Chapter 6 - Water pistols and a poet ✔️

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After really long discussion I could convince them that I'd eat as soon as I got "home". But they didn't let me walk. Emmett - the incredibly handsome guy - wouldn't give in and said that one of his brothers wasn't in school that day anyway so they had an empty seat. Little did I know that Jasper had to stand on the back of the car.

They reassured me that that was fine and normally Emmett would stand there but because he drove Alice and Jasper near the place they lived, so they could already get home while the other two most beautiful people on the planet drive me home, he was the one behind the wheel. It was his car anyway.

Since I couldn't convince them I took that compromise. I didn't talk much and just enjoyed listening to them. They talked about a guy called Edward and his girlfriend Bella. From what I've heard Rosalie didn't like Bella much. Emmett simply didn't care. He joked around and when he got me giggling both of them seemed frozen for a second. But I was sure that I just imagined it.

I didn't even had to tell them where I lived. I guess Jasper and Alice already told them. "Thanks for the ride.", I said when we arrived in front of the house. "No problem.", Emmett responded with a grin that could melt my heart. In my mind I cursed at myself. I knew them for a few hours. We're basically strangers. That I sat in the car with them was a miracle itself.

I enjoyed their company, don't get me wrong. But I didn't want them to like me in any kind of way. And I didn't want to like them either.

Trust me, I also really wish for Vince and Rhea to like me and for us to become a family where I could stay or come back to whenever I needed. I wished for Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice to be my friends. The first I'd ever have. But in the back of my head I had these doubts. It's like a shadow that gets bigger and bigger depending on the position of the sun. I searched for a way to eliminate it. Again and again. But I never found one.

"Just make sure that you'll eat something.", Rosalie scolded softly and I nodded. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.", I said awkwardly because I really didn't know what to say as goodbye. They smiled. "Yes, see you tomorrow.", she answered.

"And please don't break your neck meanwhile.", Emmett said, reffering to a few moments before when I almost fell down the few stairs in front of the school. That didn't really help to make them less worried. I don't even know if it was worry. I'm just so not used to people interacting with me. Besides, how worried can people be that know you for a couple of hours. For Emmett it was even less.

"I'll try", I said and smiled back before I got out of the car. They waited for me to reach the door before they drove off. When I was inside I leaned against the closed door and took a moment. Then I did as Rosalie told and went straight to the kitchen. I didn't feel as dizzy as before but I also didn't want it to come back. Besides, I was hungry.

I decided to make myself a sandwich. It felt strange. I walked around the kitchen as if this was really my home. But it didn't felt like it. I never had the feeling of home since the second family gave me back. Even in my own body, in my own mind I felt like a stranger sometimes.

I sighed at that thought. It wasn't something I could change now anyway, so it was no use to spend time thinking about it.

Unsure of what to do I took my plate and sat down at the kitchen island. I didn't know if Vince and Rhea would be okay with me eating in the living room while watching TV. I wasn't allowed to do it at the home of the third pair that adopted me. But they were weird anyway. Not even my school had that much rules. Guess that's part of the reason they put me back. I simply didn't cared about that.

After I finished my sandwich I put my plate in the dishwasher and spend some time on YouTube. There wasn't much to do anyway. And luckily I didn't had homework.

Reah came back from work sooner than expected. She smiled when she saw me still sitting in the kitchen.

" Hey. How was your first day at school?", she asked immediately. "Yeah it was good. How was work?", I asked back. I couldn't tell much anyway. "It was so stressful. The phone rung every two minutes. Seriously, how any people could possibly need a new car? Besides that I had to order a hella lot of things. They always ask for material the last minute. "

Reah worked in the office of a car seller in a city three quarters of an hour away. She liked her job and got more money there then here in Forks. Besides that, the only thing she could've done here was working in the little supermarket down the street. It was also the only one here. I was surprised they even had one. 

She kept telling be about her colleagues and I nodded here and there. If I was honest to myself it was fun looking at her ranting about people I never heard about. In between she asked me if I wanted a coffee too wich I gladly accepted before she went back to her rant.

Afterwards she told me some funny stories about the same people she just talked about. One time  for example an other staff member had birthday and they all hid in the dark, leaving the poor guy completely confused until they all came out of their hiding places and splashed him with water pistols. Of course far away from the desks and cars. In the end he was wet from head to toe. What they didn't expected was him stealing a water pistol from someone and fire back. Luckily most of the people there had some dry clothes in their locker.

Clearly Rhea was the extraverted one. But it was nice listening to her.

That day I went to bed early. Vince had to work longer than expected. I actually planned to wait or him to come home but Resh told me that it would cost me important hours of sleep.

That night I dreamed of a German speaking poet called Jasper and Emmett splashing him with a water pistol when the dramatic part of Jaspers speech came.

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