Chapter 29

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"Where's that cop I asked for?" Chris asks Rossi.
"What you're asking for is difficult." Rossi answers.
"Well, I'll make it easy. Send in the cop, I let a couple hostages go. Sign of good faith. Isn't that what you said?"
"Releasing the hostages is a great first step in resolving this conflict, but we can't send someone else in to be killed."
"This ain't a friggin debate." Chris hangs up.

He walks over and behind a hostage. He yanks the hostage and points his gun at him.
"Come on, bud. Let's go! Pick up the phone." Chris demands.
"Pick up the phone!" Chris screams.

"Hello?" The hostage says.
"Tell hun your name." Chris demands.
"It's Shawn Harper."
Right then, Chris shoots Shawn in the head.
"Ucch. You just killed Shawn Harper. Not me, you. And I'm gonna shoot another hostage every 60 seconds till you send in the cop." Chris hangs up.

"Every 60 seconds," Chris walks over towards the hostages, "who's next? Huh?" He asks.

Emily goes into the room where JJ, Hotch, Derek, and Will are sitting.
"He's threatening to shoot more hostages unless he has Will." Emily informs them.
"Screw this. I'm going in." Will stands up.
"No you're not. We are." Hotch says strictly.

Inside, Chris keeps going around the hostages.
"Who's the lucky one?" He walks around more
He abruptly stops in front of a woman.

He grabs the woman by the waist and carries her away from the rest of the hostages. She screams and cries for him to let go.

"Pick it up!" Chris tells the woman to pick up the phone.
"What's your name?" Chris asks.
"No, please." She begs.
"Tell them your name!" Chris lunges at her.
"Annie. It's Annie."

"You hang in there, Annie. Help is on the way." Rossi says through the phone.
"You got about 30 seconds, Annie. I hope Agent Rossi doesn't make me shoot you, too."

"You ok?" A hostage asks his wife.
"Yes." She mutters frightfully.
Chris looks over towards the hostage, "Hey, you. Come over here."
"No I." The wife chimes in.
"No it's ok." The husband cuts her off as he walked over to Chris.

"Just let the women and children go. They don't need to see this." The hostage pleads.
"Pretty soon they're gonna be doing a lot more than just seeing. Annie! You just got yourself a reprieve. Get in line over there. Look at our new contender. Let's go!" Chris shouts.

Outside, S.W.A.T. gets in position and Will starts walking over towards the entrance to the bank.
"What is he doing?" JJ asks when she spots him.

JJ starts to try and chase after Will, but Morgan holds her back.
"Morgan let me go please!" JJ starts to fight against him.
"I can't do that." Derek says strictly.
"Will! Will!" JJ shouts but he continues to walk in the bank.

"Look." The Queen motions Chris towards the door where Will was standing with his hands up.
"Let these people go." Will says.
"All right, you, you, you, the kids. Get out." Chris says and all the kids and women exit the bank.

"Hey, what's your name?" Chris asks.
"William Lamontagne Jr. MPD." Will mutters.
Chris looks back at the Queen then turns around and shoots Will in the gut.

JJ hears him get shot and she struggles to get past Morgan some more before holding in her tears.

The team sits quietly in Garcia's room where the security cameras were.

"Did you see where he was shot?" JJ breaks the silence.
Everybody stayed quiet.
"Is he alive or dead, Garcia?"
"I don't know."

"He was wearing a vest. He might be ok." Emily adds.
"Might be." JJ scoffs.
Rossi walks in the room.

"They're not answering." Rossi announces as he walks in.
"We need to get inside." JJ stands up."
"JJ, it's too risky. We don't have eyes in there anymore." Derek chimes in.

"Aaron." JJ says as she looks at Hotch.
"Let's go in." Hotch says.
The BAU gets ready to go inside the bank.

Inside the bank, a hostage directs another hostage how to slow down Will's bleeding.
"Hold your hands right there."

"What are you doing?" The Queen asks strictly.
"A dead cop isn't gonna be much of a negotiation tool."
"Boss, are you good with this?"
"What? Yeah, fine."

The Queen walks over to Chris.
"You ok?"
"I shouldn't have done that. They're never gonna let us out of here now."
"Who knows? Maybe they'll save him and he'll be our ticket out of here. You took my advice."
"How's that?"
"You didn't go for the kill shot."
"I'm gonna check the back again. There's gotta be an escape he haven't thought of."

On the other side of the bank, the two hostages are saving Will.
"Blood pressure's dropping. Hold that. Are you holding it as tight as you can?" The male hostage asks.
"Yeah." The female sighs.

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