Chapter 27 - Secret

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I spent most of the next week with Paul and the others. And I enjoyed it. One day, we were at the cinema, another day we went to a café or simply stayed at the reservation.

Spending time with them distracted me. Rosalie and Emmett weren't at school since last Thursday. I actually hoped that they would take actions after their apology. But I guess that's naive.

When I was at school, I spent most of the time with Jess and Angie. I really liked them. Mike was rather annoying. I kept quiet about that though, since it was more than obvious that Jess had a crush on him.

In two and a half weeks Reah and Vince had to decide if I was going to stay with them or not. I really hoped so. It was my final chance to have a family. A real one. But with all the things that happened lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they said no. I had to respect their decision either way. One thing ways for sure though: I wanted to stay.

When I woke up that day I was in a very good mood. Paul and the others wanted to go bowling and asked me if I would come along. Of course I said yes. Not without asking Reah and Vince first. They seemed to be glad that I found friends. Vince was especially happy because he was the one that indirectly introduced me to them. Reah even gave me some pocket money. I was really lucky that these both were interested in me in the first place.

The school day was rather boring. Like everyday I would sit with Jess and her group in the school cafeteria and look over to the Cullens usual table. I saw Alice, Bella and Edward. But no Emmett, Rosalie or Jasper. I sighed before I got back to Angie who was talking about some biology project.

The lessons were going slow and when I had history class I almost fell asleep. Thankfully that was my last period of the day. As soon as the bell rung I grabbed my stuff and almost ran outside. It didn't take long for me to find Paul and his car. I went over to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey", I greeted happily. "Hey. How was your day?", he asked. "Boring. Like very Boring. I almost fell asleep in class", I answered and shrugged. I noticed that his view shifted to something or someone behind me. My head turned in that direction only to see Alice and Bella staring. Paul made a noise that sounded almost like a growl. I was irritated by that but chose to ignore it.

"Forget about them. Let's get to the others and make the day less boring.", I said. His eyes immediately came back to me when I started talking. He grinned and even opened the door for me. Seconds later he sat next to me on the driver's seat. "Alright then. Your wish is my command", he said and started the engine.

The drive took only about ten to fifteen minutes. We were going to the reservation first. When we arrived, they were all already waiting.

It was pretty cold outside. Yet they all stood there in basic shorts and tees. I wasn't sure if they even knew what the word 'cold' means.

We didn't stay long. I greeted them all with a hug. The longest was with Emily. I missed her. After that they all got into their cars. Sam and Emily drove with us.

After another 20 minute drive we finally arrived. I never bowled before but I was really excited to try. When we entered the hall a young brunette girl came to us. She told us that we had the first two bowling lanes and asked if we would need help with the program. Also she explained us were we could borrow shoes in case we didn't bring our ones and gave us the menu for later.

We thanked her and walked over. "Okay then, two teams. Who's going to choose?", Embry asked overly motivated. "The girls", Sam said. Emily and I looked at each other. "Well then, you go first.",she told me. "You know that I never bowled before, right?", I asked them. "Time for you to learn it.", Jared said and grinned. I sighed. "Okay, Paul.", I chose. "Sam", Emily picked. That went on for a while. At the end it was Paul, Jared, Jacob and me against Sam, Embry, Quil and Emily.

The boys of my team explained me how to play. They were all really good. Some ran up to play, others just stood. I wanted to learn the first one. Paul told me, that I should take three steps, play and then take another to run out. My first attempts failed miserably. But with time I got better. Jacob explained me, that the bowling balls had different weights. I tried different ones and chose a green one.

When I actually got a strike I was beyond happy. Jared gave me a High five when I walked to them and he to the lane. Jacob congratulated me and Paul just looked proud. He whispered in my ear, that I was the best player here. I chuckled at that.

And then we had a tie. The last round was the most important. Paul and Sam started. Paul had nine pins down, Sam eight. Next was Embry and Jared. Jared had seven, Embry eight. It was really exciting. The points were always close to each other's.

My turn was the last one. It was me against Emily. "Good luck", she said as we picked up the bowling balls. "Thanks". I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate as much as possible. Purposely I let Emily bowl first. She had 8 pins down. I would need a strike to win. It was very unlikely. I haven't had a strike the whole time we've been here. And has already been three hours at least.

Nonetheless I tried my best. The start was pretty good but the ball turned a little too much left. I also had 8 pins down. They won with two more points.

They celebrated loudly and I congratulated them. It was a really fun day. We had the rest of the food and drinks that we ordered and then went back to the reservation. I was a little sad because I had so much fun there but they promised me that we'd do that again anytime.

"Hey Emery", Jared said when we all got out of the cars. "Yeah?". "There's something we need to show you", he said. Instantly the chill atmosphere changed and I noticed them getting tensed. "What is it?", I asked. "Not here.", Paul said, took my hand and lead me behind a few houses. The others followed closely. Suddenly they all stopped and Paul let go of my hand.

"Stay there", he said and walked a few meters away. I noticed that the other boys spread out around us. "Remember when I told you about the Quileute legend I told you about?", Sam asked. I hesitated and finally nodded. "You see.. They aren't wrong. I know it must sound unreal but the part about shape shifting is actually true.", he said. I looked at him like he told me he was an alien. In that moment I would believe him. His face was dead serious. "Prove it", I said in a quiet and shaky voice.

"You know we won't do you any harm. You are extremely important to us. That's why you deserve to now the truth. And that's why I told you I'm not what you think I am.", Paul said as he took of his shirt and shoes. If this wasn't as serious I would've admired his amazing body.

"So you are serious about all of this?", I asked but I knew the answer. They all did. Paul took another view steps back. And then it happened.

It was so fast, my eyes couldn't follow. In one second there was Paul, then a second later a big brownish wolf. I stumbled back and even let out a short scream of surprise and shock. I heard Embry and Jacob say something but I didn't hear anything. My eyes were fixed on that giant, fluffy wolf with the big brown eyes. He looked at me nervously and I could even see fear. His head was low so he looked up at me. I was overwhelmed but oddly fascinated.

Carefully I took a step closer. Then another. Hesitantly I stroke his head for a second but immediately after I took my hand back. When I realized that there was no danger for me I stroked him again. He leaned in my touch and closed his eyes.

"So you all can transform into wolves?", I asked calmly, still not taking off my eyes of that beautiful creature on front of me. "Yes. Well, except for Emily.", Quil answered. "But you still think normally, right? There's no.. How do I say it?... blood-thirsty instinct in your heads?". "No. Just when we protect our people or mates", Sam said. "Mates?". "That's something Paul should explain to you when the time's right", Jared answered. "We also get pretty aggressive when we're near our enemy's.", added Embry. "You mean the 'cold ones' you told me about?". "Yes".

"Okay guys, how about we're get inside, I'll get some cookies and we talk this out. She sure has a ton of questions.", Emily mentioned. We agreed. Unfortunately that meant I had to let go of Paul since he had to put some clothes back on. With one last look I turned around and followed them. I could feel his eyes on me.

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