving this hall until I find my mate," Gamma Oliver orders.
" Now every one of you will call the person who was here an hour ago," Every member immediately followed Gamma Oliver's order by either mind-linking or using phones.
Within twenty minutes, almost half of the pack arrived along with Alpha Aston, Anna and Female Beta Sophia. They all stood in the hall avoiding Gamma Oliver's fearful glance.
" Hey, I talked to the Deltas and turns out the camera isn't working," Female Beta Sophia informed which didn't surprise the boys.
" I want every one of you to think hard about when was the last time you saw the Female Gamma Chloe," Alpha Aston said looking at everyone and finding the suspect.
" Oliver!" The sound of the roar comes from Chloe's father.
" Where is my daughter?" He asked growling as he and his mate walked towards Gamma Oliver but was blocked by Epsilon Aiden.
" This isn't the way of speaking to a Gamma, Jaxon," Epsilon Aiden said threateningly.
" I don't care about anything than my daughter," He barks.
" We are trying to find her...," Gamma Oliver comes forward and talks. But he was interrupted by Chloe's mother.
" Do you have any part of her going missing, Oliver?" She spat at the mention of Gamma Oliver's name.
" Why would you think that?" Gamma Oliver bark-growls in anger.
" Because you found out about her," She barks back crying in fear for her daughter's safety.
" Aunt May, I know you are worried about Chloe same as we are. I am her best friend and I will make sure no one will hurt her," Before Gamma Oliver could ask about the statement, Anna come in between them. And talk in a comforting tone which calms Chloe's parents down a bit.
" Alpha," A member of the crowd calls outs bringing attention towards him.
" I think there were some druggie members here and they talked with a girl whose face I didn't see... I think she was the Female Gamma," After hearing the boy, Gamma Oliver's wolf, Chap took over his body.
He walked up to the boy and questions by growling and barking,
" Tell me the names,"
The aura of Gamma Oliver causes every werewolf to step back. Alpha Aston didn't dare to be near him.
" I don't know their names... Sorry, Gamma," The boy answered while stammering.
The answer made Chap roar in anger and immediately his expression changed from outrage to locating. As he was able to get a faint scent of rose. Following the scent, members pave the way for him as they bow in submission.
While Alpha Aston and Beta Liam followed their friend keeping a few step distance. They stop in front of a wooden closet.
" I can smell her scent here," Gamma Oliver announced once he got the control.
" There is a hidden room," The boys looked at Epsilon Chris in surprise.
" It wasn't being used so I sealed it," Epsilon Carol explains and soon Gamma Oliver tries to remove the closet.
" That isn't the way to open it," Epsilon Susan spoke and walk carefully to Gamma Oliver.
" The closet is attached to the wall," Epsilon Susan said as she opens the closet and press the button that looked like a flower carving.
The inside part of the closet slides opens revealing a crying Chloe whose neck is being held by a bucky-looking man along with five men carrying silver rod as they were wearing gloves for protection.
" Be careful, I can easily break her neck," The man warns as he leans to smell Chloe which causes Gamma Oliver to growl and pulls a dagger shape knife.
Throwing directly at the men's forehead killing him instance making him fall to the floor along with Chloe.
Gamma Oliver ran towards Chloe and the other assailant tries to attack but was shot by Beta Liam and Alpha Aston with dart guns.
" Are you okay?" Gamma Oliver asked Chloe worried as he look at her wounded face.
" They didn't hit me hard enough to break my bones," Chloe tries to laugh at her joke but ends up whining in pain.
" My baby," Chloe was taken from Gamma Oliver's arm by her mother who hugged her while crying.
" Take her to the safe room with doctors and nurses," Gamma Oliver ordered the body grounds and walk to Alpha Aston and Beta Liam.
" I think it's time for everyone to go to the safe room," Gamma Oliver said looking at Chloe who was surrounded by her family and friends.
" Gamma Oliver, there will be a burst according to the pattern and by that, we can capture spies. We have to wait for that," Beta Liam points out making Gamma Oliver give a subtle nod.
Then a sudden sound of a burst come along with the cries of people. The high-ranked members run towards the sound. Which took them to the kitchen where the fire was coming and omegas were outside with burns on their skin.
" What happened here?" Alpha Aston asked looking inside the kitchen and finding someone inside.
" There is no one inside the kitchen, Alpha... We were cooking when suddenly an explosion happened don't know from where," The omega head spoke in pain as her arm was burned.
" Whoever is injured can go to the hospital with....," Alpha Aston interrupted his Dad and announced,
" Everyone goes to the safe room where doctors and nurses already are there. Our pack is now under attack, you have to leave now,"
The deltas and warriors help to lead the way towards the safe room making sure no one stays behind.
" Aston, who is attacking our pack and how did you find out without the patrol guards informing?" Epsilon Chris questions.
" The council got a tip that Unknown will attack tonight. And you have to follow my orders, Dad. I am the Alpha," Alpha Aston said and walked away with Beta Liam and Gamma Oliver leaving their parents behind.
" So, he isn't behind it after all," Epsilon Susan said.
" Let's talk about it later. We have to protect our pack," Epsilon Ben said and order his mate,
