Chapter 14 - Food ✔️

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I almost fell asleep on Emmett a couple of times. I knew he wouldn't have minded even if I'd actually had fallen asleep. But the break ended soon so I couldn't even If I wanted to. And I did.

I was just glad that they didn't really talked to me and let me be. Rosalie reminded me to eat though. And she gave me something to drink from time to time. I laughed at that. But it was cute.

Looking back I understand how these rumors came up and that they didn't stop. Especially not after that.

I groaned when the bell rung, signaling the end of the break. "Will you let us walk you to class this time? ", Rosalie asked me. I just nodded. There was no energy left to start a discussion with them.

I was glad that I only had one last class to attend before I could finally head home and fall into my bed. I'm actually constantly tired but today was somehow worse than usual. I guess I wasn't in the deep sleep phase for long. It was certainly not long enough.

When I walked out of the building I already forgot what the teacher talked about the last hour. Honestly I dint really cared about it either. I was God at guessing answers so I think I'll pass the next test.

It was kind of lonely walking across the parking lot without the Cullens offering to give you a ride home. Well, all Cullens except for Edward.

He was weird. And he still stares from time to time. I don't understand why. I mean Bella at least tries. It doesn't work but it still counted.

I sighed to get rid of that thought. Walking home I tried to concentrate on the music only to keep the thought away. Do you know the feeling when you think so much that you get dizzy and feel a slight pressure in your head? The only thing you want is that damn thoughts to finally shut up. Meditation actually helps. But you really got to be patient. I do it from time to time. It is really relaxing and helps me when my sleep schedule is way too off. Just don't do it when you're overthinking. You likely get frustrated because it's harder than usual to concentrate on something else.

When I finally arrived at home I went straight to bed. A power nap was just the right thing. I put a alarm clock on 90 minutes. I read that you should either sleep 30 minutes so you don't get into deep sleep or full 90 minutes where the deep sleep just ended. And I feel like I really needed the full 90 that day. I almost instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up I still had about an hour and a half till Vince and Reah would come home. And I felt much better than before. Because I had no clue hat to do with myself I thought I could help Rhea a little with the household. I put a dance playlist on and made my way downstairs. I tidied up a little, took out the trash and took the vacuum cleaner that spontaneously became my dance partner. When I was done I still had half an hour.

I used the time to finish a task I should do in German. It was creative writing so I could basically write about everything. In the end I wrote a short story about a nameless guy and his dragon. I've always loved fantasy stories and I've always been fascinated by dragons. I thought they were one of the most beautiful creatures that imagination ever created. That they were pretty often the villains is stories was a fact that I didn't liked but without those the good dragons would've never been created.

As soon as I put the pen away I heard the door downstairs. By the loud noises I could tell that it was Vince. A second later I heard him calling me.

"Hey.", I greeted when I got in the living room where he waited. "Hey. I basically just wanted to ask if you would like to help me cooking. Since you asked me if I could teach you, I thought you'd like to". "Yeah sure.", I replied.

"Okay so I thought about making French onion rice. It'll take a while, especially caramelize the onions but it's really delicious." ; he told me in the kitchen while he got all the ingredients and put them on the kitchen island. "That's also what we start with. The onions. You always start with what takes the most time. Smart, right?". He grinned at me while melting butter in a pot and poring a little olive oil in it. Afterwards he put the onions in.

And he wasn't wrong. that shit took at least half an hour. But with Vince it was fun. This time he got to decide the music and it was definitely something I didn't expect. It was a mix of English rap, dance songs and rock. But it kind of had something to it. With some classic AC/DC the onions were finally done and were put aside for now.

In between Reah thanked me for helping a little. I guess I don't have to mention that she got home in the mean time. But since Vince is scared for his sacred kitchen to burn down whenever she gets anywhere near the stove she just sat in the living room, watching a romcom.

"Okay, what's up next on the list?", I asked. "So firstly we need the garlic that you prepared. Then we're gonna ad some thyme and pepper. The next part is always my favorite.", he said and got the bottle of white wine from the kitchen table. "The alcohol will leave because it'll cook but it gives a great aroma to the food". After we've done that - well he did, I just watched - we put some more butter into that and finally added the rice. Afterwards we just simply added the onions we prepared before and some beef broth and let it cook for about twenty inutes.

Meanwhile we set the table and danced around the kitchen a little. "Where did you learn all this stuff from?", I asked him when we sat down for dinner. Reah was finally allowed to be in the kitchen again. "My dad was a chef and worked in many different places. He taught me some recipes and cooking became a hobby for me.", he told me while giving me my plate.

Trust me, that guy is a God when it comes to food. It was so delicious. And he knew how to make cooking fun. Guess I'll bother him a lot of times while making food from now on.

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