19.2 - Rosalie -

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The blonde girl ignored her brother Edward as much as possible. When even the wolves showed up at their place she couldn't help but felt relieved that her third mate found such great friends. It was really risky for them to come here. The contract got revised after Bella became part of the Cullens. The brunette was really close to Jacob but nowadays they rarely saw each other. Rosalie thought that it was pathetic that the wolf still had hopes. He lost a long time ago but couldn't bring himself to break contact.

When Edward started to talk rude about emery and her friends the blonde woman couldn't hold herself back. Even if her family might be against it, Emery was Emmett and her third mate. She was sure about that and her boyfriend was it as well. Impatience was the only thing both of them felt constantly. Impatience and hope. One of Carlisle's friends had to know something.

Edward complained about what happened earlier but she just chose to ignore him. She rather spent time cuddling with Emmett. They didn't talk a lot. It wasn't needed. She simply felt better and relaxed whenever she laid in his big, strong arms. Also she felt somehow protected even though protection was nothing that she would need from anybody else. She knew how to handle difficult situations. There were enough chances in the past that had prepared her for everything that came after.

Soon the two mates relaxed so much they fell into something similar as sleep in each other's arms. Both had the feeling of missing something and they knew it was their mate bond longing for Emery.

Only about two hours later they heard Alice coming up to their room before she even stood in the door frame. "Guys! You have to come downstairs!", she said even more excited than she usually was.

Rosalie wanted to ask what's that about but before she had the chance to Alice already vanished. The blonde girl was a little annoyed but since there wasn't another chance of finding out she went downstairs with Emmett following close after. As soon as they reached the living room they saw their whole family sitting or standing around waiting for both of them. Well except for Edward and Bella. God knows where they were.

"Sit down", Carlisle said in his usual calm voice. Both mates looked at each other confused but did as they were told. "Who died?", Emmett asked in his usual good mood. The blonde woman next to him could see that he was a little nervous though. Both had the same thought; Emery.

"No one. Remember when I said that I reached out to friends because of the thing with Emery?", he asked and even though it was a rhetorical question they nod. It was visible that they were tense now. Rosalie wasn't sure if she should be as hopeful as she was.

"A friend from Ireland called today. He is pretty close to the Volturi but not because of loyalty reasons but to keep an eye on them. I won't tell names since he's also an advisor of the Volturi, especially the one of Caius. That means that he has also access to hundreds of old books and papers that we could only dream of. He looked through some and actually found something.", Carlisle said in a serious voice. With every word Rosalie and Emmett grew visible impatient.

"He found a book. Handwritten. He had trouble reading it. He said it must be at least 200 years old. It was one of two were something was written about third mates. They seemingly exist but are extremely rare. He said that he wasn't even sure if Aro knew that third mates exist. Back then it seemed like they were feared. These mate bonds are a lot stronger than usual ones. That means that the other two mates were a lot more protective and sometimes even possessive. When the third mate dies then the other two feel extreme pain like someone would try to rip their hearts apart. After that they'll feel empty for probably forever. Another reason for their protection towards their third. One text said that those mates could probably even kill the Volturi at once if it's for their loved one."

Rosalie subconsciously grabbed Emmett's hand. She felt a hundred feelings but couldn't even name one of them. The only thing she had in mind was going to Emery and try to clean up the mess they and especially Edward caused.

"I told him everything you told me about Emery. Except for her name of course. He said it all sounds like what he read about the three mate bond. It seems like he didn't doubt it for a second. I trust him. And I trust you. Hopefully Emery is going to forgive you. If not, there's still the possibility of rejecting you. If she does that it'll be like she died. For your mental health it would be way worse though. You'll see her every day but won't be able to talk or even go near her. Please be careful. I don't want to see you hurting."

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