Chapter 33

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Rossi's mansion

Derek walks over to Emily and Kai.
"Emily, look, I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's exactly why we need to talk about it. This has nothing to do with cracks in the foundation." Derek says.
"No, but it's a sign." Emily says jokingly and Kai giggles.

"Oh, please don't go all free spirit on me."
"I almost blew up yesterday, twice."
"I know."
"That's about as grounded as you can get."
"You want to leave, don't you?"
Once Derek said that, Kai looks at Emily in shock.

"I never said that."
"It's the only reason you would be this quiet, Emily."
"Can we please talk about this later?"
"How long have you been thinking about this?"
"Honestly... since I got back."
"Really?" Derek asks.
"Really?" Kai also asks.

"It's not you guys. I love you. I just can't grab on to my old life and pretend that nothing happened."
"Is this about Easter?"
"No. But he did ask me to run the London office."
"And you're gonna do it."
"He just asked me yesterday."
"But you're thinking about it."

"I don't know yet. I thought buying a house and putting down roots was gonna fix this feeling, it was gonna give me what I wanted. But it hasn't. It's bigger than that. You think I should stay."
"I think I miss you already."

Penelope walks in the room.
"I'll tell you later."
"I do not like the sound of I'll tell you later."
"It's JJ's night, and I don't want to..."

"Alright. If you're telling me that there's something bad happening right now to balance out the goodness that is tonight. I will have non of it, because I don't believe in that. Although it's totally one of the truths of life. Isn't it? The biter and the sweet mixed up together in a cosmic soup that we've all signed up for. I think Kevin's here. It would make sense that he would come tonight. He's here, and he's with her so I'm gonna go somewhere which is not, go somewhere that is not, that is not here."

"Oh hi Emily." Beth says.
"Oh hi. It's nice to see you again."
"Oh it's nice to see you, too. Hey, Derek."
"Hey Beth, Hotch. Oh, look out. Look who it is. Little man Jack give me some. Hey guess what. They got a really cool fountain right over there. You want to check it out with me?"
"Sure." Jack smiles.
"I wanna see, too." Beth adds.
They all go over to the fountain.

"Hey how are you and Kai?" Hotch asks and Emily takes a big breath.
"That bad?"
"That's your tell."
"It is?"
"For how long? Uh ever since I've known you."
Emily sighs and looks over to Kai. Kai nods in agreement with Hotch.

"Well, you have one, too."
"I do." Hotch giggles.
"Oh yeah." Emily giggles too.
"Yeah, only I'm not gonna tell you what it is or you'll stop doing it."
"I see."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Absolutely. But not now."
"First thing tomorrow."
"It's a date."
"Ok." Hotch walks away.

Emily looks over at Kai.
"Are you really thinking about this?" Kai asks.
"Yeah." Emily sighs again.
"Well, I support your decision, whichever it might be. I just want you to be happy."
"Thanks, Kai. I love you."
"I love you too, mom."

"Mom?" Emily asks in confusion.
"I thought it was finally time." Kai smiles.
"I like it, daughter." Emily smiles back.
Emily wraps her arm around Kai and they leave the room together. They go out to the back with Kevin.


JJ walks down the isle and everyone smiles at her. JJ and Will both put on their rings and kiss.


Everyone sits down for dinner. Kai and Emily sit next to each other.
"They say that good things happen to good people. Today is one of those days. And these are two of those people. We love you." Rossi says.

Everyone gives cheers to each other, and Kai has orange juice instead on alcohol of course. Everyone starts cheering.


Everyone goes over to the dance floor. They take turns dancing with each other. A more upbeat song starts playing when Emily and Kai are dancing together.

Emily grabs Kai's hand and twirls her around. Kai smiles and falls into Emily's arms. They start to dance normally together.

"Thank you for everything." Kai smiles at Emily.
"Thank you for just being you." Emily smiles back.
"You're the best mom ever." Kai wraps her arms around Emily and puts her head against Emily's chest.
Emily wraps her arms around Kai and she sways with her.


I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I loved writing it and I might even make another part to it if it's requested. For now, I'm writing a book called "Escape || Criminal Minds Story." I hope you enjoy that too. Thanks for reading!!!

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