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Before Layla

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" Kai's mom asks.
"It was amazing! I got on the color purple, which is the best one. I also got two As on my quizzes, a piece of candy for my good work, and a B on a test!" Kai exclaims.
"That's amazing sweetheart! I'm so proud of you! We can get some ice cream for your good day."
"Thank you so much mom!" Kai exclaims.

After Layla's born

"I'm so disappointed in you, Kai. Getting in a fight at school? This is unbelievable! And I found your report card. Three Fs! You're grounded." Kai and Layla's mom shouts as she drives away from Kai's school.

She pulls up to Layla's school. Layla runs over to the car.
"How was school babydoll?" Their mom asks.
"I got an A on my test, but I also got a D on my other test. Other than that it was good." Layla says.
"It's ok sweetheart, you can bring that D right up."

They finally get home.

"Go clean your room and while you're up there think about your behavior."
"Fine." Kai rolls her eyes.

She goes up to her room and climbs out the window. She walks over to her friend Parker's house.

"Hey Parker." Kai says as she goes into his house.
"Hey Kai." Parker says as they go up to his room.

Parker closes his door after Kai goes into his room. Kai starts to kiss Parker. They make out passionately for a few minutes.

"I've missed you." Kai tells Parker as she plops onto the bed.
"I've missed you too." Parker also sits down and kisses her again.
"You still want to go to the party?" Kai asks.
"Sure, we should start going at 6:00." Parker suggests.
"Sounds good."

They both cuddle up on the couch and watch their favorite movie together to pass the time.

1 hour later...

They pull up to the house where the party's being hosted.
"I'm so ready for this party!" Kai exclaims.
"Me too!" Parker smiles.

Kai goes in and immediately gets some beer.
"I really needed this." Kai says already getting tipsy.
"I need one two." Parker says.

After a few drinks, Parker and Kai start making out on the couch. They finally stop after a good 10 minutes. They get more drinks and dance.

At 12:00 they leave and go back to Parker's house. They cuddle back up and fall asleep together.

They spend the next day together until 1:00.

"Bye Parker!" Kai says as she plants a kiss on Parker's cheek.
"Bye Kai." Parker kisses her back.

Kai goes home and walks into her house.

I know I've been gone for awhile but I've decided to write a new bike. When I reread my last story, I was cringing. I hope this one goes way better and you like it more.

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