Chapter 41 - Big arms

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School went by faster than I wanted it to. I managed to hide while lunch break, but I knew that at the end of the day I really had to talk to them. Still, confrontations were never really my thing.

When I walked out of the classroom, they already waited in front of it. I sighed as I walked over. "Can we talk now?", Rosalie asked, slightly annoyed. I just nodded. "Okay, let's go then", Emmett said. They basically pulled me with them. I saw Angie and Jess a few meters away from the parking lot. Angie gave me thumbs up, while I just forced a smile.

They shoved me onto the backseat of Emmetts car. For a minute I was too perplex to say anything against it or ask where we were driving to. Realization hit me as we drove farer away from any kind of civilization. Not that there was much in Forks anyway. The way there was exactly as Alice explained it to me.

The feeling grew stronger the longer we drove. A big sigh was my only reaction as soon as I saw the building. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on inside of me. There was anger because they knew I wanted to talk in a public space. But there was also surprise and a hint of fear I couldn't get rid of.

I thought the whole day about everything we did together and came to the conclusion that it wasn't their goal to suck my blood. At least I couldn't imagine it. I mean, why would they want to be seen with their target? Because after the things Jessica and Angela had told me, they preferred to stick to themselves. They were loner. And still did they spent pretty much time with me.

"Come on", Rosalie said, got out of the car and opened the door for me. I stayed silent as we walked inside of the house. House is the wrong word though. It was a villa. Big windows wherever you look. When I came here I never expected to see such a building in the middle of the forest. I mean, it's still Forks. I didn't mean it in a bad way. I liked this small town.

On the inside Alice was already jumping down the stairs before we really entered. "Emery! Finally!", she squealed. Jasper came down behind her, much less energetic and told her to calm down a little when he saw my facial expression. It was obvious that I wasn't happy about the whole situation.

They lead me upstairs where seemingly the whole Cullen family was sitting. It was the living room. "Good afternoon Emery. I'm Carlisle, the forster dad of them", the blonde man said and gestured at every person in the room except for Bella and another woman that I didn't know, "And this is my wife. Her name is Esme". "Hey Emery. It's nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you.", she welcomed me and smiled. I tried to smile back, but I knew it didn't reach my eyes.

"Why am I here?", I asked instead. "You wanted to talk.", Emmett answered. "Yes. At a public neutral place. This isn't what we talked about". I didn't even try to hide that I was angry at them. "You're right. But it's better when you hear the whole story. And they are needed here.", Rosalie answered. "Well then, tell me"

"I think that's my turn", Carlisle surprisingly said. I turned to him. "You know we are vampires, right?". I nodded hesitantly. "Every vampire has a person in their life that they perceive as their soulmate. Esme is mine. The same is for Alice and Jasper, Bella and Edward, Rosalie and Emmett. And you".

It was silent for what felt like forever. My brain needed some time to process what the blonde man just said. "What?". I was confused to say the least. And shocked. It explained some things but my mind was still against it. The same way that I knew they were vampires but I didn't fully realize it yet.

"You are the soulmate of Emmett and Rosalie. And I was the reason that they stayed away from you. You know, a bond of three is extremely rare. And I was scared there was something else going on. I needed time to research. They are still my family. And I don't want my family in danger. I hope you understand that.", he explained. "Also a few vampires have special powers. Most likely abilities they had in their human life already, that were strengthened when they were turned into vampires. Edward for example can read minds.", he said.

"You know that it's getting more and more absurd with every sentence, right?". What I heard was unbelievable. My mind didn't want to accept it but deep down I knew it was true. "He's right. Alice has visions. And I can control the feelings of others.", Jasper said. He was standing at the large window and his golden eyes were staring right into my soul. "That's another reason we were skeptical about you.", Esme said in a calm tone. "What reason?". Now it was Emmett turn to answer me; "Their powers don't work on you. Not even a single one."

I looked at him as if he told me, that he was going to be the queen of England. "You're joking". "No, he isn't. It took me quite a lot of time to find out why. You are a mirror", Carlisle said. "Similar to Bella. Edward can't read her mind. And yours neither. Mirror means, that you reflect the powers back. When Jasper tries to control your feelings, he controls his own. And Edward simply hears his own thoughts. Just a little clearer than usual.", Alice explained.

I sat down and tried to sort my mind. It was a lot for me. Suddenly there was a thought in my head that gave me chills. My hands became sweaty. "But... What about Paul?", I asked. My voice was barely a whisper. But just like the wolves they understood it perfectly.

Some of the vampires were really surprised. But most already knew it. "So he finally told you that you're his imprint?", Rosalie asked. I couldn't figure out what was going on inside her. Her voice didn't show it and she always looked away whenever I tried to see her eyes.

With Emmett it was different. His shoulders immediately dropped when I asked. He was the one that was now coming up to me and sat down beside me. Carefully he played his big hand on my knee and made eye contact. "Listen, I know this must be difficult for you. It's a lot. We also don't know how Paul can be your imprint when you are our soulmate. But we figure it out, okay? Together. I won't ever leave your side again, unless you want me too."

And these words made me forget the pain they put me through. I let myself stop having doubts and just fell right into his arms, ignoring anyone and anything else.

And as those big arms surrounded me I felt safe.

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