Chapter 20

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The team anxiously sits in the waiting room of the hospital. Kai is squeezing Penelope's hand as hard as she could. The team continues to worry.

Suddenly, JJ walks in with bloodshot eyes. The whole teams sits up anxiously to hear what she has to say.
"No." Penelope shakes her head and mutters.
Kai's grip gets even tighter on Penelope's.

"She never made it off the table."

The whole teams heart drops. Kai's starts to sob into her hands. Spencer gets up and tries to storm out the room.

"Spence." JJ mutters as she holds Reid back.
"I didn't get a chance to say goodbye." Reid responded.
JJ pulls him into a hug. They let go then JJ looks over at Kai.

JJ goes over and pulls Kai into a hug. Kai sobs into JJ's shoulder. She starts vigorously shaking. JJ just squeezes her harder. Kai's knees suddenly feel weak.

Kai starts to fall down and JJ notices and goes down too. Now both of them are on their knees. Kai continues to sob. She finally calms down enough to stand back up after about 10 minutes.

Hotch leaves the room and JJ follows. They go out and talk to each other. After they finish, they go back into the waiting room.

Kai walks over to JJ.
"What's gonna happen to me now? Am I gonna be put back into the foster system?" Kai asks.
"Actually Emily once told me if anything happened to her that she would want me to take care of you. If that's what you want. If not you will go back into the system." JJ explains.
"I will stay with you."

Derek suddenly walks over to Kai.
"Hey kid, I just wanted you to know that her last words were 'tell Kai I love her." Derek tears up.
"I love her too." Kai tears up even more.
Derek and Kai pull each other into a hug.

The funeral

The team gathers around the casket. They place down their flowers and pray for Emily. Kai leans her head on JJ's shoulder, and JJ wraps her arm around her waist.

They bury Emily and mourn even more. The funeral ends and JJ brings Kai to Emily's apartment to gather her clothes.

JJ's house

I walk into JJ's house and I see Will and Henry still in there black clothing. Will walks over to Kai.
"I'm so sorry this happened." Will says and pulls Kai into a hug.
They pull apart and Kai crouches down to hug Henry. They let go and JJ brings Kai up to the guest room.

"Here's where you'll be staying." JJ says.
"Thanks for taking me in." Kai smiles.
"I would do anything to help my best friend and her child." JJ smiles and goes to leave the room.
Kai pulls her into a hug. They let go and JJ leaves the room.

Once JJ leaves, Kai closes the door and locks it. She planned on staying away from people as long as she could. Kai felt better with coping alone.

An hour later

"Time for dinner!" JJ shouts from the kitchen.
Kai hears her and just ignores it.
After Will and Henry came down, JJ started to get worried about Kai. She heads up to Kai's room.

"Hey, Kai, are you ok in there? It's time for dinner." JJ says after she knew the door was locked.
"Please go away." Kai mutters.
JJ could tell that Kai had been crying.
"Why don't you come out and we can talk?" JJ asks.
"I don't wanna talk." Kai mutters again.
"Ok we'll I'll bring you some dinner up." JJ says.

After Will, Henry, and JJ eat, JJ brings up food to Kai's room.
"Hey Kai, your foods out here. I also want you to know that I'm going out tonight and I won't be home for a few days." JJ informs Kai.
"Ok." Kai mutters.
JJ leaves and goes to the airport. She takes a flight to Paris.

8 hours later

JJ gets off the plane and she meets up with Emily in Paris. She hands with 3 bank accounts and  3 passport.
"Passports from 3 different countries, and a bank account in each one to keep you company."
"Thank you."
"Good luck."

"Just one more thing before you leave, how did Kai take it?" Emily asks.
"She sobbed super hard when she first found out, and now she won't leave her bedroom." JJ explains.
"It will take her some time, but whatever you do, you can't let her know either. I just hope she knows how much I love her and how guilty I feel leaving her. But, I'm gonna come back."
"I will." JJ smiles before Emily walks away.
JJ leaves soon after that.

8 hours later

I get home and go to check on Kai. I saw that her food was untouched. I lightly knocked on the door.
"Hey Kai, can we talk?" JJ asks.
There was no reply so JJ assumed that Kai was sleeping.

Little did JJ know was that Kai was crying herself to sleep. Wishing that she could be in Emily's embrace.

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