Chapter 25 - Question

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I hated math. And the teacher. It felt like my brain was fried. I had no idea what she was trying to explain to us, but she sure didn't do a good job.

I was glad when I got out of the building. It wasn't hard to find Paul. His car was more than obvious. The black car was freshly washed. And stood in the middle of the parking lot. Others were already annoyed by him, but none of them dared to talk to him. He really looked intimidating at times. But as soon as you get to know him, he's the nicest guy you could imagine. Just in case he likes you, of course.

I walked over to him. His face lit up when he saw me. "Hey, Hobbit. What's up?", he greeted me once I was close enough. "Hobbit? Where did that came from?", I asked after I hugged him. "Well... You're short.", he said and shrugged. "Thanks, Gollum", I answered and rolled my eyes. Still, I couldn't hide a grin. He laughed. "Okay, Princess. Get in before they get Charlie". I laughed while I opened the door.

Once we were inside me turned the music on and we drove away from the crowd of students. Friday was the day everyone had till one pm. That was stressful at times. But I got used to almost tripping every two meters.

"Hey, do you wanna go to the back later?", I asked him. "Yeah why not?". "There will be friends from my school. Well, friends is too much to say but they're nice. Do you think the others would want to join? I'd feel more comfortable.", I said. The last sentence war rather quiet and I really hoped he heard that. "Yeah sure! We'll just ask them. Emily probably won't go. I guess you know why. Besides she's out grocery shopping anyway."

I was really sad that she wouldn't join. But I could understand it. I nodded and gave him a smile when he looked over to me for a second before his attention went back to the road. It didn't take long until we arrived.

I was greeted happily by the guys. Sam even gave me a hug. I messed with Jared's hair and let him pout while I gave my attention to the others. When Paul told them about the beach they all wanted to join. Except for Jacob. He promised his dad to help him go to Charlie. After that he wanted to work on the bikes he got.

Even though they agreed I didn't think we'd go right away. But we did. The guy were actually exited. Still, I told them not to cliff dive while the others were there. I had the bad feeling that Mike would want to show the girls what a man he was and jump down that cliff as well. At least Eric would have enough brain not to but I wasn't too sure about that as well.

When we arrived a few minutes later I saw Jessica and her group from meters away. The guys had brought a basket with snacks and drinks that I was carrying, while Embry and Quil were already chasing each other like five year olds. I smiled.

Paul soon appeared next to me. Without a word he took the basket out of my hands. "I can do that by myself", I said. He simply answered "I know". And he had no intention of giving that basket back to me. I huffed but kept silent.

Mike almost jumped up immediately when we were close enough. The girls greeted me excited and really seemed happy to see me. Eric just smiled in our direction. "Hey. I hope we aren't too late?", I asked when I sat down on a stem and Paul right beside me. "No, don't worry. We came here like an hour ago.", Eric answered while he put his hair behind his ear. I nodded. "By the way this are Paul, Jared, Sam", I pointed at the man standing next to us, "Jacob and the idiots over there are Embry and Quil".

"Hey, I heard that!", last one called out and even stopped chasing Embry. "You were supposed to!", I said back. Jacob chuckled and Sam and Paul grinned. Jared just shook his head and joined the other two idiots.

"Nice to meet you", Angela spoke up. "Oh, this are Eric, Mike, Angela and me, Jess, by the way", she introduced before I had the chance. The guys nodded with a smile. "We brought snacks. You can have some too if you want", Jacob offered and pointed to the basket between me and Paul. They thanked him. Afterwards they started to talk. The conversation built itself up. They seemed to get along pretty good. Embry, Quil and Jared joined at some point.

Angie and Eric had questions about the Res, while Mike and Jessica asked more personal questions. If they liked to party on the beach for example. I followed different conversations but kept silent most of the time.

After an hour I stood up and walked down to the water. They were all still eating and talking and the atmosphere was great. I was glad they all liked each other even though most topics were very basic and boring.

As expected did Paul came after me and quietly walked next to me around the beach. After a couple of minutes he broke the silence. "Do you want to tell me what happened?". I knew he meant the incident of me getting lost in the woods. I shrugged. "I had to get out and clear my head."

He looked at me. There was a doubtful look at his face. "That's not everything", he said. I knew he would leave the topic of I told him that. But something told me, that I should open up to him. "No its not. I had a panic attack. In the past I had them pretty often. Nowadays it's rather rare. But this time it was a really bad one. So I just ran outside without a thought, direction or goal in mind. I just needed some fresh air. You know the rest.", I explained and looked away. "What was the reason?", he asked.

He meant the panic attack. Oh lord, I definitely wasn't ready to answer that question.

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