Chapter 4

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Kai's aunt, Sadie, drives up to the police station to pick up Kai.
"You ready Kai?" She calls out the window.
"One second." Kai says before she runs over to Emily. She embraces Emily. Kai runs back over to Sadie.

The BAU watches Kai's aunt take her home. JJ notices that Emily was looking sad.
"Are you ok, Em?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, I just got connected to her." Emily mutters without looking up.
JJ rubs Emily's back.

The team goes back to the jet and fly home. JJ walks over to Emily and hands her a cup of tea. She then sits down across from Emily.

"I can see it." JJ mutters.
"Huh?" Emily asks confused.
"" JJ slightly smiles at Emily.
Emily smiles back.

"Really?" Emily asks in disbelief.
"Yeah." JJ continues to smile.

Kai's POV

"We're almost there." Sadie tells me.
"Ok." I mutter.
"Could you sound any less happy that you are being taken to a better family then your shit one?" Sadie yells at me.
"If I'm going off of what you just said, my family was a hell of a lot better!" I shout back.

Sadie pulls into her driveway. She opens her door then I open mine. I quickly started to run away into the woods.

Before I got to far in the forest I dial 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My aunt is trying to hurt me. I ran into the woods but I don't know how long I can run away before she catches up." I quickly explain to the operator.
"Stay calm and try to find a place to hide. Whatever you do don't hang up..." The phone signal suddenly cuts out.

"No! Please! No!" I start to scream and sob.

Suddenly, Sadie comes up from behind me and grips my arm tightly.
"Don't you ever think about running away from me again!" Sadie shouts before she drags me back to the house.

The next day

"Are you still thinking about Kai?" JJ asks Emily.
"I'm just scared that letting her go with her aunt was a bad idea. I don't trust that Sadie girl. Something was off with her." Emily shared her overthinking.
"I'm sure Sadie is a good person and she is gonna give Kai a good home." JJ reassures Emily before she rubs Emily's arm.
"I hope so."

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