Chapter 18 - Numb

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I felt awful. But I wasn't surprised when I woke up the next morning feeling like a school bus drove over me multiple times. When Reah saw me this morning she instantly send me back to bed. She thought I was sick. I had no intention of correcting her. At least I wouldn't have to go to school and see them again.

Reah offered me to stay but I refused. I didn't want her to get in trouble at work and besides I wanted to be alone. I spend most of my time reading since it distracted me from the reality. In between I just stopped to get some food or a bottle of water.

I even got a few texts from Angie and Jess but I didn't bother answering. Simply because I couldn't care less. When Paul texted it was different. He was just bored and decided to annoy me with some small talk but I was thankful for that.

He invited me to whale watching tomorrow afternoon but I said that I would need some time to think about it, knowing that I would decline his offer. I really didn't feel like doing anything with anyone.

Paul had no clue what happened with the Cullens. That made it so much easier to text with him. I knew that he most likely wouldn't ask questions that I couldn't answer myself.

He told me some stupid stories about the guys and what they did and he actually managed to make me smile. But let's be honest, they are idiots.

I wasn't sure if I could call them my friends. Especially since my last 'friendship' turned out to be fake. It's probably better for everyone if I keep my distance to them as well. Besides I doubt it would bother them much.

The next few days weren't any more spectacular. I tried to avoid any thoughts on the Cullens and read most of the day. It's still the best method to avoid reality. I also kept on ignoring any text messages. In the end I turned off my phone but after considering that I have adoptive parents now I turned it back on. I didn't expect anything but just in case it would be better not to worry them.

This morning Vince even brought our usual cup of coffee into my room. He new I was awake. Sleeping wasn't really my thing these days. We didn't talk much but I liked it that way. And his coffees were the best. I don't know what he did to make them taste so damn good but they did. And it was very soothing for my hurt feelings.

The next Monday I went back to school. I felt numb as the building came into my view. Leaving my headphones in I made my way to the locker and prepared for my first period. Whenever someone would try and talk to me I answered as short as possible. None of them talked to me more than five minutes realizing I wasn't in the mood.

I walked through the school with my head down just concentrating on the music. If one of the Cullens passed my way I wouldn't know. And I kept in that way.

The first couple of days were hard but I got better. Whenever I was at home I worked on myself and my self concept since I didn't want anyone to break me like that again. I struggled a lot but I refused to give up. Spending my time with Vince and Reah helped me a lot. I really liked them. The doubts I had went quiet and could see myself living with them in the future.

Now I just had to get myself back on track.

I did good. Really good. I was proud of myself. But when the day came I actually saw them together casually talking to each other. I don't know why but it hurt just as much as the day Edward made my open my eyes. All the work I've done on myself completely disappeared and I was at the same point I was a week ago.

I felt numb again. But this time I was glad about it. It's still better then starting to cry in front of the whole school. I walked past them without giving them another glance. But I felt theirs on my back. They probably laugh about how stupid I was. How easy they could trick me. How easy they played me. I smiled bitterly.

As soon as school was over I called Paul. Still standing in front of the school I waited patiently for him to pick up.

"Emery?", he asked surprised and kind of... Relieved.

"Yeah. Hey.", I said softly. Suddenly I was convinced I had a good idea.

"Thank goodness. I texted you a thousand times! You didn't answer any of them. We were worried! We even planned to come to your school to see if you were alright but Sam said no. He said we should let you take your time going whatever you are going through.", he answered.

I smiled. It felt good hearing that at least he cared.

"Yeah about that.. I was wondering if we could go to the beach today? I just wanna get my head off of things. If not that's fine too.", I said.

"Sounds good to me. I'll pick you up in an hour, okay? Just have to finish some stuff here.", he said sounding very relieved.

"Okay, thanks! See you in an hour!", I answered.

"Yeah see ya!"

With that we hung up. I thought it was the perfect distraction. Cause that's what I needed the most at the moment. But I also knew that I probably had to talk to him about it. He's going to ask for sure.

I quickly made my way home, getting ready and texting both of my parents. When I was done I took some time to finally eat something. The cafeteria wasn't my favorite place to. And food wasn't exactly what I liked at the moment but I also didn't want to worry anyone by blacking out or something.

Just as I finished Paul called me telling me he stood outside waiting. I basically run out of the house. He was standing on his car and gave me a big hug as I reached him.

"Hey idiot.",i greeted him returning the hug.

"Hey shortie. Ready to go?"

I nodded. "But only if I can choose the music!"

"Oh lord. Fine, let's go then"

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