22.1 - Paul -

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He was worried sick. A couple of hours ago, maybe two, Vince called Billy. It seemed like Emery ran away from home. They asked if the pack could help searching. Vince knew about the shapeshifter thing. He also asked Charlie to help since he knew about it as well since Jacob revealed himself in front of him.

Sam let his pack split up. Paul knew his leader hesitated to let him search as well. But Sam knew he would do it regardless of whether he allowed it or not.

But before Sam would let Paul search for Emery he gave him the task to inform the Cullens. He hated that but the sooner he gave them the information the sooner he could search for Emery.

He drove as fast as his car would allow him to. In a couple of minutes that felt like hours he was in front of the Cullens house. He rang the doorbell even though he knew that they already noticed him. To his surprise Emmett and Rosalie came outside. He thought Carlisle would be the first since he always was.

"What do you want?", the blonde asked. "Vince called. Emery is gone. They think she ran away from home. Sam wanted you to know that", Paul said. His hand went trough his hair but it looked more like he wanted to rip it off.

He could see the vampires worry. And he felt his own. Without another word he turned around. "Wait! Is the police searching? Is the pack?", Emmett asked.

"Yes of course we are! If you think that we would treat her the way you did you're wrong". Paul almost growled saying that. Even though the blonde vampire stood up for them last time he couldn't forgive them for hurting Emery. And he didn't plan on forgiving them any time soon.

"You don't know anything!", Rosalie hissed. "I know enough. You hurt her! She cried because of you bloodsucker! I was there for her but where were you? You were busy ignoring her!"

For a second he could see that his words hurt both of the vampires in front of him. But then they went back to their hard masks.

" You know what? I don't have time for that shit. I have to find Emery", Paul said and turned to his car.

"Why are you so protective of her? Why is that so important?", Rosalie asked. Paul scoffed. "She's part of the pack so she gets protected. We don't ignore the people that belong to us. We value them. Maybe it's time you start doing the same", he answered.

"She isn't part of the pack. She's part of us!", Rosalie hissed. Paul smiled bitter.

Suddenly Emmett asked a question that stopped everyone's movements and thoughts. "Who imprinted?"

Paul wasn't ready to hear that question. Rosalie was visibly shocked and Emmett was way to calm.

The shapeshifter shook his head. "No. I don't have time for that". Another time he tried to get to his car. And another time they wouldn't let him.

"Who imprinted? You said she's part of the pack. So who did it?", Emmett asked another time to calm. All three of them knew the answer. "Say it", Rosalie spoke up.

They urged him to answer. They asked again and again. To the point where the shapeshifter couldn't stop it anymore.

"Damn it, I did, okay?! What do you want? What do you want to hear, huh?", Paul said desperately. He didn't want to let his emotions show but it was too late. His voice revealed everything. He had no time for that shit. The only thing he wanted right now was hugging Emery. The shapeshifter got impatient.

Even though both of the vampires already knew the answer it shocked them to actually hear Paul say that. Usually they would be possessive of their mate but something stopped them. It was the way Paul looked when he said that.

"You don't have to worry about anything though. She's focused on you two. She only wants a platonic relationship with me. So she gets that. But don't try to keep her away from me or the pack. She's part of us, even if you don't want to hear that."

With that words Paul sat on his car and left two overwhelmed vampires behind him. His only thought was Emery and that he had to find her.

He quickly asked his pack if there was anything knew but they haven't found her yet. Because of the rain her scent was very weak. Sam ordered Paul to hurry up since he was the best at such searching missions.

As soon as Paul arrived at Emerys home he could see Vince and Sam standing on the veranda. He hurried to get to them.

"Paul! I'm glad you're here. Please find her. The others couldn't pick up the scent long enough.", Vince said as soon as he saw him. He looked worried sick. The man talked so fast that the shapeshifter had a hard time realizing what he said.

"Where are the others?", Paul asked Sam after agreeing with a nod in Vinces direction. "Still searching around the point where they lost the scent. Jared waits there for you", he answered.

Without hesitating Paul ran into the forest and shifted as soon as he could without getting caught from curious looks. He sprinted to Jared and already picked up Emerys scent. It was raining heavily and the brown wolves paws soon got dirty from all the mud. Through mind link gave Jared Paul an update. The rest of the pack went in different directions to find her but none of them did yet. Quil called for Jared from East where he quickly went to. Paul knew it wasn't because of Emery. Her scent was in northern direction.

He concentrated and followed it as closely as possible. It was no surprise the others lost it. Paul could only smell very little of it and almost lost it a couple of times. Emery didn't seem like she knew where to go. Her way was very unclear and often turned.

The further he got the more he worried. She went really deep into the forest. He didn't believe that she could get out of the forest herself. Also he didn't believe she ran away. Emery often talked about Vince and Reah. She loved them.

So if she didn't ran away, why was she out here? His thoughts raced. With every step he got more worried. What happened?

Paul lost track of time. He ignored Sam when he said, that they should come back for now. As long as he had the scent he wouldn't stop to search for his imprint.

Suddenly the scent grew stronger. All his senses were actively looking for her. She must be near. That's what Paul said through mind link and stopped Sam from cursing because he didn't came back yet.

With every step he got more excited to finally hug her. But he was still extremely worried. He turned right and after a few meters slightly right again. Then he saw her.

She sat on the ground and leaned against a tree while hugging her knees. Her head was hidden in her arms. Paul could hear her sob. Through mind link he asked if there was a cloth depot near and luckily there was. As fast as possible he shifted back and threw on some wet clothes. Then he went back to her.

Carefully he kneeled down in front of her. "Emery?", he asked softly. She looked up immediately. Her eyes were red from crying and the dark circles were extremely visible even though it was dark. "Paul?", she asked as if she thought she would imagine him. Suddenly she hugged him and cried in his chest. He was glad he had found her and hugged her back closely. "Come here. You're safe now. Don't worry, I know the way back. That means if you want to go back of course. I won't force you to anything.", he whispered in her ear. Emery nodded. Her sobs were so heavy that she wasn't able to talk.

"It's fine, I'm here. It's over. We'll get you home, don't worry.", he calmed her. They sat there hugging each other for a couple more minutes. The brown haired girl was weak. She fell asleep just a minute after Paul picked her up. "Don't worry, I'm here", he said over and over again like a mantra. She relaxed more and more with every time he repeated these words.

The shapeshifter haven't felt that happy in a very long time.

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