Chapter 8

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Kai wakes up next to Emily. She quietly gets out of bed and goes to her own bed. Before she can leave the room, she hears Emily move.

"Where are you going?" Emily asks concerned.
"Back to my room." Kai mutters.
"I thought you would want your bed back to yourself."
"No you can stay."
"Oh ok."

Kai gets back in bed and Emily pulls Kai in closer to her.
"Go back to sleep." Emily kisses Kai's forehead.
They both fall back asleep.

2 hours later

Emily wakes up to feeling Kai in her arms. Kai slowly drifts awake.
"Good morning." Emily smiles.
"Good morning."
"Can we read again?" Kai asks.

Emily grabs the book and she sits up against the backboard of her bed. Kai lays her head on Emily's chest. Emily then wraps her arm around Kai.

They read for awhile before Kai falls back asleep. Emily puts her book down and wraps her other hand around Kai's chest. Kai moves her head in closer to Emily's chest sleepily.

An hour later

Kai slowly opens her eyes. She feels Emily's arms wrapped around her.

"Emily?" Kai mutters.

Emily slowly shifts awake.
"You know that it's 2:00, right?"
"In the afternoon?"
"Oh geez it's late."

"Thanks for telling me." Emily smiles.
"You're welcome."
Emily kisses Kai's forehead.

They both get up and do their own thing for awhile.

"Can I talk to you Emily?" Kai asks.
"Sure." Emily smiles.
"I think you could go back to work tomorrow. I'm ready to adjust to your busy schedule." Kai looks down.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to think that you need to rush things." Emily says sincerely.
"I'm sure." Kai looks up and slightly smiles.

"What should we do for the rest of our last day without me working?" Emily asks.
"Can we watch a movie? You can choose, I'm ok with anything." Kai says.
"Ok." Emily turns on the tv and selects a movie.

Kai lays her head down in Emily's lap and Emily strokes her hair. They watch the movie peacefully.

After the movie, Emily and Kai just relax in their position.
"That was a good movie, I liked it." Kai smiles to herself.
"I'm glad you liked it, it's one of my favorites."

Emily gets up to make dinner. Kai lays on the couch and waits for dinner.

Emily places their plates at their seats. They both eat in silence. Kai decided to break the silence.

"What time do you wake up?"
"Well, when I go to the office to go over files I wake up at 7:00. If I'm on a case I wake up whenever I get the call that there's a case."
"Where will I go when you have a case?"
"Penelope's house."
"What about when you're in the office?"
"Either my desk, the other team member's desks, or Penelope's office. Your choice."
"Do you get off days?"
"The weekends when there's no cases."

They both put their plates in the sink.
"Can we read more?" Kai asks.
Emily agrees and they go lay in Emily's bed cuddled up together to read.

Kai falls asleep and once Emily noticed she put down the book and went to bed too.

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