Chapter 14

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3rd person POV

They get back to the round table room. They talk about a prison that Ian could've been wanted by.

"Did you ever hear from your European colleagues?" Hotch asks Emily.
"I'm waiting for a document." Emily tells him.
"We need it now."
Emily nods and goes out to her desk to call Sia and Clyde.

"Ian was in Kwan-lee-so?" Emily asks.
"Ah well that was on a need to know." Clyde says.
"You didn't think I needed to know that! Are you kidding me?" Emily slightly shouts.
"And what good would that do?" Clyde then asks.
Emily takes a second to breath.

"You don't get to decide what's good for me anymore. What else aren't you telling me?" Emily says strictly through the phone.
"That's it." Clyde admits.
"You said he was in Russia."
"No actually Sean McAllister told you that."

"Tsia, get him off the phone." Emily demands.
"What are you gonna do Em? Huh? What are you gonna do? You gonna run away? Yeah! You're good at that!" Clyde shouts in frustration.
"Tsia." Emily demands again.

"Ok." Tsia picks up the phone and takes it off speaker.
"Tsia, you can trust him. You need to get out of there right now you're safer on your own. Do you remember Night Street, Coreli's, how the door works?"
Tsia mutters yeah.
"He's still there. You will be in and out in five minutes."
"Got it."
"Do not let Clyde follow you. Tsia, be careful."
"You too." Tsia mutters.
They both then hang up.

Emily goes upstairs and prints out the document to give her team.
"Bank accounts, traceable from our first three victims. We might be able to match those references with the rest of the faces." Emily explains.
"Good." Hotch mutters.

Emily looks up and over at the bulletin board.
"What else have you found?" Emily asks in confusion.

Derek than barges into the door announcing that there was another homicide on Night Street. Once Emily heard that she knew it was Tsia.
"I'm coming with you." Emily says as she gets up.
They both go to the crime scene.

Emily stared at Tsia's dead body laying on the floor.
"I need some air." Emily then runs out and goes outside. She puked all over herself. Emily asks to stop at her house and Derek agrees to take her.

Once she gets to the house, she takes the necklace Ian gave her and flushed down the toilet. Emily then gets changed and goes back to the car.

Derek and Emily get to the BAU and walk into Hotch giving the profile. Emily just listens to Hotch. Derek looks back at her.
"You good?"
"I'm ok." Emily smiles.

Deep down, all that Emily could think of is how she might end up having to sacrifice herself for Kai and her team. She would do anything for them, even dying. She knew leaving was the right thing to do.

Emily started to tear up while thinking about it. She looks around at all of her team members for one last time before storming out.

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