Chapter 15 - Protective ✔️

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The rest of the evening and night was very nice. I went to my bedroom early to increase the chance of getting to bed early. But that play drove against a wall when I got a text message. It was from Paul. We actually text pretty often. I got along with him really well.

At first we had that little smalltalk. In the end I actually got plans friday tomorrow after school. He invited me to go to the La Push Beach where they wanted to cliff dive. Since I literally got nothing better to do and it sounded like fun I obviously said yes. Afterwards we texted a bit longer until we both decided to go to sleep. When I looked at the clock I was surprised to see that it was only 11 pm. It's not as early as I wanted it to be but I could live with that.

The next couple of days went pretty much like every one before. Emmett and Rosalie were as hot as always and cute to absolutely no one besides me. I kind of get what Jessica and Angie meant back then. And I think after they told me about it I started to realize and notice it way more than before.

The lunch breaks also went like usual. But I noticed for the first time that the Cullens didn't really ate anything. It was barely. When I tried to remember if they ate more the last few days or last week the answer was no. But my memory definitely isn't something you should trust.

But apart from that there was literally nothing interesting happening. When Friday came around I was kind of in a very good mood the whole day. Rosalie noticed that as well. "Okay, what happened?". "What should've happened?", I asked her. "You basically turned into Alice.", Jasper said. "Yeah, where is that good mood coming from?", Emmett asked, resting his arm around my shoulder as usual. I didn't even fight it anymore.

"Well, for the first time since I got here I made plans how to spend my afternoon. I mean, yes, reading and watching movies is fun but only to a degree. And when you get so bored that you make chores then there's clearly something wrong.", I said shrugging." You know you could've just asked us, right? ", Alice replied.

How do you explain someone that you didn't asked because you wanted them to ask because you aren't sure if they're really your friends and not just pitying you? Besides I was a little scared. And there was one other reason; "You guys really keep to yourself. I didn't know if it would be alright. Besides I'm not that good at having friends."

The last part wasn't planned. It shouldn't have left my mouth. I knew that it was okay saying that because it was nothing else than the truth. But I felt like I just told them so much of my past. Too much about my personality.

What I also knew is that they are trustworthy. Well, except for Bella and Edward but they weren't here right now anyway. It was just a inner self defense and protection to keep to myself.

I felt comfortable around them and I knew that this was a good sign. They actually made me open up a little more over the past days. But it was terrifying how fast they accomplished that.

"Oh, I think you do a really great job.", Alice said. I smiled at her. "But that also means that you really have to come over soon. I already invited you like ages ago." she replied and the others agreed. "Okay, I'll do. Tell me when and where and I'll be there.", I said.

In that moment a black Volkswagen was driving on the parking lot and parked near us. I recognized the two guys immediately.

When they walked over they didn't seem to be very happy seeing me with the Cullens. Especially Paul and Emmett were glaring at each other and Embry stared at Rosalie. And that wasn't in a amazed kind of way.

Confused I looked at them but then decided to go over and greet them with a hug. Well that was what I planned to do but Emmett didn't let me go. "You can let your arm down now.", I said to him but it seemed like he couldn't hear me.

"What a surprise.", Paul said and I was getting more confused by the seconds. "Speak for yourself.", Emmett replied. I swear If looks could kill they'd both be dead. "Okay, what's going on here?", I asked. "We didn't know you were friends with... them", Rosalie replied. "Well I didn't know you know each other.", I answered.

"Come on, Emery. The others are waiting.", Embry said not taking his eyes off of Rosalie. Emmett clearly didn't want to let me go. He even stopped his glaring contest to look at me pleading. "They aren't good influences.", he said. "Says you.", Paul spotted. "It's fine. They are nice. And Vince trusts them. So don't worry, I'll be okay. They'll be good company". I answered after I glared at Paul myself causing him to shut up. Rosalie sighed. "Fine. But if she's hurt or even one of her hair is missing I won't be responsible for anything that happens after.", Rosalie surprisingly said. Now I really believe what Angie told me the other day. I had no clue they were this protective over me. And I didn't know that they hated Paul and the others so much.

I hesitated for a second looking at the pair before I walked over. Paul and Embry hugged me as a greeting wich was commented by Emmett almost growling. They watched the boys every move closely. Even when we drove away their eyes followed us. And I had no idea what just happened.

"What the hell was that?". "That's hard to explain.", Paul replied who was the one driving. His grip around the steering wheel was so strong that his knuckles became white. "Why didn't you told us you were friend with... Them?", Embry asked. "Well, nobody asked and I didn't know you know each other". "Yeah, that question was stupid.", Paul said. I couldn't stop myself from laughing when I saw Embrys face.

I still didn't feel good about what just happened but I tried to concentrate on the guys and the fun part; La push beach.

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