Chapter 5

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6 months later

Kai dials 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"I can't take my aunt's beatings anymore. She's insane." Kai tells the operator.
"When's the last time she's done something to you?"
"10 minutes ago, she's running errands now." Kai explains.
"Ok what's your address?"
"I don't know, she never told me." Kai admits.
"Ok stay on the line with me."

"I have one question." Kai says.
"Yes?" The operator asks.
"Is there a way for you to transfer my call to the BAU team's agent, Emily Prentiss?" Kai asks.
"Sure I'm on it."
The 911 operator transfers the call.

"Hello, this is Agent Prentiss from the BAU." Emily says into the phone.
"It's me, Kai, I need your help." Kai urgently says.
"Kai Harris?" Emily asks confused.
"Yes it's me." Kai answers Emily's answer.
"What do you need help with?"
"My aunt has been abusing me. I can't take it anymore. I need you to get me out of this house." Kai explains to Emily.

Emily's heart drops. She knew there was something up with Sadie. She should have said something sooner.

"I will tell the team right now." Emily tells Kai.
"Thank you so much." Kai says in relief.

Emily hangs up and Kai is back on the phone with the operator.
"We found your location. The police are on their way."
"Thank you."

A few minutes pass and Kai hears the front door open. She runs out to the entrance but she just sees Sadie, not the police.

Kai can smell the alcohol. Sadie stumbles into the house.
"What are you looking at?" She slurs.
"Nothing." Kai stutters before she feels a stinging pain in her cheek.
Sadie slapped her.

Before she could go into the kitchen, the police kick open the door.
"Where is Sadie Jenkins?" The police shout.
Kai points over to Sadie and she puts her hands in the air. The police go over and handcuff her.
"You're arrested for abuse."

The police take Kai in one car and Sadie in the other. At the station, Sadie is put into a cell and Kai sits in the entryway.

At the BAU

"Hotch, I have a question." Emily says as she walks into Hotch's office.
"Sure have a seat." Hotch says.
"I got a call from Kai Harris, you know the girl who's family was killed 6 months ago. She said that her aunt, Sadie, has been hurting her. Can we please go back for her and make sure she finds a good home?" Emily pleads.
"We can fly out tonight."
"Thank you so much!"
"I'll tell the team.

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