10.1 - Rosalie -

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"Did you find anything yet?", Rosalie asked Carlisle when she got into his office after taking a walk outside with Emmett. They basically forced the two to go out and set them a timer of at least of thirty minutes to calm down. They were back not even a second late.

The blonde male had a few books and papers in front of him. Alice, Jasper and Esme helped him research. But looking at their faces they didn't seem like they got any new information. Rosalie tensed and could feel Emmett close behind her reacting the same way. Esme came up to us with a smile she only put on her lips when she tried to calm someone down. Usually that's Jasper.

"You see, we read over everything we have. Twice. But we couldn't find anything.", she said. "Well except she isn't human but she is, so there's nothing to explain it.", Jasper mentioned. "Yet. There's nothing yet.", Carlisle added a little stressed without looking up from the book he was currently reading. Unsatisfied he turned the page. And then another.

"What do you mean you still couldn't find anything? There has to be something. We don't simply make that up!", the blonde woman raged. "Rose, please calm down.", Alice said. "But she is right! You convinced us to let her go with those reeking wolves and then told us to keep distance. I don't get it.", Emmett scoffed.

"Okay, how about we go over the facts again. She is a human, gets you on your protective mode and let's you basically feel like back then when you two met, right?", Carlisle began. "It sounds like an ordinary human mate to me. But I've never heard that before.", Esme added. "Me neither", her mate replied. "Can't you ask some friends of yours?", Emmett asked and looked pained. Rosalie hugged him from the side and he immediately put his arm around her shoulders.

"I already reached out to some of them. They just have to answer. You'll have to wait, I'm afraid". Rosalie sighed at that. It made her feel restless. It was bearable the last couple of days but now that they convinced the pair to keep distance to Emery until they figured out what was going on it got way worse. Knowing that she was with those wolves in the same moment didn't make it any better. And Rosalie knew she was not the only one feeling this way.

Somehow they wanted to make sure that Emery couldn't harm them in any kind of way - couldn't harm the Family. Rosalie guessed that they think there could be something else behind the attraction they felt towards Emery. Of course there's a possibility but she didn't believe in that. Rosalie was a hundred percent sure that she was a mate of Emmett and her. And just because they have never heard it before doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. The problem was that Alice, Jasper and Edward would watch the pairs every move so it would be basically impossible to get in contact with Emery.

"Why are you all so obsessed with the idea that she would bring us harm? Carlisle already said that it's a human mate. And just because third mates are something that never happened before doesn't mean it doesn't exist", Rosalie tried one last time. Carlisle sighed and looked at his mate. She nodded as if she gave him a permission or a conformation. Emmett looked confused between both of them back and furth. "Okay listen. Long before I turned Edward I had some pretty close vampire friends in London. They were mates and just living their lives. They didn't pick fights or anything. One day a woman came up to them and claimed to be the right mate of the guy. And he really felt the mate bond. He was confused. But the woman manipulated him until he left his real mate who got murdered shortly after. The women who claimed to me his mate wasn't. The fake bond stopped as soon as the real mate died because that was the goal. I don't know why she had to die or how the woman could fake the mate bond but somehow she did. Over the years I heard of a few similar cases. It's rare. If I hadn't known the pair back then I wouldn't know about these cases. Somehow people want to keep it a secret. I just don't want something like that happen to you. You're family. So I hope you understand why we want you two to be very careful. Besides, Alice couldn't see Emery in any Visions yet. That is concerning just as well."

It was obvious that Emmett and Rosalie didn't like what they just heard. It wasn't the story itself but the thought that Emery wasn't a mate. If they were honest they already accepted her as their mate. As response they kept silent but nodded. At least now they could understand.

This afternoon was already a torture. Rosalie didn't want to imagine how the next few days would look like. At least they allowed Emmett and her to see if Emery got back from her trip with the wolves. It warmed Rosalies heart seeing her with the pair that adopted her. They played a board game together and laughed. It seemed like Emery just won. Emmett next to me unconsciously smiled softly at the scene in front of him. But his expression changed into frustration really fast.

"Will it hurt her?", he asked Rosalie without taking his eyes off the scene they watched trough the window. She looked back at the brown haired Angel before Rosalie answered. "Yeah, probably". She leaned against him.

"We have to convince them.", Rosalie whispered after some time. He made an agreeing sound. "I just hope his friends know something. It's our best chance right now."

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