Chapter 7

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On the plane

Emily sits down next to Kai. Across from them is Spencer and JJ. Kai leans on Emily's shoulder and closes her eyes. Emily smiles and lays her head on Kai's too. Emily shuts her eyes. They both drift off together.

"They already are getting so comfortable with each other." JJ coos.
"It's actually very easy for the human body to form trust when people express their trust." Reid scientifically explains.
JJ smiles.

30 minutes later

The plane lands and Hotch wakes up Emily and Kai. The team goes back into the office to gather their things to go home. JJ says goodbye to Kai and Emily before they leave.

At Emily's apartment

"Here's your room, we can remodel it if you want. Just make yourself at home." Emily smiles while showing Kai the room.
"Thank you Emily." Kai smiles back at Emily. She goes over to the bed and places her stuffed animal on it.

Emily sits down next to Kai on the bed.
"So my plan is to stay home from work while I let you get settled in for the next few days. After your settled, I'll go back to work and you can get used to the schedule. As you should know, you don't have to worry about school yet because it's summer break." Emily explains.
"Ok." Kai mutters.

Kai moves closer to Emily. She pulls her into a hug.
"Thank you so much for taking me in." Kai tells Emily.
"You're so welcome sweetheart." Emily squeezes Kai a little.
They pull apart from the hug.

Emily gets up so Kai could get under the covers. Emily kisses Kai's forehead.
"Goodnight Kai."
"Goodnight Emily."

The next morning

Kai wakes up to the sounds of birds chirping. She looks over at her alarm clock to see that it's already 1:00 in the afternoon. Kai then makes her way downstairs. She spots Emily sitting on the couch reading.

"Emily?" Kai says.
"Oh, you're awake! Come sit." Emily turns around to tell Kai.
Kai walks around the couch and sits next to Emily.

"Why'd you let me sleep in so late?" Kai asks.
"I thought that you would like to finally get some good sleep. I was guessing that you haven't been sleeping much lately." Emily explains.
"I mean that is true." Kai nods.

"You hungry?" Emily asks.
"Not yet."
"Ok tell me when you get hungry."
Kai nods.

Emily opens her book back up.
"What are you reading?"
"To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It's one of my favorites. I've reread it about 5 times in the past few years." Emily smiles at Kai.
"Can I read too? I really like the book too." Kai says.
"Sure you can read too."

Kai moves in closer to Emily's side. Emily wraps her arm around Kai. They read together for about an hour.

"Emily?" Kai mutters.
"Yes hun?" Emily asks.
"I'm getting hungry now."
"Ok, is a sandwich ok?"
"Sure." Kai says.

Kai moves over so Emily could get up. Kai watches Emily make the sandwich.
"Here you go." Emily places the sandwich down and Kai sits.
Emily goes back to the couch to read more.

Kai starts eating when suddenly her phone buzzes. She looks at her phone and sees that Parker texted her.

Kai's POV

My heart stopped. I forgot to tell Parker that I moved to Virginia. My eyes start to water. I quickly run upstairs.

Emily looks over and sees Kai running upstairs. She goes after Kai.

I slam my bedroom door. I lay down in my bed and face the wall while crying. I hear Emily slowly crack open the door.


I ignore her and keep crying. She slowly walks closer to me. I can feel the bed slightly move.

"What happened?" Emily asks confused.
"It's Parker." I whisper before I slowly sit up and turn towards Emily.
"I forgot to tell him that I moved here. He just asked me where I was. It made me feel guilty for not saying goodbye." I continue to cry.

"Oh, sweetheart." Emily says before she pulls me into a hug.

"You shouldn't feel guilty for not telling him the second it happened

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"You shouldn't feel guilty for not telling him the second it happened. If you tell him now why you moved he would understand. He would be happy that you escaped another dangerous home. I know this home is further away, but whenever you want, we can go back to Florida to see him." Emily comforts me.
"Thank you, Emily." I smile.

Emily and I let go of each other and I text Parker. He was understanding just like Emily said. He also said he couldn't wait to see me again.

"See I told you he would understand." Emily smiles.
I pull Emily back into a hug.

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