Chapter 8 - the stolen apple ✔️

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A/N; first off sorry that I skipped a week in between. There's a lot positive things going on in my private life wich is why I totally forget to update. Besides I have summer break and lost a track of time. My apologies if I accidentally skip a week in the future. But anyways this chapter is my favorite one so far. I hope u enjoy.
Much love


Today Mr Cole actually asked me some questions. But I didn't mind. It distracted me from thinking about Edward and Bella. They were weird. I was too, but in a different way. Still, I didn't want to judge about them too soon so I tried not to have an opinion on them.

Then the lunch break came around. I wondered if I would ever sit in the cafeteria. But probably not. I was surprised that this thought included the time until graduration and not until I would get back to a children's home. It was a stupid thought.

When I entered the cafeteria there were already half of the students of this school. I sighed and quickly walked over to get some food. I had pretty much everything I wanted and was about to grab an apple as a snack for in between the lessons, when someone took it a second before I could. When I looked up at the person I was blinded by a beautiful grin.

Emmett threw the apple - my apple - up and down, catching it in one hand like a baseball. "Hey, short stuff.", he greeted me. I frowned at the nickname. "Don't call me that, Steroids.", I answered and grabbed a different apple. "Steroids?", he asked and I just shrugged. "Ever looked in the mirror? You're build like... I don't know. Fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger in his time as a bodybuilder.", I responded.

He wholeheartly laughed at that and made me forget how to breathe for a second. I mean how much more handsome could he get?

When I walked passed him he immediately stopped and a second later he was on my side."What do you think you're doing right now?", I asked and looked at him sceptical. "Going to have lunch with you. So where are we going? And why aren't we sitting with Rosalie, Alice and the others?", he asked back. The smile wouldn't leave his face.

My brain needed a moment until it processed what he just said. "We aren't going anywhere. I planned on spending the break outside. Alone.", I told him. "Yeah no. Not happening.", he responded and grabbed me by my arm, pulling me through the cafeteria to the table where the others were. I couldn't really do something against it. I mean that guy was huge. Besides I had to concentrate on my tray and the things on top. I was more than just relieved that nothing fell down. Emmett hold his just with one hand. But let's be honest, his hand was big enough to almost completely enclose my upper arm.

When he let go of my arm, a tingling went through my whole body. I was a little shocked about it. My brain was on autopilot when I turned around with the goal to finally get out of that room but a hand on my shoulder turned me back and forced me to sit down. God his hands were sexy.

"You can stop now.", I said when he still didn't let go of my shoulder. "Nope. You'd just try to get out of here again.", he responded. "Correct. That's why I asked you to stop.", I answered and heard someone giggle.

Alice looked between Emmett and I back and forth. "Like best friends". Jasper was watching that scenery as well. A grin found its place on his lips. The blond beauty beside me smiled as well.

"Oh come on. Just today. Please.", Emmett pleaded on my side and put a hella lot of 'e's on the end of the please. I sighed. "Fine.", I mumbled. After that a huge ass grin appeared on his lips and didn't left the whole break. His hand left my shoulder for a moment before it was replaced with his arm, sending even more tingles through my body.

That was the main reason I was way to distracted in joining their conversation. Instead I focused on my food. Sitting between two extremely hot people was definitely not the right place for me.

I had a full coursing session in my head. The target was myself. I was too comfortable around them. I shouldn't act like we were friends for years.

Technically that wasn't exactly true. I was extremely tense and confident that pretty much everyone could see it.  Also, I didn't even really engage in the conversation.  I wondered how I ended up in this situation in the first place.

Three days. It was three days ago when I first met Alice and Jasper. And now I was sitting with them. I didn't even know if this was about to become a friendship. Once again I noticed how incredibly bad I was at this.

I came out of my thoughts when two familiar people sat down at the table. Edward and Bella. I was slightly confused but tried to hide it.

"That are Bella and Edward. Edward is our brother and Bella is his girlfriend.", Jasper explained to me. "Guys, that's Emery.", Alice told them. "Yeah, we met this morning already.", Bella said and obviously forced small smile. I simply responded with a small nod.

I felt Rosalie tense up a little, when Bella took the seat next to her. I resistent the urge to touch her hand to calm her down. And once again I cursed at myself.

Edward was staring at me like crazy. It didn't make me feel weird anymore. It was just extremely annoying. So I did something, that surprised myself. "Would you mind taking your eyes off me?", I asked him. My voice actually sounded kind but I everyone could've guessed that it bothered me.

Emmett laughed quietly and Rosalie tried to surpress a grin as well. In the end Edward really stopped. He actually mumbled something that was probably supposed to me an apology. I just nodded at that before I went back to eating.

Around me conversation started again wich made me a little more comfortable. I listened to them but didn't really say anything. Instead I watched Emmett subconsciously playing with the stolen apple. I smiled at that.

The break ended sooner than I thought. If I was honest to myself I didn't want it to end just yet. But I also said, that I'd only sit with them once. I didn't want to simply let Emmett win.

Speaking of Emmett, he refused to take his arm off of my shoulder that I desperately tried to ignore the whole break. He and Rosalie brought me to my next class. They said their room was quite near to mine but when they weren't watching, Alice shook her head signaling me that they lied. I was confused about it. I mean why would they. I know I say it kind of a lot but we've met yesterday for the first time.

I know I couldn't ignore the fact that they both left me paralyzed as soon as I got a glance of them. And I couldn't ignore that they were extremely nice to me. I felt doubts arise.

Trust me when I say that I was spending the rest of the day thinking about that non stop.

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