Chapter 16

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Boston P.D.

An policeman brings Clyde into an interrogation room.
"Will you call the British consulate please? British consulate now!" Clyde asks then shouts.
"Pleas relax sir! You're being detained as a suspect in a murder investigation."
"Wonderful." Clyde mutters.
The security guard looks up when he sees the load of money in Clyde's suitcase.

The Black Shamrock

Emily looks at her phone and sees that she got a voicemail from Garcia. She listens to the call.

"Hey it's me. Hotch asked me to trial your numbers and I have this as an old listing and you probably don't even use it anymore, but if it is you and you're out there, come home, please. God Emily, what did you think? That we would just let you walk out of our lives. Kai is so scared that she will lose you. I'm so furious at you right now! Then I think about how scared you must be. Hiding is some dark place all alone, but you are not alone, ok, you're not alone, we're in that dark place with you, we are waving flashlights and calling your name so if you can see us, come home. But if you can't then, you stay alive because we're coming." Penelope pleads.

Emily lets out a few whimpers before taking a deep breath. She sees Ian and his team walk out of the Black Shamrock. She puts in ear plugs and grabs her gun. She rushes out of the car and over to Ian's.

She starts shooting before throwing a handheld bomb into the car. She goes around pointing her gun and looking for Doyle.

"I only want Doyle. Where's Doyle?" Emily asks.
"Right here love." Ian mutters.
Emily turns around and Ian shoots her. He walks over and pulls off her jacket to see her vest.
"There it is." He mutters. "Hello, Love."

The jet ride to Boston

"Emily walked into a trap." Penelope explains. "It looks like Doyle got into the SUV, but from this angle you can see that he didn't and I wish Boston P.D. would've told me before I started watching it. Sorry again for the screaming."
"She was shot?" Kai mutters to herself as a tear drops down her cheek.
JJ rubs her back.
"She probably had a vest on."
"Ok." Kai wipes her tear.

"She threw a flashbang grenade into a car. She's lucky the three people inside didn't die. Isn't anybody else bothered by that?" Derek asks.
"Well three bad guys." Rossi notes.
"Well as illegal as it is, Prentiss knew she had to be as ruthless as Doyle." Hotch says.
"He's come to the U.S. to wage a public vendetta. And hired an entire group of mercenaries to remain loyal to him. He has nothing to lose so she has to act the same way." Spencer says.

"So, how did Doyle know she was coming for him?" Rossi asks.
"The mole must've told him, right? Same guys been feeding Doyle the contractors and agents." JJ suggests.
"And our best subject was just arrested with a suitcase full of cash. How do we get Easter to talk? He won't cooperate willingly." Seaver asks.
"I'll handle that. The rest of you focus on Doyle's location." Hotch tells the team.

"I hate to be the one to ask this, but how long does Emily have?" Penelope asks and Kai looks nervously at Hotch for his answer.
"The best chance is also the most troubling. Doyle saved her for last because he has used her as a stressor. Which means he'll take his time." Hotch answers.

Kai continues to cry but this time the whole team notices, not just JJ. JJ pulls Kai into a hug. The team feels bad because Kai has gained so much trust with Emily in just a year and it might be all taken away.

Emily's POV

I wake up tied to a chair. I look around. Doyle's no where to be seen. I suddenly feel his hand around my neck.
"Where's my ring?" Doyle asks.
"I flushed it." I mutter and fake laugh when I hear Doyle laughing.
"I spent 7 years in hell because of that ring." Doyle pauses and unbuttons my shirt. He pulls it down under my bra. "So, I'm gonna give you another gift, one you can't get rid of so easily."

My breathing starts to speed up because of anxiety. Ian walks behind me and pulls over a machine thing.
"A four leaf clover would be a good addition to your other tattoos. You still have two, right?" Ian asks.
"Yep. And that's enough ink, thanks." I tell him.
"Ink? North Koreans can't afford ink. No, no, they brand themselves." Ian says before he turns on the hot pen.

