Chapter 21

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It's been a week since Emily died. Kai still hasn't came out of her room. Spence started coming over, crying to JJ about Emily's situation and JJ comforted him.

Kai was inside her room. She decided to go into her bathroom that was connected to her room. She stared at herself in the mirror. You could tell that she hasn't slept well and has been crying.

Kai saw her bloodshot eyes, pink nose, dark under eye circles, and her tear-stained cheeks. All Kai longed for was one last hug from Emily. Kai starts to tear up even more while thinking about it.

She decides to leave her room and go into the living room. She walked down into the living room and saw JJ reading a book. Will and Henry were no where to be seen.

"JJ." Kai whispers.


I suddenly here my name be called. The voice sounded familiar. I look back and see that Kai was finally out of her room. I dropped my book and ran over to Kai.

I pulled her into a hug. I also felt how tightly she hugged me back. Kai started shaking and sobbing into my shoulder. Seeing her like this made me tear up too.

I pull away after we hugged for a few minutes. Once I see the state of Kai's face, her bloodshot eyes, pink nose, dark under eye circles, and her tear stained cheeks, I put my hands around her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." I say as I take in every detail of her face.
"It's ok." Kai mutters.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask and Kai nods.
I lead her over to the couch and we sit down. I pull Kai's hands into my grip and lightly squeeze them.

"I know you went into your room because of Emily's death, but why did you think you had to stay locked away?" I ask.
"I don't know, I just thought I would be better off dealing with it on my own." Kai mutters.
"You are just like Emily." I sadly smile at Kai.
"Why do you say that?" Kai asks.
"She deals with everything by herself. She can compartmentalize her emotions in front of people and instantly break down alone." I explain.
"Oh I guess you're right." Kai sadly smiles too.

"What about we talk about things we love about Emily and that we would miss about her." I suggest.
"That's a good idea." Kai agrees.

"I'll start, I loved it when Emily would make her sarcastic comments to mess with Reid." I smiles thinking of her.
"I love and miss her hugs. Her hugs could make me instantly feel happy and safe. She just has a warmth to her." Kai smiles thinking about her hugs.
"I will miss seeing her smile." I add.
"I will miss her smile too." Kai agrees.
"Mostly, I'm gonna miss having her presence around. I mean she will still be in our hearts, but it is a different feeling when she's actually there." I say as a tear slips out of my eye.
"I agree. She just was a happy person. But, she could be a boss lady when she needs. That's a good thing though. Really most of the BAU team is like that." Kai smiles and cries too.
JJ pulls Kai back into a hug.

They pull apart.
"Wanna watch tv?" I ask.
"Sure." Kai smiles.

I turn on the tv and select a show to watch. Once I picked a show, Kai and I laid together on the couch. Kai snuggled up against my chest. I play with her hair and rub her back just like I used to see Emily do.

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