Chapter 32

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At JJ's house, Henry and Kai color together while Izzy rewatches Will getting shot.
"I thirsty." Henry whimpers and Izzy walks over and takes a seat.

Izzy picks up Henry's crayon. She starts to sing ring around the rosey in a eerie way. Kai looks at her suspiciously. Henry just smiles at her.
"You're silly. Can we play hide-and-seek?" Henry says.
"In a minute. Come here." Izzy says before picking up Henry. Kai continues to eye her.

"My grandfather's name was Henry. He had blonde hair just like you. He was a scary man."
"Let me tell you a story." Izzy mutters.


Outside, JJ and Rossi are parked across from JJ's house. JJ tries to call Kate.
"She doesn't have her cell. Kate would never take her eyes off of Henry and Kai like this. They must have them." JJ starts to unbuckle her seatbelt and leave the car but Rossi stops her.
"Wait we need a distraction."


At the train station where Izzy and Matthew met, Hotch, Emily, and Derek are outside it and Will and Matthew are inside.

Emily, Hotch, and Derek run inside and split up. Emily finds a mezzanine closed for renovation so she decided to investigate up there because it was a closed area.

Derek and Hotch continue going around the station. Derek spots Matthew and starts to run after him.
"Hotch, I've got the suspect going out the east wing."

Emily continues to look around the mezzanine. She spots Will taped up and a bomb wrapped around him. She runs over to him.

"I found Will."
"Is he mobile?" Hotch asks.
"Negative. He's got 6 transmitters on him and this whole place is gonna blow."

"Alright where are you. I'm on my way."
"No you gotta get everyone out. Is the bomb squad here yet?"
"They're 3 minutes away."
"Emily you gotta get Henry and Kai they're at the house."

Meanwhile at JJ's house, Izzy walks into Henry and Kai playing with blocks and toy dinosaurs together. She hands them both a glass of water before leaving when she hears something moving.

Izzy looks out the window and watches Rossi get Kate and her daughter away from the house. Izzy goes back over to Kai and Henry but they're both gone.

Izzy goes to find them. She looks in the pantry. When she doesn't see anything, she goes to close the door, but JJ was standing there with a gun pointing at Izzy's face.
"Turn around."

Izzy turns around and puts her hands up.
"Mommy." Henry shouts.
JJ gets distracted so Izzy takes it to her advantage and hits JJ in the face.

Izzy pushes JJ against a wall, then JJ pushes Izzy against a wall. Izzy pushes JJ against a wall again but there was a vase. JJ picked up the vase and slammed Izzy in the head. Izzy falls to the ground but quickly gets back up.

She runs over to get her gun, but JJ grabs her neck and slams her against a painting. Izzy back JJ into a wall and elbows her. JJ shoves Izzy down onto the ground. JJ gives her a harsh punch.

JJ looks over to see Henry standing there and Kai running up behind him.
"Henry! Kai!"

Izzy elbows JJ in the nose and crawls over to her gun. She goes to point it at JJ, but JJ grabs onto the gun and unloads it. Izzy kicks JJ and runs over to Henry and Kai in a closet. Once Kai sees her running towards them, she covers up Henry with her body.

JJ grabs Izzy and throws her down. Izzy gets up and JJ roundhouse kicked her in the face. Rossi comes in the room and handles Izzy while JJ opens the closet door.

Henry runs out and hugs JJ. She rocks Henry back and forth and starts tearing up in relief. Awhile later, she places Henry down and hugs Kai tightly too. They pull away. JJ pushes some of Kai's hair back.
"JJ, where's Emily? I need to see her." Kai starts to tear up.
"Last time I checked, she was at the bank."

The train station

"Just get everybody out of here. I'm not gonna leave you. Just give me a minute."
"Just about all you got."
"Ok, everything they said and did was about them."
"Romantics. They met in 2008." Emily puts in 2008, but it was wrong.
"Seriously, Emily, Go."
"Ok hold on. Chad. 2-4-2-3." Emily puts in, but it was wrong too.
"Oh damn it! Ok these are valentines for her, so a four letter word. Love, life, soul." Emily shouts.
"Izzy. Her name is Izzy." Will mutters.
Emily puts it and sighs in relief. Suddenly there's another code Emily has to figure out.

Which wire triggers the bomb?

"There's storylines in the details. These wires mean something."
"Like what?"
"The colors of the flag of Chad. Red, yellow, and blue. Only one different from the U.S. flag, yellow."
"What do you think?"
Emily cuts the wire with one second remaining.

Will and Emily both sigh in relief
"How'd you do that?"
"I didn't overthink it."


JJ meets Will in the hospital.
"Ask me again." JJ says.
"Jennifer Jareau, will you marry me?"
"Yeah." JJ mutters before kissing Will.
They start making plans and kissing even more.
Rossi, Henry, and Kai watch them while smiling.


Hotch comes in and asks if everyone is free to go to Rossi's house. Everyone agrees.

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