Chapter 13

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Emily's POV

That night I snuck out into the living room, trying not to wake Kai. I go over to the shelves on the the wall. I pull out a box.

I open up the box and look at everything in it. My undercover license, my coworker's pictures, and the necklace Ian gave me.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes. I see the text from an Unknown Number.

See you soon.

I know it was from Doyle. The number than gave me an address. I sneak out of the house and drive to the address.

2 hours later

I check my phone and see that it has been 2 hours. Suddenly, I feel a hand placed on my back. I stiffen up my back.

"I knew you were watching me." I mutter.
"What's the expression? Keep your friends close, your enemies on surveillance."
"I've been here for two hours. You should know better than keeping a lady waiting." I say annoyedly.
"Seems hypocritical. Seeing as I had to wait seven years." Ian pauses and sits down across from me.

"Hello Ian."
"Hello Lauren. Oh wait, Lauren Reynolds died in a car accident didn't she?"
"What do you want?"
"You. Oh not today, don't worry about that, but soon."
"I've got a Glock leveled at your crotch. What's to stop me from taking you and the little ones out right now?"

"You'll never make it back to your car and you know it. Tell me, does the lovely Penelope know the truth about you? Or is she too busy watching movies with Derek to care? Here you are all alone while Aaron sits at home with his son. And why didn't Dave and Ashley invite you to their game night? Maybe they thought you would be on the metro with Dr. Reid? Oh that one does have some quirks. Or why'd you leave your daughter all alone at home without even leaving a note?" Ian smirks at me.

"Come near my team, or Kai, and I will end you."
"I don't want them. How long that remains the case depends entirely on you. They're innocent, you are not."
"I was doing my job."
"I think you did a little more than that. You took the only thing that mattered to me, so I'm gonna take the only two things that matter to you. You're life. Your daughter."

That sentence sent chills up my spine.

Ian places a black shamrock card on the table and gets up. I side eye him and watch him leave the table. I process the conversation quickly, then I rush home to Kai.

I sneak back into the house and see that Kai is still sleeping. I go to my room, change, and try to fall asleep. It takes awhile but I finally fall asleep.

The next night

I sneak out of the house again. I go to the subway to meet with Sia and Clyde.

"Are you ok?" Sia asks Emily.
"Ian Doyle is here in D.C."
"How can you be so sure?" Clyde asks.
"I sat next to him last night."
"What?" Sia asks shocked

"He said if i warned my team or told anyone he would kill them."
"Why didn't he kill you?" Sia asks.
"More to the point, why didn't you kill him?" Clyde asks.
"He's not working alone."

"Than he's just playing with you." Sia suggested.
"He's a psychopath, he doesn't play games." Clyde corrects Sia's theory.
"He's meticulous. He plans everything down to the last detail."
"Yeah, that last detail being you." Clyde breaks the news.

"Maybe you should tell your team." Sia suggested again.
"No, no way. This isn't they're fight. And I won't take that risk."
"We stay together, we can get him." Sia says.
"We already tried. Look how that ended up."

"Wait, when you went undercover I promised that no one would harm you." Clyde tells me.
"I'm not undercover anymore. D.C. isn't his comfort zone, it's mine. This ends here." I say before leaving the subway at my stop.

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