Chapter 5 - Amazed ✔️

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Turns out he was really good. Whenever he was asked a question he would answer correctly. History was fun with him. In the end it was over sooner than I thought. I just shook my head at him. "What?", he asked and tried to hide a grin. "'Quite good' he said", I quoted him. He chuckled while he waited for me to pack my things. "You don't have to wait for me. I have to give Mrs Seavey the list anyway.", I told him but he said that he's going to wait anyway.

After the teacher signed the list we walked out of the room into he hallway. I immediately felt uncomfortable. Jasper seemed to notice."Don't worry. They will talk about you for a week and after that you are boring. Except for you bring the attention back at you.", he said. "Yeah, thanks for the advice.", I mumbled. He just grinned at me.

It didn't take long for Alice to find us. She smiled brightly as she came up to us. "Hey, you two. Ready for lunch? You can sit with us if you want, Emery", she offered me. We were standing near the entry of the cafeteria and just with a look inside I knew that I was going to skip it. That were way too much people that would stare and talk about me. "Uhm, I think I forgot something in my locker. You don't have to wait for me but I appreciate it.", I said and didn't even wait for an answer before I turned around and basically run from them.

It weren't many students in the hallway anymore. Most of them were in the cafeteria or outside. I was relieved.

Since I didn't have anything else to do I just walked and looked around, hoping that would help me the next few days. When I found the room I would spend my last period in I sat down in a random seat. Also because I started to feel a little lightheaded.

No one else were here yet so I just took out my headphones and listened to music. It was also to distract myself. I was deep in thought when I noticed someone entering the room. I looked up and what I saw was beyond beautiful.

She was tall. Her blond hair was falling down in soft waves and I couldn't stop my eyes from staring. She had the same weird eyecolor as Jasper but it looked amazing. She was the embodiment of beautiful.

Her eyes met mine and I felt something I couldn't explain. Her beautiful eyes widen slightly as if she recognized me. It was only for a second before she walked over to me. I put my headphones out, still staring at her.

"You're Emery, right?", she asked and her voice send shivers over my whole body. I needed a moment before I was able to answer. "Yes", I said. My thin voice was barely audible. "My brother Jasper accidentally took your book. He's asked me to give it back since I had to go in this direction anyway", she said and it seemed like she had the same problem as me. We were basically staring in each other's eyes.

I knew what she said. And I also realized that it was my book she had in her hand but I was unable to move. The blond beauty in front of me were in the same situation. Thinking back it must have looked really weird for the students that came in. They were also the reason I came back to reality.

I shook my head softly and when I looked back at her, she was glaring at the people that came in. Especially the guy that came to us. "That's my seat.", he said. The blond beauty looked like she was about to kill that guy.

Before I could apologize and change my seat she spoke up for me. "It's not anymore. And now move." That only caused me to be even more amazed by her. The guy immediately backed away and sat somewhere else but I didn't really noticed. I was too busy staring at her. She smiled as she met my eyes again and put the book on my desk."I'm Rosalie by the way.", she said. Then she gave me a last heart stopping smile, turned around and walked out of the room. The exact moment she left the room the bell rung and the teacher came in. I was still amazed by her beautiful smile.

When Mrs Ainsworth saw me I knew what was going to happen. "You're the new student, right? Perfect, how about you introduce yourself in front of the class. In German.", she said and brought me back to reality. That women looked like she just had the best idea ever. Wich it wasn't.

As soon as the class was over I basically run out of the room. My brain felt like it air dried. Mrs Ainsworth almost always asked me for the answer of a question. When she realized that I was quite good she asked me again. And again. It felt like it was a conversation just between me and the teacher. That made me more uncomfortable than any student starring at me. My dizziness didn't help there.

When I walked in direction of the exit I didn't realize the two people on my side until Jasper decided to talk to me. "You okay? You look even paler than in the morning.", he said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Nobody told me that the german class here would be so much worse than on my old school.", I mumbled. He chuckled. "I did.", was his answer. "No you didn't. You just indirectly asked me if I was crazy for learning German.", I answered and Alice on my left laughed.

As soon as we stepped out of the building I took a deep breath. Alice and Jasper took me aside. They said that they wanted to wait for their siblings. I just waited for all the students to disappear. And maybe because I wanted to see the blonde beauty again. I didn't have to wait long.

"Hey guys. Wait, are you okay?", asked Rosalie as she walked up to us. Behind her was a really tall, really handsome guy. His movement was incredibly smooth even though he was really muscular. The movements reminded me of a panther and his appearance let me think of a bear.

His dark brown hair looked really fluffy and way to high for me to mess with it. But I desperately wanted to. His eyes were darker than the eyes of the other three surrounding me. And his face was just amazing. I've never seen a guy that was more handsome than him. Trust me, that guy had incredible muscles. I just stared at him. And he stared back. When I looked in his eyes I saw something I couldn't describe. There was a flash of feelings. That confused me.

His beautiful dark eyes looked up and down my whole body. I felt goose bumps spread over my body. It was like he wanted to memorize every bit of me.

"Yeah, I think I just need to eat something.", I mumbled the answer to Rosalies question. "So you're saying that you skipped lunch completely?", Alice asked. I just nodded, still not taking my eyes off the guy in front of me. "I thought you went back to your locker, getting whatever you forgot and then going back to eat lunch!", she scolded me. I shook my head.

"I can't believe it. Come one, we're gonna get you some food.", Rosalie said and I immediately turned my head to her. "Wait, what?!"

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