Chapter 1 - Overthinking

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I looked around the room that I'll be calling "mine" for the next few weeks. It's unlikely that I was going to stay longer than that.

Reah and Vince were so excited to show me my room. To be honest it's nice. They really put effort in making it as comfortable as possible. It's sad to see how happy they were to have me here. I guess they're still thinking it could work. I already felt bad for disappointing them before it even happened.

I sighed as I put the few books I brought with me in an empty shelf. Avery told me that they asked about what I liked and disliked. It seems like she mentioned that I like to read. It's the only way I'm able to escape reality and my meaningless life. It gives me a few moments of happiness.

"Emery?", I heard Reah calling my name from downstairs. I sighed again as I walked out of my current room. Step for step I walked down, seeing her waiting on the end of the stairs. "I'm sorry to disturb you. I know you wanted to unpack your stuff.", she said softly. Sometimes I feel like they see me as a wounded animal that could run away when they would move a little too much or say something wrong.

"It's fine. What do you want to talk about?", I answered. She smiled at me like she always did. "Two things. Firstly, dinner is ready in 20 minutes. I hope you like spaghetti. Vince thought it's something everyone likes". I just nodded. It's not my favorite food but it's bearable. Also it was something we would eat once a week in the children's home. "Secondly, I wanted to talk about the school you will be going to. But how about we talk about it while dinner?" she asked and once again I nodded.

Ater that I returned to my room. I actually tried to upack the stuff that's left as fast as possible. If I was honest to myself, I wanted them to like me. It was my very last chance to find a family for me. I turned seventeen a few weeks ago. At the age of eighteen I could live on my own. I would be disappointed in myself if I didn' t tried a last time. I didn't like that trait of me but it was there and it wanted to be noticed.

A few minutes later I found myself heading downstairs again. It smelled amazing. Realizing that I was actually hungry I walked to the direction I think the kitchen was in. Turns out it was the wrong side. But was good to know where the bathroom downstairs was. I should really invest some time to go around the house soon.

When I finally arrived in the kitchen I saw Vince putting the food on the table. He smiled when he noticed me standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. "Come here and sit down. I won't bite. What would you like to drink?", he asked.

"Just Water please", I answered and took a seat. He nodded and a few seconds later he handed me a glass with water. I thanked him and immediately took a sip. Reah entered the kitchen in the same moment and took the seat across from me while Vince put the food on our plates. After that he sat down as well. It was silent the first few minutes. Just the radio played a song quietly in the background.

Soon enough Vince started a conversation with Rhea about a guy called Carlisle, his Job and how he helped someone they knew. I didn't really payed attention until she said my name to gain my attention. I looked up.

"Remember? We wanted to talk about your new school", she said. I nodded. We wasn't the right word but I kept silent about that. "I know it's probably a little to soon but you'll start on Monday."

I almost choked on the really delicious spaghetti. Almost. Instead I just said okay but it must have been obvious that I didn't liked that idea. "If it's really way too soon for you, I could talk to the director. He was my classmate and is still a friend. I'm sure he'll understand.", Vince offered. I shook my head. I really didn't want the attention of the principle. "Are you sure? I just thought that you would feel better around people your age and maybe make some friends instead of spending the day alone here. Unfortunately Vince and I have to work. We couldn't get the next week off but I promise that we'll be able to spend some time together soon, okay? I already feel bad about leaving you alone tomorrow", Reah said, not wanting me to be uncomfortable." It's fine, don't worry about it.", I said while forcing a smile on my face.

Friends. Yeah, sure. Nothing's easier than that.

My smile seemed to work, because Reah looked kind of relieved. I just hoped that the next day was enough time to prepare myself for the day after tomorrow. Not going to lie I was happy to spend most of the day alone.

"The school isn't far from here. Just a ten minute walk.", Vince told me. I liked what I heard. That meant that I could spent ten minutes on my own, listening to music and preparing myself for school. Overall not bad.

"That's fine. I wanted to walk around town tomorrow anyway. I mean I should know where I live.", I answered just to say anything. And by their big smiles it seems like I said something right.

"Sure. Just make sure you take your phone with you in case you get lost. One of us will come and pick you up then.", Vince said. I smiled at that and nodded again.

After that we just talked about Forks itself. Well, they talked. I just listened. But that was fine. I wasn't that much of a talker anyway. It was cute to see how they tried their best to make me feel comfortable.

I just didn't want to. Being comfortable means attachment sooner or later. At least in this kind of situation. And I didn't want that. But on the same time I did. I confused myself. And I knew I was overthinking when I found myself in my room on the same evening.

Even though I was exhausted as hell I stayed awake until the middle of the night staring out the window thinking about the whole new situation I was in. And I had no clue how to feel about this.

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