Chapter 13 - Comfortable

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My first class was art. A teacher went on maternity leave, which is why the schedules had to be changed. It just confused me. I mean yes, I came here in the middle of the school year but why was my timing that bad?

When I got into class Jess and Angie were already there and safe me a seat. "Hey there.", Jess said when she saw me. "Hey.", I simply replied and smiled. "So how was your weekend?", she asked. "It was good I guess. You know, bonding activities with people that adopted you". "Oh right. I kinda forget that you're adopted every time.", Angie mumbled. That was actually something really good to hear. At least they don't see me as the 'weird adopted kid' that needed pity. "Don't worry about it. I like it better this way. So how was your weekend?", I asked them back.

"Oh that really doesn't matter right now. I actually hoped to hear some stories about you, a certain blond model and a really muscular guy.", Jess replied and I could see that Angie wanted the same. "There isn't much I could tell.", I replied confused. "Oh come on. You're literally the hottest thing I've ever seen. And those two clearly think the same. Also I saw Emmett resting his arm on your shoulder. That has to mean something". Angie nodded at that. I wanted to reply something when the teacher came in. She gave us a task t do and then we went back to talking.

"I think you misunderstood something there. Emmett and Rosalie are in a relationship. I guess I could consider myself as their friend but that's it.", I answered as soon as the teacher stopped talking. "I don't think 'friend' is the right term for you. More like their 'crush'". "Both their crush? I highly doubt that. Besides I know them for what? A week now". "Time is relative.", Jess replied. I shook my head at her.

"I saw Rosalie the other day threatening a guy that accidentally bumped into you. That poor guy didn't know what was going on.", Angie told me. I didn't believe that. Maybe they didn't like each other in the first place. "Yeah and Emmett? He glares at every person that comes near you when you get your food for lunch. Why did you think he'd always stand up and come up to you?", the other girl replied. I refused to believe that. I wasn't good in reading people's true intentions anyways."Oh come on! You can't not notice that. Everyone here sees that there's something going on.", Jess said. I sighed and put my pen a side looking at them. "There are rumors that you knew them before and that you're already in a relationship.", Angie told me. "What? Okay, now that is really stupid. Emmett and Rosalie are together. That's it. I just kinda got in their little group. Don't ask me how that happened. That rumors are stupid.", I said.

"Most rumors are. But for real they're looking at you like you are some kind of treasure.", Jess replied. I sighed again. "Okay could we please change topic?", I replied. In the end they really stopped and actually told me about their weekend. They were out with Eric, Bella ad Mike on LaPush. I looked up at that but didn't say anything until they said something about how they met Jacob." Wait you know Jake? ", I asked surprised.

If I was honest I had no right to be. I was the new one in town after all. "Uh yeah we met him on the beach for the first time. But how do you know him?", Angie asked back not less surprised. "My dad and his are friends.", I replied. Realising what I just said my eyes widen. "Wait no. I meant Vince and his dad know each other.", I corrected myself.

I guess it was a little too much with the information I got about Emmett and Rosalie. My head was just too full. That must've been it. I shook my head at myself.

Luckily Jess and Angie didn't say anything about it. When the class was over I still frowned at myself. In my next class I couldn't even concentrate on the lesson for a second. I tried to figure out how I felt about what the girls told me and about me accidentally calling Vince my 'dad'.

As much as I've thought about it I didn't know. I had no fucking clue what was going on. I mean I don't feel indifferent about any of that. Obviously. But I also didn't know how to name my feelings. So I tried to ignore it the rest of the day. Of course I failed. And I started to feel the missing hours of sleep.

It just wasn't the best day. I've let my books fall down, almost ripped my shirt and bumped into a random student. When I took myy usual apple at lunch break it rolled straight down my tablet. Luckily my friend and helper Emmett cached it and put it back in its pace. "Thanks.", I mumbled. "Hey, you okay?", he asked. I just nodded but didn't really ook at him. Suddenly he took the tablet away from me and carried it for me to our usual table. The others were already sitting there.

"Hey guys.", I simply greeted them. "Hey. You look exhausted.", Alice noticed. "I am". "Did something happen?", Bella asked surprisingly. She was the last one I expected to say something. I shook my head. I mean it did but that was nothing I wanted to tell them. None of them. Instead of eating I leaned against the big guy next to me who had his arm around me as usual. I didn't care about it in that moment. I just knew that I was really tired and that a really comfortable chest was sitting beside me.

Comfortable. That was it. That was how I feel around Emmett and Rosalie. And there was something else. But I still couldnt name the second one. In that moment that really didn't matter for me.

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