He pulls me backwards and I start to struggle. My breath speeds up even more.
"The more you fight, the more this will hurt." Ian says before branding me. I let out a scream in pain.

Boston P.D.

Rossi and another man pulls Fahey into the station.
"Get your hands off me! You know who I am? I'm the man!" Fahey yells.
Rossi hands him to another guy and goes to speak to Hotch.

"Who's that?" Hotch asks.
"Jack Fahey. Irish mob guy. Called Easter's cell phone 12 times in 6 hours." Rossi explains.
"What's the relation to Doyle?"
"Boston P.D. says he's low level of the Irish mob business with long standing ties to the IRA." Rossi explains.
"Try to get something out of him." Hotch orders Rossi.
Rossi nods and goes to talk to him.

Emily's POV

"Why are you keeping me alive?" Emily asks.
"FBI grabbed Fahey. Her people. It won't be long before he starts grilling and they come knocking on our door. Do what you have to. So we can get the hell out of here." Liam says.

"I know what you want." I plead.
"Do you really?" Doyle asks.
"You want Lauren Reynolds back. I can do that. I can be her." I say.
"You think that will save your skin?" Ian asks.
"I have no illusions, but I'm tired of this, of being afraid." I start to tear up.

"We don't have time for this." Liam tells Doyle.
"We'll make time."
"What about Fahey?
"I'll take care of Fahey. He smokes, right? Looks like you've earned yourself a reprieve."

Boston P.D.

Hotch goes back to talk to Clyde Easter.

"October 2006. Closing, I have never worked with a finer agent than Emily Prentiss. Her skill at analyzing and predicting terrorist behavior is unparalleled. You used all the right buzz words, told us everything we wanted to hear. You sold her to us the same way you sold Doyle to the North Koreans." Hotch says.

"Just because you can profile me, doesn't mean you know me." Clyde says.
"It takes some skilled sociopath to betray his team and the cause he held dear for self preservation. If you cooperate with us and save agent Prentiss then maybe we can make a deal, but if anything happens to her I will destroy you. You can count on that." Hotch interrogates.

"She said you were the best. I'm not impressed."
"We'll get her with or without you. Pack lightly." Hotch starts to walk to the door and Clyde chuckles.
"Wait, I'm curious. If I'm a sociopath, I should feel no empathy, correct?" Clyde asks.
"You're not the sociopath, Doyle is. I thought you were a better profiler." Hotch leaves Clyde.

Rossi and Spencer interrogate Fahey.
"Why'd you call Clyde so much, Jack?" Rossi asks.
"Anybody got a smoke? How about you bean pole?" Fahey asks.
"What do you think?" Rossi asks Reid.
"Narcissism that leads to insecurity." Reid answers.

"So if we puncture self image this... hood rat will talk?"
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm ain't no hood rat, you take that back!" Fahey points at Rossi.
"Well you look like one, you smell like one, you smell that?" Rossi asks Spencer.
"Hood rat." Spencer sniffs.

"I am not! Take it back!" Fahey shouts.
"Hey, Jack, do you know what a hood rat is? See what I mean, he's just gonna have to learn the hard way."

"Alright! Clyde was gonna pay my medical bills. Alright. This ear ain't growing back." Fahey starts to get angry.
"What happened to it?" Spence asks.
"This bitch shot it! Said it was a warning. She thought she could take on this IRA big shot named Doyle, so I told Easter..." Jack gets cut off when Rossi squeezes his bad ear. "What the hell man, Jesus!"

"Where's Prentiss?" Rossi asks before letting go of his ear.
"Lauren Reynolds. Where is Lauren Reynolds?" Reid chimes in.
"Friend of yours is she?" Fahey instigates them.
"You tell us where she is right now, or I swear I'll send you to a prison where they'll teach you what a hood rat is!" Rossi claps back.
"And by the time you do, she'll be in pieces, so, uh, my price just went up." Fahey smiles.

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