Chapter 22

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The next morning Kai wakes up still next to JJ on the couch. She quietly gets up and goes back to her room. Kai goes on her phone to text Parker.

K: hey Parker
P: hey babe
K: so how's that moving to D.C. thing going?
P: actually we just bought a house for rent and we're packing things up now
K: do you know the address
P: 1901 Bailey Avenue
K: omg I lived right next to that
P: what do you mean "lived"
K: oh yeah, that's why I texted you. You know how Emily was taking me in and she has been for a life over a year now?
P: yeah why, what happened
K: she died and I don't know how to stop thinking about it
P: omg I'm so sorry for your loss. I mean first you lost your family, which weren't good people, and now you lost Emily and she was actually a good person. Where are you staying now?
K: Emily's coworker Jennifer's house
P: is she just like Emily?
K: yeah she's very sweet and a good parent I mean probably because she has a son already.
P: well I mean that's good
K: yeah but it's not Emily
P: I know but you will get used to it
K: I know
P: I love you sweetheart
K: I love you too Park
P: bye Kai
K: bye 👋

Kai puts down her phone and has a flashback.


Emily and the team walk into the BAU after they got off the jet. Everyone was exhausted because the case was 5 days long, so they didn't sleep much.

Once Kai sees them walk in, she looks for Emily. Kai spots Emily and runs over to her. She wraps her arms around Emily and hugs her tightly. Emily processed for a second and hugged her back.

They pull apart and Emily places her hands around my cheeks.
"Why were you gone for so long?" Kai asks.
"It was a rough case, why?" Emily responds.
"I missed you. I thought you weren't coming back." Kai let's a tear slip.
"I would never leave you." Emily says before pulling Kai into a hug.

End flashback

Kai opened her eyes and wiped her tears.
"She said she would never leave me." Kai whispers to herself before standing up.
"She said she would never leave!" Kai shouts to herself before pushing all of her things off of her desk. She then grabbed the back of the chair and flung it backwards.

Henry's POV

I wake up to a loud thud and it sounded like it was coming from Kai's room. Another bang came from the same direction, so I ran downstairs to JJ.

I shake my mom awake.
"What's wrong Henry?" JJ asks sleepily.
"It's Kai, there's loud noises coming from her room." I quickly say.

I watch mom jump up and run to her room. I follow her and when she opens Kai's door we both see Kai throwing things all over the room.

Mom slowly walks in and tries to grab Kai.
"Get away from me!" Kai shouts as she flinched.
"Shh Kai it's ok. It's just me. It's JJ." JJ tried to calm the girl.
"No!" Kai shouts before throwing her clothes all over.

Kai's POV

I instantly regret doing that to JJ, but I still try to throw things around. JJ finally gets a hold onto my hands. She pulled me over to the bed. We both sit down.

I can't help but sob. JJ instantly wraps her arms around me and she rubs my back. I lay my head on her shoulder and keep sobbing.

"I'm so sorry." I mutter through my tears.
"What are you sorry for?" JJ asks.
"For freaking out at you." I whisper.
"No it's ok. I know you're going through a rough time." JJ says and continues to hold me.

Later that day, JJ, Henry, Will, and I all sit down together to watch a movie. JJ suddenly gets a call from an unknown number. She goes over to the kitchen to talk.

"Hello, this is Jenifer."
"Hi JJ, it's me, Emily."
"Oh hi."
"I was wondering how Kai has been taking the news."
"Well she locked herself in her room for a week, and when she came out, she had bloodshot eyes, dark under eye circles, and tear stained cheeks. And today she had a meltdown, I'm assuming she had a flashback. She immediately apologized. It's rough for her, but when you do comeback there won't be much love lost. She really misses you."
"I feel so bad that she's feeling that way and acting out. I also hope that she doesn't get mad with me when I show my face again. I guarantee the team would though."
"They probably would just be in shock."
"I feel so bad for doing this to them."
"It's ok. It's gonna be ok. I promise."
"Ok thank you so much JJ."
"Your welcome. Goodbye."
"Bye JJ."
Emily hangs up.

JJ heads back over to the couch.
"Who was that?" Will asked.
Henry and I both turned to look at her.
"Oh it was Penelope. She was checking on Kai." JJ smiles.
"Oh ok." Will didn't notice the lie.
I move to the other side of JJ. I lay on JJ's side and she wraps her arm around me. I play with a strand of her hair.

All I could think about was Emily. I just wish she could come back to me. All I want is to hug her one more time. I also wanted to exchange one last "I love you." It really hurts thinking about her.

JJ notice something was wrong so she looked down at me. I looked back up at her.
"Are you ok?" JJ whispers.
"I just really miss Emily." A tear escapes my eye.
"I know sweetie. The grief will get better soon." JJ wraps her other arm around me. I do the same thing.

We stay like that until dinner time. We just ordered pizza and it was really good.

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