Chapter 19 - Paul

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"Alright, here we are my lady", Paul said while opening my door. I laughed at him. "Thank you very much, sir", I replied and slightly bowed as I got out of the car. He grinned.

Walking down and watching the waves I couldn't help but start running towards it. Paul behind me said something I couldn't understand but I heard him running behind me a second later. Originally I planned to run to the water. Somehow we ended up trying to catch each other. I've never sprinted that fast in my whole life. Still he caught me within a minute.

Laughing I tried to catch him but that was nearly impossible. At one point I just gave up and laid down, knowing exactly I'm going to have way too much sand in my hair afterward.

Paul took the spot beside me grinning and as soon as he laid next to me I lightly slapped his hand. "Got you", I said out of breath. He chuckled at that. "Alright you win".

It was at least half an hour we just watched the waves in comfortable silence until he broke it with the question I tried to avoid. "So.. You wanna tell me what happened?"

He gave me an option. His voice was calm and soft like he was talking to a deer he didn't want to scare. I smiled lightly.

"Yeah I guess you deserve an explanation. Besides might be good to talk about it.", I said. His whole attention was on me now. I couldn't bring myself to look at him so I kept staring at the water. Dangerously beautiful.

"You know I've been close to the Cullens, right? Well at least I thought I was. Turns out they were fake.", I let out a frustrated noise, feeling tears in my eyes. I had no intention on letting these tears out through. "I really thought I found friends for once. Real ones. I know I was naive trusting them so fast. God I'm stupid. When I came here I wanted to make everything different. I try my best to stay with Reah and Vince, want to surround myself with people that won't give me a petty look and just wanna live like a normal teen girl. With all teeny problems and heartbreak if that's what it takes to be ordinary". Realizing I raised my voice I took a deep breath to calm myself. I avoided to look at him but I was thankful that he just listened.

"Well I guess my heart has been broke. At least it got damaged by them. And the worst thing about it is that I somehow still like them. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. Well except for Edward maybe. He could use a broken car in the middle of nowhere or something... I think what makes me sad the most is simply that they didn't even talked to me. They didn't insult me or made fun of me. Just Edward. But I didn't like him in the first place anyway. Guess that goes both ways."

I took another break and got quiet for a minute. Paul still didn't say anything. He knew I wasn't done.

"I opened my heart for them way too soon. But I'm glad I didn't told them anything extremely personal. I'm sure I would have if they pretended just a little longer though. But at least I know that this wasn't real. I'm just so glad to have you at least.", I ended and finally looked at him. A soft smile was at his face but his body language told me he was beyond angry.

"No problem. You're my lil sis, remember?", he answered. "No, you don't understand. I'm really glad to have you."

He smiled a little wider. But just for a few seconds. "Do you mind me ranting about all of that?", he asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

"I try to stay calm and not to insult anyone. Except for maybe Edward. But if I do I'm sorry.", he apologized. "You know we don't really like the Cullens anyway. And certainly that didn't make them any more likable. If I could I would rip their heads off. You are a part of our group already. They should watch their moves. No one makes my family sad".

I doubted him not a second. His voice was almost like a growl. His hands were fists and his whole body was extremely tense. I would find him intimidating if I wouldn't knew his goofy side. Trying to calm him I stroke his hand that immediately opened. It seemed to work.

He sighed. "But I don't understand that either. Remember when we picked you up to come here? They were pretty protective. I mean, sure, they don't like to share anything with us but they genuinely seemed to care. That blondie even threatened us. And the fact they didn't say anything to you, except for that wannabe Jonas brother, is weird too."

I nodded. "Yeah. I thought about that too. So either there's something else going on or they are just extremely good at pretending."

Another time silence fell upon us. Both of us in their heads thinking about that conversation. Realizing that I won't get any new information that way I just sighed." Let's please change topic. Or do something else at least", I said.

A second later he tickled me. I tried to escape but that man was way to strong. He stopped when my breath run out. Laughing I took a second to breathe normally again and tried tickling him. To my surprise it worked. But just for a minute before he could manage to free himself.

"Not fair", I said with a pout. "Poor little thing.", I heard Paul mocking. Faster than he could react I messed with his hair and run away. This time I could run a little longer before he caught me. Of course not without playing first. He run in front of me to one side and the other to prevent me from running around him. My only option was to go slower and turn around. That's when he caught me.

Feeling the wind going through my hair and myself smile I felt at peace. Once again I thanked Paul silent for being there for me.

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