Chapter 28

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"So what's the significance of Chad?" JJ asks.
"A 2008 coup attempt plunged them into political instability. They're currently in the middle of a civil war." Reid explains.
"There's gotta be more to it than that." Emily says as she calls Clyde on her phone.

"Our ghost wants to go to Chad. I'm figuring you're my best chance of finding out why." Emily says.
"Chad. That's an odd choice. They're not exactly hospitable this time of year."
"They said they could fly themselves there. Nothing suggests that Chris would have that ability so she must."

"Hmm, well, unfortunately, Interpol doesn't have many assets in that particular region in Africa. Maybe that's something that you could help me with when this is over."
"Work for Interpol again? That'll be the day."
"Not work, darling. Run. You see, I've been promoted. So, the teams yours whenever you want it."
"It's a hell of a time to bring that up."
"Well, you know, in our line of work, there's never a good time. Think about it. Please?"
"You find me a connection I can use maybe we'll discuss it." Emily hangs up.

Colonial National Bank

"The FBI's making good on its promise. We'll be out of here soon." The Queen informs the king.
"We're taking him with us." The king says while looking at the Jack's lifeless body.

Outside the bank

"These guys are too good to get caught, so why did they?" Rossi says.
"911 received a call alerting them to a robbery in progress." Will says.
"Actually, it was a text. D.C. added 911 messaging after the Virginia tech students texts went unanswered boring the massacre." Garcia corrects Will through the phone.

"Can you trace it Garcia?" Hotch asks.
"Yeah, the message was sent from a cell phone that is currently inside the bank and it was registered to a Larry Phillips Jr." Garcia says.
"Why does that name sound familiar?" Will asks.
"That's the name of one of the gunmen from the '97 North Hollywood bank shootout in California." Rossi answers.
"So is this an homage?" Derek asks.

"Guys, that text was sent 30 seconds before they blacked out the security feeds for entry." Garcia says.
"How is that possible?" Strauss asks.

"It didn't come from a hostage. It came from one of the robbers." Derek cracks the code.
"She wanted us here." Hotch mutters.

Emily, Spencer, and JJ arrive back at the bank.

"There's no clear entry to the vault." Will says as he looks at the banks map with Derek.
"No, but if we come in, that's where they'll go. We need to be ready for it." Derek says before JJ and Emily walk over.

"Garcia caught us up. Why instigate a hostage situation?" Emily asks.
"What's a narcissist without attention? She thrives on it." Derek answers.
"She must have something bigger in mind." JJ states.
"We need to separate Chris and the female to find out what that is." Emily says.
"It's not going to be hard. They're already on edge." Derek adds.

"It's more than the media outlets, sir. Anonymously international entities are hacking the feeds as well." Garcia informs Hotch, Rossi, and Strauss.
Strauss gets a call from headquarters and hangs up, "You were saying?" She asks Penelope.

"I was tagging I.P. Addresses and someone hacked the surveillance cameras at 7 a.m. this morning." Penelope explains.
"Is that how they shut down the cameras for entry?" Rossi questions.
"No, sir. This is an entirely different hack, one that's still receiving."

"Somebody else is watching. Who?"
"Whoever it is she's dressing up for." Hotch says.
"I thought that was for the media." Strauss says.
"The media didn't have eyes inside before today."

"But she dresses up every time."
"Because someone is always watching."
"Her real partner, a fourth unsub."
"I doubt if she was forthcoming about this other partner to Chris."
"I think it's time we bring Chris up to speed."

Rossi calls Chris.
"You know what my favorite card in poker is, Chris?"
"What's that?"
"The wild card."
"I don't believe in wild cards. They dumb down the game."

"I couldn't agree with you more, but, uh, in this case, you're the one that's dumb."
"This your new negotiation tactic, insulting me?"
"Oh it's not a tactic, it's a fact. Didn't you wonder why you got caught, what went wrong when you did everything right? We got a message from someone in the bank before you started shooting."

"Now I know it wasn't you, and I'm hoping it wasn't your brother. So, who does that leave?"
"You're lying."
"Ask her."

"Did you call the police?" Chris asks the Queen.
"Is that what they're telling you?" She asks.
"That's not an answer." Rossi butts in.
"Of course not. What do you think? They're trying to turn us against one another." She answers.
"Why would you even do that? Olly's dead cause of that."
"I wouldn't. I'm trapped here, too."

Chris pulls out his gun.
"Are you lying to me?"
"We've come too far for you to start doubting me now. Lost too much. Hey, don't let them tear us apart right as we're about to win. If you do that, Olly's death won't mean anything."

"Enough I'm done talking to you. I want to talk to someone who won't jerk me around face to face." Chris tells Rossi.
"No more feds." The woman mutters.
"I want to talk to the cop who shot my brother." Chris hangs up.

JJ, Will, Hotch, and Derek talk about Will going into the bank.
"No. No, forget it." JJ says.
"JJ, if it means we can end this..."
"What makes you think he won't shoot you the minute you walk inside?" JJ cuts Will off.
"Look, he wants out of there just as much as we want him out."
"It's not happening. Forget it."

"There's no guarantee he won't retaliate for the death of his brother." Hotch says.
"I know you'd do it if you were me." Will mutters.
"Will, I get what you're feeling, but you are too close to this case to make that call." Derek says.
"You're damn right in close. 4 people are dead because I shot his brother and no one else needs to die cause of what I did."

"This isn't about you." Derek remarks.
"Risking your life won't bring them back." JJ shakes her head.
"Sorry, Will." Hotch says.

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