Chapter 31

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Back at the bank, Emily goes to call Clyde to see if he has any information. He gets off track and offers her the position in Interpol again. Emily told him she would think about it. She goes back inside.

Meanwhile, the Queen brings Will over to a paramedic.
"Morning. We need help." She says.
"Oh is that a gunshot? He's gonna need fluids. There's a hospital 3 blocks from here." The medic explains.
"There's no time. Fix him." The Queen says as she pulls out a gun.


JJ and Rossi go to the scene where the Queen killed the medic.
"Will's definitely with them, and it looks like he can move without a problem." JJ informs Rossi.
"Cameras caught everything?" Rossi asks.
"Yeah, the woman killed the medic."
"Hey, at least Will's ok."
"Yeah, for now." JJ mutters.

"Did they leave in the same vehicle?"
"Yeah, but it's been an hour since the explosion. Why haven't they leafy the city?"
"The next attack could be here."

The getaway car

"You said he would call by now." Chris tells Izzy.
Suddenly, her phone rings. She answers it and they talk for 5 seconds.
"That was fast."
"Change in location. Get back on Pennsylvania Av."

Chris pulls over into an alleyway.
"I'm not going anywhere till you tell me the plan." Chris slams on the steering wheel.
Izzy pulls out her gun and shoots him 4 times.

"What are you doing?" Will asks in shock.
"He talks too much. Go ahead officer. Get him out."
"And do what? Just leave him here?"
"Yes, please."

Will gets out from the back seat and opens the front door. He pushes Chris out and gets in the front. Izzy continues to hold her gun towards him.
"Go ahead. Drive."

Before Will can drive, the male hostage, Matthew Downs, gets in the back seat where Will was.
"Hi Will. You see that?" Matthew pats Wills back.
"I want to do it again."
"We will."

"Drive. You know the way." Izzy tells Will again.
"Drive." Matthew repeats.
Will starts to drive away.

Will arrives at his house where Henry, Kai, and Kate's daughter were playing. Will and Izzy both exit the car and walk over to them.

Henry runs over to Will and Kai walks after him. Will picks up Henry and smiles at Kai.
"Thanks for taking care of the little man and Kai. Let me put you down so I can talk to Miss. Kate." Will tells Henry.
Kai takes Henry's hand and brings him over to play.

"You haven't been watching the news? Will asks.
"I heard about what happened, but no, I didn't want the kids to see it. Well except Kai heard. She seemed ok though. Are you guys working the case?" Kate explains.
"In shifts, yeah."
"Ok, well, if you need Henry and Kai to stay, it's no problem." Kate offers.

"Uh well-" Will starts but Izzy cuts him off.
"I'm Izzy, Will's cousin."
"Oh, hi. I'm Kate. Nice to meet you."
"She just flew in. She's gonna take good care of them, so it's all good."
"Alright, well if you need anything, let me know."
"Sure thing."

"Hey Will, get some sleep. You look like hell." Kate says before she leaves.

Henry and Kai run inside together.
"He's still in diapers? I don't really do those. That older girl can do that." Izzy tells Will.
"If you touch my kid, or Emily's, I swear to god I will kill you." Will mutters strictly.
"I already told you, you touch me, he kills her, then you. Do you really want to do that to your kid, be the reason he's an orphan?"

Henry runs over dragging Kai along.
"Daddy, let's play." Henry says and Kai smiles down at him.
"Daddy can't play right now. I gotta go to work. But this is uh-"
"Izzy. Can you say hi to Izzy?"
"Hi, Izzy." Henry whispers.

"She's gonna stay with you and Kai till mama comes home, ok?"
"Hey, I love you."
"I love you." Henry says before Will pulls him in a hug

The whole time Will and Henry was talking, Kai was eyeing Izzy weirdly. Kai didn't trust her. She seemed off. Kai decided to ignore it.

Will turns to Izzy before leaving the house. Will leaves the house and gets back in the car with Matthew.


Back at the bank, Rossi and JJ are driving to look for Will, Izzy, and Matthew. The rest of the team is on call with them.

JJ goes through Will's wallet while Rossi talks.
"Wait guys. Will's license in gone. They know where we live." JJ says.

JJ's heart sank and so did Emily's.

On the other side of the phone, Emily places her hands on the desk and looks down at them.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Penelope asks.
"Kai's in there, too." Emily mutters.


"Hey, check it out, Will. It almost looks as good as yours, huh? I wasn't sure if I was gonna need you at all, but this way, it's more fun." Matthew says.
"What do you want?"
"Well it's simple. You do everything I tell you or Izzy kills your boy and your friends daughter. There is no way out. Let's don't believe the hype you're the hero. Today's not the day for that, Will. Come on, we're late." Will starts to drive.


Rossi and JJ hang up the phone and head to JJ's house. Rossi looks over at JJ staring out the window.
"Don't do that."
"Go all quiet."
"What else am I supposed to do?"
"I can't." JJ starts to tear up.

"You can't blame yourself."
"Want to bet? I should've never left Henry and Kai today."
"You were doing your job."
"I'm a mom."
"And a federal agent."
"I'm a mom first." JJ starts to shout.

"You had no possible way of knowing how this thing would go."
"We made this deal, Will and I. That Henry would never be alone without either of us. I broke that."
"He'll forgive you."
"And I'm not just breaking that with Henry, I'm also breaking that with Kai and Emily. I promised Emily that I will always be with Kai when she can't. If Kai d-dies, Emily would lose her mind and hate me."


"Why are you doing this?" Will asks Matthew.
"Why am I doing this? You ever been in combat?"
"But you think you know what happens to the souls of men?"
"I never said that."
"You have no idea."

"Soldiers don't come back and kill innocent people. You were sick before you even went to war."
"You've never been. I wasn't the same after. They just cut you off, you know? Everyone. Your family. The corps. The country. Goodbye. We used you. It's a betrayal. So what did I do? I found a new home."

Will pulls up to an officer.
"Detective." The officer says.
"You on lockdown?" Will asks.
"No, we're diverting all traffic. Official vehicles only."
"We're just here to do a sweep."
"Yes sir, go on through." Will drives to the scene.

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