Chapter 11 - The wood ✔️

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It was Saturday. I woke up rather late at 10 am. When I got in the kitchen I found Rhea reading newspaper and Vince on the coffee maker as usual. I smiled at the scene in front of me. I could definitely get used to that.

"Good morning", I said as I sat down across from her. "Good morning, coffee is done in a sec.", Vince replied. Reah smiled at us. "Anything interesting?", I asked and made a gesture to the newspaper. "Nah, not really. Just the same as usual. Politicians I never heard of arguing, celebrities getting married, the police arresting someone and sport teams either loosing or winning.", she replied while shrugging. "Somehow when Vince reads newspaper there's always something interesting but as soon as I have one in my hands there's just the usual shit". "Not my fault.", Vince said while bringing two cups over to the table where he sat down giving me mine. I thanked him.

"You know what?", Rhea suddenly said and put the newspaper down, "I'm gonna make some pancakes. It's weekend". Vince watched her confused before he looked at me. I just shrugged. "If you don't know I definitely don't.", I told him quietly. "I'm scared for my kitchen and your life.", he said. "What about your life?". "Oh, I know how to get out of here in time.", he replied. I laughed at that. "Oh wow. Thanks for that." He just grinned.

In the end Reah started making pancakes and Vince finished them. I guess there's a reason why he's usually the cook here. Besides his talent. Because damn these are delicious.

"Mind teaching me some things from time to time?", I asked him and pointed to the plate in front of me where my last pancake was. He smiled at me happily. "Sure thing. Just make sure you don't burn my kitchen". "Depends on your instructions", I replied. Reah laughed. "Noted", he replied grinning.

After breakfast we decided to get ready and go for a walk in the woods. Reah made some sandwiches - wich is the only thing Vince let her do -, packed a blanket and a few bottles for the way. She said that we could make lunch when we find a place that we liked. Vince called out for a small lake anywhere but Reah shushed him down and said that it was on me. He pouted at that but it got away quickly.

Vince reminded me of a little boy when we went outside. He was the embodiment of impatient. I even expected him to jump up and down.

"Is he always like that?", I asked Reah. She walked next to me while he was about two meter in front of us. "Yeah pretty much". "When I was younger my dad always took me with him in the woods. It brings memories back. I've always had a lot of fun with him.", Vince said while turning around and walking backwards.

"Yeah and when you go on like this you'll stumble, fall and won't be able to even reach it.", Reah said. He rolled his eyes at her but turned around. I laughed at them. I liked their relationship to each other.

We eventually reached the woods and Vince smiled brightly. It was really peaceful. I was in a wood maybe thrice my whole life. The last time was years ago. Hearing the birds singing had something magical. I mean yes, you can hear them in the city as well but once you enter a wood you realize it more. You really listen.

Vince was exited showing me orientation points like a really weird growing tree, a creek and some rocks. He also told me a ton about usuful plants, facts and tricks his dad taught him. He even picked some flowers for me and Reah. I really had a lot of fun. Reah teased him here nd there but it was lovely.

Vince also brought me to the lake he meant earlier. That's also were we had our lunch. It was such a beautiful place. The lake wasn't really big. The water was pretty clear actually and a few creeks flow into the lake. There was always the sound of water in the background. It was really relaxing.

I'm sure we stayed about one hour before we decided to head back. On the way I felt somehow watched. I walked behind Vince and Reah who were lost in the conversations. Looking around I saw nothing. I shook my head at myself. Great, seems like I'm paranoid now.

I flinched when I head a branch break. Immediately I turned around but once again I saw nothing. Frustrated I ctched up to the pair and tried to ignore the feeling of someone staring.

Scared was not the right word to describe how I felt about it. Concerned was probably the better decribtion. If I was alone I'd definitely be scared. Or annoyed. Something's quite not right with my brain sometimes. So it would be a possibility. But in most cases it would be the first scenerio.

I just felt really relived when we got home. But I also was really exhausted. The first thing I did was going straight into the shower. It was relaxing. Thinking back I was probably just paranoid. Besides Vince and Reah didn't notice a thing and maybe it was just a animal. Yeah, maybe..

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