Chapter 30

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"How's JJ." Reid asks Penelope.
"It's bad, Reid." Penelope says.
"I should be there. We've learned everything we can from here."
"No, you can help more by helping me. There's a lot to go over and your brain works a lot faster than mine."

"Seeing what's going on outside doesn't help us inside. Kevin, can you possibly pull up each of the surveillance feeds prior to Will being shot?" Reid asks.
"Sure. What are we looking for?" Kevin asks back.
"The female unsub disappeared once before. If she wasn't looking for an escape, what was she doing?"

Colonial National Bank

Will groans and starts to move around.
"Keep the pressure. Keep the pressure. The pain won't kill him, but the loss of blood could. Just hang in there buddy. Are you armed?" The male hostage asks.
"No." Will mutters.
"Damn. I think we might have something of a chance here."

"The girl's gone and the guy's off his head."
"He doesn't know who to trust."
"We can work them against each other."
"Wait, are you a cop?"
"Former marine."

"You gotta listen to me. I need you to get a message to my girlfriend."
"All right, you can tell her yourself when we get you out of here."
"Only I'm not getting out. You need someone to cause a distraction. Her name is Jennifer. She's a federal agent. You tell her I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Don't you want to tell her you love her or something?"
"She already knows that."

Will walks over to Chris.
"The woman, where is she? What happened to her?" Will asks.
"Aren't you dead yet?" Chris asks.
"You can't trust her. She's taking orders from someone else."
"No, she takes orders from me."

"Look around. Any second these agents are gonna storm into this place, and the only bad guy I see is you. She's setting you up to fall for this, boy."
"That's not true."
"Then where is she?"
"She's back there."

Will scoffs.
"Alright you. Come here. Go on. Come on!" Chris shouts at Will as he goes to look for the queen.

"Where are they going?" The female hostage asks the male.
"He's giving us our chance." The male answers.

Outside the bank, the BAU and S.W.A.T. surround the bank.
"There's movement. Somebody's coming out. Be ready. It's hostages." Derek explains.
"Copy. Standing by for entry."
The police go help the hostages get away from the bank safely."

Inside the bank, Will and Chris continue walking farther in the bank. The queen walks out of another room.
"What are you doing down here?" Chris asks strictly.
"Calm down. You'll find out soon." She answers.
"Tell me." Chris demands as the Queen chuckles.

The BAU and S.W.A.T. start to enter the bank.

Meanwhile at the BAU, Spencer cracks the code.
"She's following the electrical lines. Gas mains. Oh, no. Garcia get them out of there!" Reid demands.

Garcia, Rossi, and Strauss run out of their room towards the bank.
"Abort! Abort!" Rossi shouts through this walkie talkie.

The bank then blows up and the team and S.W.A.T. all get launched away from the building from the impact of the explosion.

Everyone starts to hear ringing.
"Where's Will? Did he get out of there?" JJ asks.
"Where's Emily?" Derek also asks, but JJ starts to bolt inside the bank.
"JJ! Stop!" Derek shouts and follows her.

"Will! Will!" JJ asks as she looks around the bank.
"Emily!" Derek also shouts.
They continue to look around the destroyed bank. They find Emily but they continue to search for Will.

Meanwhile, Chris, the Queen, and Will get in the getaway car and drives away from the scene, going unnoticed. Rossi handles the media. Hotch and Strauss talks to the police. Reid arrives on scene with Kevin.

Emily gets a phone call from Kai. She quickly answers it.
"Kai, is everything alright?" Emily asks.
"I saw the explosion at the bank. Are you ok? And is JJ and Will ok? Henry wants to know."
"I'm fine and JJ's fine, but we can't find Will."
"Is he gonna be ok?"
"I'm not sure, but most likely yes."
"Ok, well I'm glad you're safe." Kai says.
"And I'm glad you're safe at JJ's. Bye Kai, I love you."
"I love you too." Kai hangs up the phone.

In the getaway car, the Queen rewatched the footage of Will getting shot.

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