Chapter 9

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7:00 am

Emily slightly shakes Kai awake. Kai groans and turns around.
"Come on Kai. We have to get up and go to the office. It was you're idea for me to go back to work. I also warned you that I woke up at 7:00." Emily tells Kai.
"Fine." Kai mutters before she gets up out of bed.

Emily and Kai do their separate things to get ready for the day.

"Come on Kai! We have to go!" Emily shouts.
Kai runs over Emily.
"I'm ready."
"Ok. Let's go."

They get in the car and Emily drives down to the BAU.

Once they get into the office, they run into Derek.
"So, I see it's the kiddo's first day at work with you." Derek smiles.
"Yes it is." Emily smiles back.
"I hope you have a good day you too." Derek walks away after that.

JJ walks out of Hotch's office. When she spots Kai and Emily she runs over to them.
"Hey Emily. I've missed seeing you these past few days. And I'm excited for you, Kai, to be joining our little family." JJ smiles brightly.
"I've missed you too." Emily smiles.
JJ hugs them before going to her office.

Emily sits down at her desk. Kai stands next to her, cluelessly looking around.

"What about you go meet Penelope? Her office is the first one up those stairs." Emily tells Kai.
"Can you come with me?" Kai asks nervously.
"Sure." Emily says but pauses before she gets up and grabs Kai's hands, causing her to look over at Emily.
"You have nothing to be afraid of. Penelope is the sweetest person I know, and I know some super kind people." Emily reassures Kai.
"What makes you think I'm scared?"
"Do you know why I come to this office? It's to analyze behavior. I know when people are nervous."
"Yeah." Kai giggles.

They both go up to Penelope's office. Emily knocks and Garcia yells for them to come in. They walk in and she turns around.

Penelope gasps and runs over to Kai.
"You're the Kai I've been hearing about! I'm so excited to meet you! I heard that we will be having a lot of sleepovers while the team's away!" Penelope squeezes Kai. Kai looks over at Emily and smiles.

Emily gives her the 'I told you look' and smiles. Kai hugs Penelope back. They finally let go. Kai follows Emily back out of Penelope's office.

Emily wraps her arm around Kai's shoulder.
"I told you not to be afraid." Emily smiles.
Kai smiles back.

Emily sits down in her desk chair and Kai sits against her desk's filing cabinet. Kai is on her phone while Emily works.

Kai texts Parker.
K: hey
P: hey, how's the new place working out for you?
K: it's amazing! Emily is ten thousand times better than my parents and Sadie
P: that's good
K: but I really do miss you
P: actually, my mom was talking about moving down closer to you in Virginia
K: omg really?!
P: yes!!
K: I hope you can move closer. I mean if you wanted to
P: of course I would want to! If it means we'll be closer
K: I love you so much
P: I love you too
K: bye bye
P: bye Kai

"Emily!" Kai quietly shouts.
"What happened? Are you ok?" Emily freaks out.
"Parker might move down closer to us!" Kai smiles brightly.
"Oh that's amazing sweetheart!" Emily smiles back and pulls Kai into a hug.

4 hours later

"Let's go home." Emily tells Kai.
They both pack up their things and leave the office.

On the ride home, they discuss what they're having for dinner. Kai suggested Chinese and Emily agreed. They stopped by a Chinese restaurant and got takeout on the way home.

They get home and eat their dinner while watching The Hobbit. After the movie, they both go upstairs and get ready for bed.

Kai lays in bed when suddenly she hears the door creak open. Kai slowly turns over and smiles when she sees Emily sneak in.

"Goodnight, honey." Emily says after she sits down next to Kai.
"Goodnight, Emily." Kai smiles.
Emily bends down and kisses Kai's forehead.
"Sleep tight." Emily exits the room.

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