" Make sure Anna is in the safe room," Epsilon Katie nodded and went to check. The other Epsilons then went outside and shifted into their wolves form.
They run to the border and stood behind their children. Alpha Aston's wolf Vic roars declaring the challenge to the opponent who hasn't made themselves visible yet.
The roar causes the attackers to come forward in their werewolf form. Then they run to attack and the moment they pass the Howler pack territory. Alpha Aston barks as a signal to attack back. The whole area was filled with wolves fighting yet the hidden snipers were able to tell apart as their members paints their tails in neon colour.
Before any snipers could pull the trigger, they were bitten repetitively by the snakes. The snipers cry in pain while dropping their guns down. A few tried to stab the snakes but their limbs were wrapped by the snakes and were strangled to death.
Then a group of vampires appeared and were surprised to see that sniper didn't shoot. Yet they ran towards the Howler Pack and before they could step foot on the Howler Pack territory. They were attacked by vampires wearing black suits with the council warriors logo.
As the Holwer Pack and Council were fighting with the attackers waiting for witches and warlords to make an appearance. But that didn't happen for long so the Council hired witches and wizards to help the werewolves and vampires to fight off the attackers.
After biting off the vital nerves of the wolf, Alpha Aston's wolf Vic looks at the surrounding and witness the Unknown werewolves either submitting or dying. Which is a sign of victory. Making Vic howl in declaring triumph which was joined by his pack members.
The victory of howling could be heard inside the safe room where she-wolves and children were there. The she-wolves celebrate by either howling or hugging or doing both.
" We won," Female Beta Sophia declare looking at Anna who was happy yet disappointed.
" They won, Sophia and we didn't do anything. With Chloe getting kidnapped, our plan failed," Anna muttered looking at Chloe sitting with her mother wearing bandages.
" She told the guards that those men were planning to assault her," Female Beta Sophia whispered.
" Oliver was quick to find and save her," Anna said and then the safe room door was open.
As per tradition, all the women and children went out of the pack house to join their members who went to fight.
Anna hugged her parents as a sign of forgiveness which made her parents make a purring sound in happiness.
" I am glad you two are not hurt," Anna exclaims in satisfaction.
" Come on, sweetie we are the former Beta Couple. We kill to protect, not to die protecting," Epsilon Ben said.
" Looks like Alpha Aston is going make an announcement. Stand by his side," Epsilon Katie said gesturing for Anna to go.
Anna runs to stand by Alpha Aston's side. He looks at her intensely making sure she is fine.
" I didn't fight," Anna reminded him making him hum and turn his attention towards pack members waiting to hear him.
" We won against the Unknown. The one who never loses and we made them lose tonight. We made history by defeating the unbeatable. This makes us an unbeatable, powerful pack in America," Alpha Aston pauses for the members to howl then continue.
" Tonight, along with the coronation we will celebrate the victory witnessed by the full moon," Alpha Aston howls at the end looking at the full moon.
The sight of the full moon was looking amazing from the balcony Alpha Ace pause to admire the moon. Since his family was killed, he used to pray to the moon goddess. Though he stop praying for long time ago, he never stops admiring the moon, especially on a full moon night.
The sound of ringing broke Alpha Ace's focus. It was Beta Sebastian.
" How's New York?" Alpha Ace asked while he started to search again.
" It's going good. They won and planned to celebrate the whole night," Beta Sebastian muttered looking at his mate who was talking to her family via video call.
" Tomorrow they will realise they didn't win. We were meant to lose this first and last time," Alpha Ace talk while closing his nose as the smells of perfume overwhelm him.
" What is your voice sounding weird?" Beta Sebastian asks.
"A few hours ago, the spy send me the exact room where those six girls and Prince Edward is living. The whole apartment is over-smell of perfumes," Alpha Ace whines as yesterday he didn't get the chance to inspect the building as he plan.
" He is living with them," Beta Sebastian whispered in shock.
" Yes, that's what sparked my interest more... That's it, I can't stand this smell anymore. I am leaving and I will talk to you later," Alpha Ace groans.
" Bye," Beta Sebastian mumbled and then Alpha Ace cut the call.
He quickly left the apartment before the spell on him ran away and his scent could be smelled. As he walks inside the elevator, his wolf Ron whines.
" What happen to you?" Alpha Ace asks rolling his eyes.
" I want our mate," Ron whines again.
" Too bad, we won't be meeting her ever," Alpha Ace said and the elevator opened.
Alpha Ace stares at the black eyes embracing him in the darkness, giving him the comfort he never got. The sense of relief and being complete was making his heart beat faster than ever.
" Mate," They chanted melodically to describe their emotion in one word.

So I won't be mentioning much of Ace's mate as her pov is already written

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So I won't be mentioning much of Ace's mate as her pov is already written. Read Fortune, if you want to know Ace's love story.

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