Chapter 20 - Different than I thought

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Spending the last day with Paul really hyped me up. I felt much better when I woke up the next morning. I actually had a smile on my face while getting ready. Even the songs of my playlist catched me so much I started dancing a little while brushing my teeth. But not for long since I put a little too much toothpaste on my brush and almost made a complete mess.

Vince noticed my good mood and handed me my coffee with a smile. "Hey, pudding. What's up?", he asked. He started calling me that a few days ago. I didn't mind at all. It made me feel welcomed and appreciated here. In my mind I already referred to both of them as my mom and dad. It felt weird at the beginning but I liked that thought. Still, I'm far away from calling them that.

"I just woke up. There's not much that could've happened", I answered simply and took a sip. "Well, you seem to be in a good mood. You're usually more grumpy in the morning", he said. "Do you prefer the grumpy me?", I asked with a grin. He immediately shook his head. "Nah, I'm good".

We talked a little longer before he had to go to work. I still didn't know what he was doing for a living and told myself to ask him later, knowing very well that I most probably forget about it.

A few minutes later I found myself on the sidewalk on my way to school. I refused to think about the Cullens - two in particular - because I didn't want my mood to go down. I walked a slightly different route to school just to enjoy the music a little longer.

Sadly it came to an end sooner as I wanted it to and found myself walking to my locker. It was friday wich meant that I had three blocks. Searching for the book I'd need for the first one I almost missed the pair that was entering.

I haven't seen both of them for the last week. I was avoiding them and they did the same. But now they were looking straight at me while walking past. As much as I hated it I couldn't turn away from them. Rosalie looked absolutely amazing and Emmett's appearance was the same as always. I couldn't say it was bad at all.

Inside I cursed myself for still looking after them when they walked by but I simply couldn't help it. As much as they hurt me, their effect on me was still to much.

I shook my head, took my books and slammed the locker door shut. Some of the other students gave me wierd or questioning looks. I simply ignored it and walked to class.

My concentration was definitely not the best. That the teacher chose me pretty often to answer a question didn't make it any better. That was going on for all the classes. I knew that I missed a lot when I walked out of the building. I was in my head all the time and didn't pay any attention to class. The time run and I was standing still, not even realizing that it's that fast.

I walked past different cars and made my way through the parking lot when suddenly I heard someone call my name. Confused I turned around only to see Paul sitting in his car with windows down.

"What are you doing here?", I asked perplexed. "I actually was on the way to the grocery store. Pack mom ordered me to bring some stuff. When I saw your school I thought I might as well pick you up.", he answered. I grinned. He was really like a big brother. And also a dork.

Without another word I walked around the car and placed myself on the passenger seat." Thanks". He nodded with a smile. Suddenly his eyes focused on something else and I looked in the same direction to figure out what he saw.

It was Rosalie. I didn't know why but I got a weird feeling. It only grew more when I saw the grin plastered on Paul's face. Somehow a wave of emotions swapped over me. It was a mixture between unbelieving, jealousy and confusion.

"I thought you don't like the Cullens", I brought myself to ask after an internal discussion. "I don't. Why're you thinking I like them". "Maybe I phrased it wrong, I mean I thought you didn't like Rosalie Cullen", I replied. He grinned. "Let's say she's different than I thought".

I had no idea what to do with that answer. To say I was dumbfounded was a understatement. "What happened?". "Nothing. Don't think about it too much", he said. "Tell me. You aren't the type of person who goes around and suddenly starts liking someone that you hated before.", I replied and tried not to come of as annoyed. "I would say that. I didn't really liked Jacob before". "That doesn't count. Also you didn't answer my question". "I know."

Somehow I felt hurt. I told him everything about them. He hated them before. Now suddenly he liked Rosalie. It's crazy how my head was stuffed with thoughts after just a few hours.

When we arrived at my place I quickly said bye without any hug or jokes. I basically run inside. It was obvious that something upset me and I knew he'd probably thinks about it now. Or at least I hope he does. Because whatever had happened I want to know. Something is clearly off and I hate that I get left in the dark.

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