Chapter 3

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"What do you mean she's not there?" Emily asks in shock.
"She's not in the same room." JJ tells Emily.
"The unsub must've got to her, just like we expected." Hotch mutters.

Kai's POV

I open my eyes to see myself tied to a chair.
"Help me! Please!" I call out.
"No one can hear you." A female voice comes from behind me.

The woman comes into my vision. She looks awfully familiar.
"Katelyn?" I ask.
"I knew you would remember me. Friend." Katelyn says.
"Wait so you killed Kiera Lewis and Hadley Anderson? They were our friends. What did they ever do to you?" I ask.

"Their families were terrible to them and they needed to be freed from it. Just like you will be. Except, I'm gonna have a little fun with you first." Katelyn spits at me.
"What kind of fun?" I ask another question.
"You'll see." Katelyn smirks.

At the P.D.

"Is there anybody that's connected to all three families?" Emily asks Penelope.
Penelope quickly types.
"I've got three results. Gabby Heartlan, Giana Howland, and Katelyn Bush." Garcia tells the team.
"Can you tell if any of these people were close friends with the families?" Emily asks.
"Katelyn seemed the closest. She had a friend group with all the girls, Gabby, Giana, Keira, Hadley..." Penelope takes a deep breath.
"And Kai."

Kai's POV

Katelyn started to punch me while yelling.
"You guys left me!" Katelyn yells and punches me after every word.
"Your the one that distanced yourself!" I argue back.
"No I didn't!" Katelyn continues to punch me.

"Why me?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" Katelyn asks confused.
"Why are you beating the shit out of me? I know you didn't do this to all of the others! What's your problem with me?" I ask.

"You were the most selfish one! You always complained about your sister getting all the attention and you being neglected! That's not abuse! You weren't ever touched!" Katelyn yells back at me.
"If you really want to know... I was hit by my father numerous times." I admit in a snarky tone.
"You liar!" Katelyn yells at me.

She unties me from the chair. Katelyn pushes me down to the ground. She starts kicking me senseless. I start to cough up blood. Katelyn gives me one harsh kick to the nose and it started to bleed all over my face.

Suddenly, I hear someone busy down the door. Katelyn quickly pulls me up and puts a knife to my neck. I slightly open my eyes to see the BAU standing in the room pointing their guns at Katelyn.

"You come any closer she's dead." Katelyn warns the team.

"I know what you've been doing for your friends. You've been getting revenge on their dangerous families. And taking your friends out of their misery. But you don't have to save Kai. She already had her family killed. That's enough for her. You don't have to do this." Emily tries to convince Katelyn to let me go.

"You've always been the goddamn lucky one." Katelyn whispers in my ear before she throws me down to the ground.

Emily comes over to my side and she helps me get up. Others from the team handcuff Katelyn and take her away. Emily helps me walk out to the ambulance.

The doctors check me out and are surprised that I haven't broken anything. They told me that the bruises will last awhile though.

Emily walks over to me and sits down next to me.
"Thank you Emily." I mutter and flash Emily a smile.
"I'm glad that we could help you. I'm sorry for your family though." Emily tells me.
"It's ok. I'll adjust. I'll always remember what you told me and done for me." I tell Emily.
"I'll always remember how much I helped you." Emily smiles.

I pull Emily into a hug.

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