Chapter 18

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"Did you know Jeremy sold the list to Doyle?" Hotch asks Clyde.
"I had my suspicions." Clyde answers.

"So when you got to D.C. you couldn't trust Tsia either. Prentiss knew you were down as supplicate and so did we."
"You just asked me who's Doyle plant was."
"Would you tell them?"
"So when we both care about who is in trouble I need to know Doyle's profile as a terrorist. We combine that to what we know and he's a serial killer."

"Agent Hotchner, you took an oath, to protect the laws of your country and I took one to protect the secrets of mine. And I understand what you're asking"
"I know it's not easy."
"I will do it, if you join me. You see, there's no catching that man. He can escape your prison as easily as he did North Korea's. Then all hell would break lose. If you want to stop that man, you have to put a bullet between his eyes yourself. Can you do that? Can you break your oath, Agent Hotchner?"
"Then we'll take one then. Can you swear that your team must save her?"

There's suddenly a knock at the door. JJ walks in and Hotch turns to look at her.
"The British consulate is here." JJ informs Clyde.
"Can you tell them I'll be right out? I'm consulting with the BAU case." Clyde asks and JJ nods.

The round table

"Ian Doyle is a parasitic psychopath, highly controlling, very explosive, when something doesn't go to plan." Clyde explains.
"Ok, so how does this fit in with who he is as a family annihilator?" Seaver asks.
"And Prentiss's role in it." Rossi notes.
"Annihilators have a romanticized view of who their family is." Spencer states.
"Well actually he's an orphan." Clyde says.

"Well I think the family is the possession until some law shatters that and starts them killing." Derek says.
"Well Doyle was never married." Clyde says.
"Children?" Rossi asks.
"No." Clyde answers.

"You said in the profile that he carried out his murders with a surgical like incision." Spencer hands him the profile.
"And no collateral damage?"

"Perhaps this child was a surrogate for one he had?" Rossi suggested.
"Say Doyle did have a child that we didn't know about is it possible that Prentiss did?" Seaver asks.
"Then why should she keep it from me?" Clyde asks back.
"Who else was in the compound the day that you arrested Doyle?" Hotch asks.
"Just his staff."
"All Irish?"
"That's a start." Hotch says.

Emily's POV

"When Fahey told me you were in the city he said that you already knew where I was. If that's the truth, you know what this is about. Game's over, love, time for your last confession." Ian walks over and puts a gun to my head.

"Take me to where he died. I wanna see it." I mutter then shut my eyes.
Ian then puts down the gun and unties me from the chair.
"Breath just breath. 4...5...6..." I mutter to myself before having flashbacks.


"7...8...9...10... ready or not here I come. Aww I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna get you! I see you!" I say as I run around the table chasing Declan.
I grab him, tickle him, and let out a fake yell.
"I'm gonna eat ya!" I smile and laugh.
Suddenly I see Doyle standing there staring. I stop and look back.
"Louise! Come take your boy please." Ian tells his housekeeper.

Once Declan leaves, we start talking.
"Ever think about that?" Doyle asks.
"Having kids? A little hard with what we do, don't ya think?" I ask.
"Maybe you just need the right man to do it with? And a son who's crazy about you." Doyle explains.
"I thought he was your housekeeper's." I stutter.

"Louise raises him so no one can use him against me. But he's mine. He needs a mother." Ian explains.
"I can't do that. Not here."
"Then I get you out."
"Or I can get you out? I have resources, contacts, he would be safer, and he'd have a father." I say hopefully.

"You know what I am Lauren. A warrior, I lead warriors, I raise warriors, I can't just leave." Doyle explains.
"You want me to raise your son, so he could have your life?" I ask in disbelief.
"Is it that bad of a life?"

Declan runs over to me and I crouch down next to him.
"There are so many things that I would do to make you happy. But. I can't do this. Go to your father."

End flashback

Doyle starts bringing me to another room.
"Go to your father, that's what you said. I never told anyone the truth about Declan, you are the only one, and you put him in your profile, didn't you?" Ian asks.
"Yes." I mutter.
"For 2 years I've been in POC. The North Koreans used everything you gave them against me. It wasn't until he showed me these. They laughed at me as I wept. And you caused all of this, didn't you?"
"Yeah. Yes I did." Emily says.
"And what makes me upset is that you finally got a kid and mine is dead! You see that corner, that's where he died. And that's where I'm gonna kill you." Ian says before pushing me down to the floor.

Ian pulls his gun out and points it to me on the floor.
"There's something you don't know. About those photos." I mutter.

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