Chapter 24

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2 days later

"We have a case." JJ informs everyone.
Kai looks up at Emily.
"I'll talk to you before we leave." Emily tells Kai.
Emily nods and goes over to the round table room, leaving Kai sitting at her desk.

Kai gets up off the ground and sits in Emily's chair. She lays back and messes with her nails and skin. Her anxiety starts to get worse.

10 minutes go past and the team already is out of the round table room and walking down to their desks. Kai looks up from her nails. Her heart starts racing when she sees Emily.

"Hey Kai, we're leaving in 30." Emily informs Kai.
Kai nods and goes back to messing with her nails.
"Are you doing ok?" Emily asked worriedly.
"Yea." Kai mutters.
Emily could tell that she lied but decided to not upset her even more.

20 minutes later

"Ok, let's bring you up to Garcia's office." Emily says.
"Ok." Kai mutters and follows Emily.

They walk into Penelope's room and Penelope turns around and smiles when she sees Kai.
"Hey Kai." Penelope smiles brightly.
"Hi." Kai smiled.

"Ok, so I'm gonna go to the jet now. Have a good time. Behave. Remember I love you so much." Emily smiles at Kai before turning to leave.

"Wait, Emily." Kai slightly shouts.
"What?" Emily asks.

Kai doesn't say anything, she just wraps her arms around Emily into an embrace. Emily wraps her arms around Kai too. Kai starts to silently cry while holding onto her for dear life. Emily just stood there and accepted the hug.

Emily tries to look down at Kai's face to see if she was ok, but her face was hidden between Emily's chest and Kai's arm.

"I'm sorry Kai but I have to go." Emily says.
Kai slowly lets go. She looks down and sniffled. Emily lifts up Kai's chin to make her look at her.

"Why are you crying?" Emily asks.
"I don't want you to get hurt again. I can't loose you again. I need you." Kai starts sobbing and it makes Emily's heartache.

"You're not gonna loose me again, sweetheart. I promise that I will be safe. I can protect myself." Emily tries to reassure Kai.
"I'm still scared." Kai mutters.
"I promise there's nothing to worry about. I love you Kai. I have to go now before I'm late."

Once Emily left, Kai started breaking down into tears. Kai went over to the couch in Penelope's office. Penelope came over and sat next to her. She rubbed Kai's back while she cried.

"Emily's gonna be ok. She's the strongest person I know." Penelope reassures Kai.
"I know she's strong but I'm still scared." Kai says through her sobs.
"It's gonna be ok, she'll be home in no time." Penelope pulls Kai into a hug.

On the jet

After the team reviewed the case files, JJ and Emily sat next to each other. They start making small talk.

"So, how's Kai taking it all." JJ asks.
"Not good." Emily stares down at her hands.
"Did something happen?" JJ asks.

"When I brought her to Penelope's office she was fine, but when I started to leave she hugged me. I thought it was a normal hug until we pulled away. Kai was sobbing. I asked her why she was crying and she said that she didn't want to lose me again. I told her that I would be safe on the case and I could protect myself. But, the thing bothering me the most is that I can't be completely sure that I survive out there." Emily explains to JJ.

"Em, you are the strongest person I know. You aren't gonna die. Kai's just saying that because she's worried about you. You know that you're so lucky to have that little girl, right?" JJ asks.

"Yeah." Emily smiles as a tear drops out of her eye.

Penelope's office

Kai settles down and she goes on her phone. Emily then starts to call her and she quickly picks up.

"Hello?" Kai says.
"Hey, Kai, I just wanted to let you know that we landed now." Emily says.
"Ok. I'm sorry for earlier." Kai starts to break down again.
"No, don't be sorry. I'm so grateful that I have a little girl just like you. I love you Kai." Emily tells Kai.
"I love you too Emily." Kai smiles to herself.
"I have to go, I'll call you again later."
"Ok, goodbye Emily."
"Bye." Emily hangs up.

8 hours later

Penelope and Kai leave the BAU and go to Penelope's house. Once they get there, Kai goes in and immediately goes over to the couch.

"Someone's really tired." Penelope laughs.
"Yes, I am very sleepy." Kai slightly giggles.
"Well, I'm gonna let you get some sleep." Penelope says before going upstairs to her room.

Before Kai knows it, she's fast asleep. She peacefully sleeps until 1:34. At that time, she starts to have a nightmare.

The nightmare

I open my eyes to see Emily getting killed again. A black figure came up from behind Emily and slit her throat. I start to ball my eyes out.

Suddenly, the BAU busts in the room. Hotch helped me up and brought me to be checked out in the ambulance. Once I was examined, I was let go because I wasn't hurt.

I looked over to the BAU standing there. Random men in black clothes came from behind the team. They walked over to me and grabbed me. I screamed for JJ but she didn't answer. The BAU just watched them take me away and throw me in a van.

After a few minute drive, the men take me out of the van. They walked me over to a very familiar house. It was my Aunt Sadie's house. The men brought me inside and dropped me in front of Sadie.

I could smell the alcohol in her breath. She came over and picked me up. She then threw me across the room, knocking the wind out of me. She walked over and watched me try to catch my breath. She then started kicking me in the stomach.

Sadie then shifted into Katelyn, the girl who killed my family. Katelyn then picked me up and slapped me so hard. She then started punching me.

Katelyn then shifted into my father. My father pushed me against the wall behind me. I slid down the wall. He then pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I screamed.

End nightmare

I shoot up out of the couch. I start to cry from the shock. I also started hyperventilating. I thought about going to wake up Penelope, but I didn't want her to get upset.

I picked up my phone and called Emily. I regret doing it so I go to hang up, but Emily answers before I could.

"Kai?" Emily asks.
"Emily." Kai mutters through her tears.
"What happened?"
"I had a terrible nightmare. I didn't want to wake Penelope. I hope I didn't wake you. Please tell me you weren't sleeping. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have called." Kai starts frantically speaking while crying harder."
"No, Kai, don't hang up. You didn't wake me. Now what happened in your nightmare?"

"You got killed for real this time. The BAU suddenly came in and Hotch took me to get examined. I was fine, but you weren't. After my examination, these men came and took me into a van. In the van, we drove to my Aunt Sadie's house. The men brought me inside and threw me to the ground. Sadie was standing there, and she picked me up and threw me to the ground. She kicked me in the stomach. Sadie then turned into Katelyn. Katelyn then picked me up and slapped me and punched me. Katelyn then turned into my dad. My dad pushed me against the wall so hard that I slid down it and he pulled out a gun. He was just about to shoot me before I woke up." Kai explains and is full on sobbing now.

"Oh, Kai, I'm so sorry you had that horrible dream. Just remember that I'm not gonna get hurt and that all the people in your past who hurt you would never be able to do it again." Emily says.
"I wish you were here." Kai sobs.
"I know, sweetheart, I'll be home before you know it."
"Ok. Good night Emily." Kai sniffles.
"Good night Kai. I love you." Kai hangs up.

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