Chapter 16 - Cliff diving

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When we arrived at the beach I immediately got rid of my shoes and socks. Feeling the sand and water was really amazing.

"You act like it's your first time at a beach.", Paul teased grinning. "It's not the first but it feels like ages I was at the beach the last time.", I replied.

"We should definitely take you to whale watching sometime.", Sam said as he watched us grinning. "Wait, Whales?", I askes excited. "Yeah. They appear here from time to time."

"Thats so cool! I've never seen one in real life.", I exclaimed. "You will. But now let's cliff dive", Embry said not any less excited. Paul laughed and started chasing him. "Should we go after them?", I asked Sam clueless while we walked beside me. "I wanna see your reaction first.", Sam grinnes. "What?"

In the next moment I knew what he meant. Paul and Embry were playfully fighting each other until one of them was pushed down the cliff and the other one jumped right after him. Sam just laughed at my shocked face. "That looks so fun!", I said fascinated.

"Want to try it?", the guy next to me asked. I shook my head laughing. "I would a hundred percent drown". "Well, how about you cling to one of their backs then?", He compromised. My eyes lit up. He grinned and a second later we were jogging up the cliff where the two wet diver where standing, already waiting for us.

"Paul, you're gonna have a human backpack now.", Sam informed him. "Wait really?", Embry asked surprised and I nodded exited. I was smart enough to wear a bikini underneath my clothes. I actually didn't plan on swimming but I still took them with me. Turns out it was a really good idea.

"How cold is it?", I asked when I climbed Paul's back. "You're gonna find out yourself. But trust me, it's colder than you think" ."Wait what? ". He didn't even bothered answering and run to the end of the cliff instead. I surpressed a scream when he jumped of. Adrenaline rushed through my veins and when we hit the water I pressed myself ageinst Paul back even more. When we were back on land again just moments later I couldn't stop laughing. "That was so cold!", I said and Paul grinned. "That's what I told you. Again?, he asked and I nodded with a huge grin.

"How was your first cliff dive?", Sam asked when we got back to the others."That was so cool! ", I called out. "Wait, she actually jumped?", a familiar voice asked behind us. Turning around I saw Jacob and a few other guys that I have never seen before.

"Hell yeah she did. Seems like Sam and I won. We get 20 bucks from each of you.", Paul said proudly and pointed at Jake and Embry. "Wait you made a bet?", I asked and laughed. Jake nodded grumpy.

"That are Brady, Quil and Collin by the way. And you know Jared already.", Sam introduced me to the new people. "Hey, I'm Emery, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, we know. The guys didn't shut up about you.", Quil answered grinning. "Oh really?", I said and looked at Sam and Paul grinning. "Shut up and get on my back.", the last one said. "Careful that she doesn't get near the cliff.", Jacob mentioned. "Don't worry. Besides we can't let anything happen to her, the Cullens already threatened.", Embry replied. "Good to know that you only make sure that I'm okay because of them.", I said. "That's not what he meant. You're like a little sister to Paul. I highly doubt he'd let anything happen to you.", Sam said. "I am?", I asked the guy on who's back I'm clinging on. "Yeah you are, Shortie.", he replied with the same stupid grin he always had.

"The Quileute decide pretty fast if they like someone and what their 'rank' would be.", Collin explained. "Rank?". Brady slightly hit Collin. "Yeah kind of.", Embry answered save the situation. I'm quite sure there's something more but it wasn't my place to find out. They would tell me if I had to know. "Another Quileute thing, huh?", I asked instead and Sam nodded while shrugging. "I didn't make the rules."

"Now that we're done talking, can we go back to cliff diving?", Paul asked and I nodded laughing. This time I couldn't surpress a short scream. That went on a few times. Paul refused to let me jump with anyone else and I preferred it that way as well. But I made sure that I didn't bother him and that his back was okay.

"Okay next time you jump alone.", Jake said when we were back after another jump. "What? No way. I would drown in the waves.", I answered. "Don't worry. I'll be waiting in the water. When something happens I'll be there.", Paul said. I hesitated for a second but nodded eventually.

Paul jumped first and called my name to signal I could jump now. Nervously I took a deep breath before I ran up and jumped. Jumping on your own is a whole other feeling. it was really like flying for a second. It took forever until I finally reached the water but on the same time it was too short. I immedietly swam up to the surface and was greeted by a pound smiling Paul. "You did it!", he exclaimed. "Hell yeah, I did", I called out happily. "Hey! Is Emery still alive?", Jake yelled from up the cliff. We laughed. "Alive and kickin", I yelled back and heard chuckled from up there.

"Come on, let's get out of the water.", Paul said. I nodded and swam after him. I struggled with the waves but eventually I reached the land where Paul helped me up. "You okay?", he asked. "Yes but I think that's enough for today.", I answered and grinned. "But you keep watching us, right?". "Of course".

So I did. We stayed for at least another two hours before they brought me home. Paul actually gave me his Hoodie since I was freezing after I stopped diving. Of course I gave it right back, after he stopped in front of Vince and Reahs house.

"You promise we'll do that again, right?", I asked through the open window of his car. "Of course.", he said and laughed a little. "Alright, thanks for driving. We'll text.",  I replied while slowly walking to the door. "Yes. Go inside now before you freeze to death here". I rolled my eyes at him but grinned and waved as I reached the door. He returned it and waited till I got in before he drove away.

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