Chapter 42 - Family

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In the following week they really tried everything for me to fully forgive them. And no matter how many times I told them that I already did, they didn't believe me.

Rosalie and Emmett often picked me up for school and while lunch break they made me sit with them again. They also made plans for after school, but most of the time I declined. I still spent much time with Paul and the others or did stuff with Reah and Vince.

In my mind I started calling them my parents. It just made sense for me now. It was way harder calling them that out loud. Besides the decision whenever they wanted me to stay or not was in four weeks. Just by the thought of it I was getting nervous.

The last couple of weeks we always spent time in the evening, made movie marathons, played video games and cooked together. It made me feel wanted and safe. I believe that's how it feels to have a loving family. There was nothing that I wished more for than staying with them. I perceived us as a family already. And I would hate to quit the morning coffee with Vince.

But in the end it was their decision. I felt a lot of hope and thought there was a big chance that they would want to keep me. But I just had to many bad surprises in my life. That's why this bad feeling was going up my back whenever I thought of it.

It was Saturday morning and Reah had the great idea of going bicycling. I definitely wasn't as sure as her about that great idea. And luckily Vince wasn't either.

„Oh come on! The weather is nice, it's not raining for once.. and i refuse to let the day go by without enjoying a little bit of sun", she tried to convince us.

„Okay, but why bicycling?", Vince asked like she just announced her mother wanted to come to visit.

„Because we have Bikes that have been standing in our garage unused for years!", she answered.

„Yeah well, theres a reason for that!"

I just stood next to them and tried hiding my laugh wich i wasn't exactly good at. „What about you, Emery?", Reah asked as if I was the last straw she was holding onto. On the other hand Vince were looking at me pleadingly.

„You know.. I'm not really in the mood for any activity that could be called sport. Besides I got warm hands for once.", I said.

„Okay for real, this was a bad lie.", Vince walked over to me and took my hands in his, „Oh she's right, we can't take her out"

„I'll give her my gloves", Reah said. „No. I wont risk her getting cold fingers. Not even with gloves. Not happening."

I just grinned. After a couple more minutes of discussion Reah finally came to her senses and we agreed on card games and a walk in the forest.

Later on Vince whined that we should have ride these bikes instead. He lost a few rounds more than he liked. Reah just laughed at him.

I really loved the family like atmosphere and I saw myself living here. With them as my parents. My biggest wish was for them to fully adopt me. I just had to wait four weeks. Then I'll know. This day will either destroy me or make me the happiest person alive.

Very short chapter, I know. But I felt like a Reah-Vince moment would be nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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