Chapter 10

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The next morning

"I'll be to the office right away." Emily hangs up the phone. She goes to Kai's room and wakes her up.

Kai groans and rolls over.
"I know it's early, but I have a case."
"Fine." Kai gets up out of bed and lazily gets ready for the day.

Emily goes back to her room to get ready, too. She finishes getting ready so she went to the front door. Kai follows right after her. They go out to the car and drive over to the BAU.

At the office, Emily goes to the round table room and Kai goes into Penelope's office. Her office was empty because she was presenting the case.

Kai's POV

I made myself comfy on Penelope's little couch. I slightly covered myself with a pink fluffy blanket that was laying on the couch. I admired the cute things Penelope had on her desk.

There was unicorns, stress balls, pictures of baby animals, and a lot of pink. Her office made the whole rest of the BAU so dull. I liked it though.

I get bored of looking around, so I scroll on my phone. At first, I was planning to talk to Parker but he was probably asleep still.

A few minutes go by, and Penelope comes back into her office. She jumps when she notices me laying down.
"Oh you scared me!"
"It's ok."

I watch Penelope sit down at her desk. I quickly turn my head when I hear her office door open again. I quickly get up when I noticed it was Emily.

"I came to say goodbye." Emily smiles.
I slightly run into a hug.
"Bye, I'll miss you." I smile sadly.
Emily and I let go of the embrace. Emily keeps her hands around my lower arm.
"Call me if you need anything." Emily pushes hair behind my ear.

"You have fun with Penelope."
"I will! I can already tell!" I look back at Penelope and smile.
"I'll be back soon." Emily smiles and goes out the door.

I turn back around and look at Penelope. Penelope smiles.
"How about you rest up a little more?" Penelope suggests.
"Ok, I will." I get back on the couch and snuggle up.

A few hours pass and I wake up to Penelope rapidly typing while Derek gave her orders.

"Thank you babygirl." Derek says before he hangs up.

"Babygirl?" I ask Penelope.
"Oh you're awake." Penelope giggles.
"Does he always call you that?"
"Yes." Penelope blushes.
"That's cute." I smile.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and see that Emily was calling me. I answered the phone.

"Hey sweetheart. You finally awake?" Emily asks me and giggles.
"Yeah I'm awake."
"That's what I thought when you didn't answer me the first three times. But, anyways, how's your stay with Penelope so far? You might have to stay the night at her house tonight."
"It's been good. I've experienced Derek calling Penelope babygirl. It was cute." When I said that Penelope smiled to herself.
"Yep that sounds about right."
"Yeah." I giggle.
"Well I have to get back to the case. I'll see you soon."
"Goodbye sweetheart."
Emily hangs up.

The feeling of missing Emily finally strikes me. I go on my phone and play Subway Surfers to get my mind off of it.

5 hours later

Time flies by and Penelope tells me it's already time to go home. Penelope drives to her house. It was a quiet drive.

Once we get to her house, we establish where I will sleep. Penelope offers me her bed, but I prefer the couch. She gives me a fluffy blanket.

"Goodnight." I tell Penelope.
"Goodnight Kai." Penelope happily says before she heads to her room.

I go on my phone and dial Emily's phone. She answer after two rings.
"Hey Kai." Emily says.
"Hey Emily. Sorry to call you so late, but I'm about to go to bed."
"No it's fine. Also, I should be home in the morning. We just solved the case."
"Oh ok. Goodnight Emily."

Once Emily hung up, I tried to fall asleep, but the same feeling of missing Emily came back to me. I tried to think about something else. Nothing worked.

3 hours later

Hours passed and I still haven't fell asleep. I've tossed and turned continuously.

Suddenly, I hear someone walking towards me. I pretend to be asleep.
"Are you still awake?"

I try not to make any sound.

"Kai? Why are you up this late? It's 3:00 in the morning. Have you slept at all?" Penelope asked concerned.
"I couldn't fall asleep." I finally admit.
"Is it because Emily isn't here?"
"I don't know."
"Well if it is, it's gonna be ok. Emily is flying back now."
"Now go to sleep." Penelope smiles and goes back to her room.

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